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99 problems..but the bitch aint one.

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99 problems..but the bitch aint one.

by Ustaad » Thu Apr 27, 2006 6:35 am

now that you are here..

Test your knowledge!!!

Q. What Is Similarity Between an Audio Cassette And A Girl?

A. You Can Use Them On Either Side.

Q. What Is The Similarity Between Girl And Tea?

A. Both Are Hot, Have Milk And Are Needed While Rising.

Q. What Is The Difference Between Sky And A Skirt?

A. The Sky Covers the Whole Universe And A Skirt Covers the Universal Hole.

Q: What is it that a cow has four of and a woman has only two of?

A: Legs

Q. What Did The Egyptian Boy Say To The Egyptian Girl?

A. Come Behind The Pyramid And I Will Make You A Mummy.

Q. What Did Newton's cock Say To Newton?

A. _ Your Law Of Gravity, I Am Going Up.

Q: What kind of license do lesbians need?

A: A licker license.

Q: Why do you get paid more at the Sperm Bank than at the Blood Bank?

A: Sperm is handmade.

Q: Why do American 18-year-olds take sex education courses?

A: So they can learn what they've been doing wrong for the past five years.

Q: What's the difference between Virginia and West Virginia?

A: In Virginia, Moosehead is a beer. In West Virginia it's a misdemeanor.

Q: Why don't Brits get hemorrhoids?

A: Because they are perfect _.

Q: What can you find in a man's pants that is about six inches long, has a head on it, and that women love so much that they often blow it?

A: A twenty dollar bill

Q: What word starts with f and ends with u-c-k?

A: Firetruck

Q: Name five words that are each four letters long end in u-n-t, one of which is a word for a woman?

A: Bunt, hunt, runt, punt, aunt

Q: What does a dog do that you can step into?

A: Pants

Q: What four letter word begins with f and ends with k, and if you can't get one you can use your hands?

A: Fork

Q: What is hard, six inches long, has two nuts, and can make a girl fat?

A: Almond Joy candy bar

Q: What four-letter word ends in i-t and is found on the bottom of birdcages?

A: Grit

Q: What is it that all men have one of; it's longer on some men than on others; the pope doesn't use his; and a man gives it to his wife after they're married?

A: Last name

Q. What animals do you find in a pair of panties?

A: 1000 hares, 1 pussy, and a fish no one can seem to find.

Q. What do you call a Florida gynecologist?

A: A spreader of old wives' tails...

Q. What is the biggest problem for an atheist?

A: No one to talk to during orgasm.

Q. What is Rodeo Sex?

A: Well, it's where your lady friend is on all fours, you are firmly ensconced from the rear with a breast in each hand, and you say to her, "This is the way your sister likes it too." You have eight seconds to stay in the saddle.

Q. What do Lifesavers do that a man can't?

A: Come in eight flavors.

Q. What was the first obscenity ever heard on TV?

A: "Ward, weren't you a little hard on the Beaver last night?"

Q. Do you know why it's called sex?

A: Because it's easier to spell than Ahhh..oooohh...Ahhhhhh....AIIEEEEEEE!!!"

Q. What do you call a smiling Roman with pubic hair between his teeth?

A: Gladiator! (Glad he ate her)

Q. Do you know what the square root of 69 is?

A: Ate something. (8.xxxxxxx....)

Q. But do you know what 6.9 is?

A: A good thing screwed up by a period.

Q. What do you do in case of fallout?

A: Put it back in and take shorter strokes!
Prose for hos!

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Re: 99 problems..but the bitch aint one.

by Hyderabadi in NZ » Fri Jun 02, 2006 3:18 am

Ustaad wrote: Q. What was the first obscenity ever heard on TV?

A: "Ward, weren't you a little hard on the Beaver last night?"

Q: Earliest gay obscenity on TV ?

A: Cowboy in an old western- "I will blow you away!"
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