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10 changes to hit India in 10 years

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10 changes to hit India in 10 years

by vivek of themavericks » Mon Dec 16, 2002 3:46 pm

This is out of my \'in-house\' research and a trimed down version of a report that i made. I thought it would be good enough if i just present it here.<br>India has made more progress from 1991 to date, than that made from independence. Call it the effect of globalisation or whatever, its a good thing that happened. Below is a slighly modified version of the 10 changes to hit India in 10 years.<br>

Change 1 - The middle class comprising of less than 20% of the population would expand and occupy a wooping 46%. Prices of entry level car would be equal to ( relative terms) today\'s Rs45,000.<br> Change 2 - Crashing air travel rates would at this rate get down to less than that a 2 tier AC charges for Hyd- New Delhi and if a concept like Southwest airlines kicksoff, air travel would be a common thing to happen - not an event in life!<br>Change 3 - Petrol prices would remain in today\'s range - There would be not much of a change in prices of petrol. I am stating this despite Reliance, IBP, HP and BP on the process starting a totally competetive marketting intiative. The prices might go up, but so would salaries. Hence, the proportion would be the same.<br>Change 4 - Real estate prices would reach dizzy heights, as India remains one of badly planned nations in terms of water distribution, it would prove extremly costly to build large apartments in suburbs with 24X7 water supply!. For those who manage, they would charge exorbitant rents!<br>Change 5 - Unreliable monsoons have finally made a dent in India\'s GDP, but it has been compensated to a substantial extent by Software exports and development. This would continue and India would be the prefered destination for offshore and also independent developement centers for software companies.So a surge in employement opportunities, added to that outsourcing. So we are looking at atleast 4,00,000 jobs in IT and allied fields alone, every year!.<br> Change 6 - Decrease in population growth rate - The rate of increase of population has gone down as an outcome of families shifting to urban communities and adapting the nuclear family system. High disposable income, lesser mouths to feed would obviously improve life syle.<br> Change 7 - Increase in foreign travel for tourism, it is estmated that if Indians continue to spend the way they do today, the amount of indian soverign currency if made fully covertible would bring down the INR Vs USD rate to what today would be Rs17= 1 Dollar!!. When this happens you don\'t have to send your son to US with a hidden purpose that may be one day u get to see that place!!, you can just fly off with your savings.<br> Change 8 - Increase in divorce rates, this is just a calculated guess, keeping in view the consequences of cross cultural influences. India with one of the world\'s lowest divorce rates of 3% of marriages ( counting multiple divorces)might see a mild increase - Sources <br> Change 9 - The average Indian salaried man would put his hard earned in money in various instruments and increase his net worth, as the awarness of saving schemes apart from PPF would increase. Indians have been regarded as the best \"savers\" in the world according to world bank!, this would just get better.Overall the average iddle class salaried indivudual would be buying atleast one step higher in terms of quality to what he is buying now. Credit card penetration to reach world standards ( As a proportion of earning population) < br> Change 10 - India\'s entry level family car would be Ford Icon - Ford Motor Company <br><b> Change 11 ( Bonus) - Mr Reddy sworn in as the President of United states of Andhraites (erstwhile America). Promises to do justice to Americans</b>. - Download Attitude for Free!

How will it end?
vivek of themavericks
Registered User

10 changes to hit India in 10 years

by Dart » Mon Dec 16, 2002 4:01 pm

I think now the 10\'s are getting into your head rather than coming from it. Remember this is public forum and many reasonable people must be glancing the postings. Read it again yourself as it looks you consider people out there are stupids!! FYI, I have enjoyed reading couple of your earlier 10\'s.

10 changes to hit India in 10 years

by vivek of themavericks » Mon Dec 16, 2002 4:07 pm

No i never assumed the participants of these boards stupid, infact i used to get great sensible responses for my boards. As a matter of fact, its the partcipants who have asked me to get my \" 10s\" going.I still get emails providing me topics to work on. Attimes i might goof-up, its but natural. Anyway, i like your frank reply.! - Download Attitude for Free!

How will it end?
vivek of themavericks
Registered User

10 changes to hit India in 10 years

by RP » Mon Dec 16, 2002 7:46 pm

Dart, you have the choice to not read. It sure must have taken VoTM some time to author this peice. It was a good one. It takes imagination, hardwork and a sense of responsibility to writer a good piece. This sure is one of them.

10 changes to hit India in 10 years

by vivek of themavericks » Tue Dec 17, 2002 12:21 am

Thanks again, infact i don\'t like the cut paste jobs. And i also feel, we should get a little mature in making use ofa discussion board. I notice some of us are making personal remarks in a crude way. Its not a good practice, everyone has a right to think and express, disagreement is what makes a discussion. Anyway, this board is what i inferred with the secondary data that was within my reach. The \" top 10\" is just to add spice. It works sometimes. - Download Attitude for Free!

How will it end?
vivek of themavericks
Registered User

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