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I want my FREEDOM

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I want my FREEDOM

by VJ » Thu May 11, 2006 2:14 pm


Sometimes I wonder what kind of life am I living? No financial freedom (I don't work ofcourse), no decision making freedom in my personal life, a pressure acting on me all the time, someone trying to force me to do something which is against my principles and thoughts, but is helping them in other words. No privacy, someone always spying my activities, which is killing my natural privacy, No freedom to fly whereever I want to, Someone using me as a subject for their purpose, which totally affected my personal life, Bastards! I Lost everything and everyone! No hopes of retaining back to the kind of living I used to and think and act like before. Everyone betrayed my TRUST. I get a feeling as if Iam the lonely human being on this planet. Whats happening with me?

Bastards! Some people totally ruined my personal life. Its the Hyderabadi govt.and the _ university where I studied my MS I believe. I want my FREEDOM. Please leave me aloneeeeeee.......... Someone please tell them to leave me alone, not to spy on me. Its making me very uncomfortable. Come onnnnnn Hyderabadis cheer me up with something special. The details are confidential though. Hope u people understand!

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Re: I want my FREEDOM

by Ustaad » Thu May 11, 2006 8:18 pm

VJ wrote:Someone please tell them to leave me alone, not to spy on me. Its making me very uncomfortable.


Son. You need to go to a Shrink or seek counselling.

Looks like you are having an episode of schizophrenia or something else.

seek help and donot worry , you might not be alone.

see and you'll get a clue.

good luck and leave me alone ,Now. :lol:
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I want my FREEDOM

by VJ » Thu May 11, 2006 11:34 pm

Hey Ustaad! Come on Iam not suffering from any kind of disease. I gave you the facts. It all happened. And the fact that people who have done all these are feeling guilty in one form or the other. But my conscious is not permitting me to get back to them again.

Iam perfectly alright. Iam not sure if everyone has enough freedom to make their own decisions and live the life of their wish.

Its a question of privacy, personal life, and TRUST. Not sure! May be I should talk to someone. Nonetheless people on this thread............

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by Aishwarya » Fri May 12, 2006 12:02 am

Hello VJ. My God, you do have a serious problem there buddy. Ofcourse, you mentioned very clearly not ask you about the details and eveything, but unless we know, we cannot help you out...
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I want my FREEDOM

by VJ/Vijay » Fri May 12, 2006 10:20 am

Hi Aishu! Vijay Again!

Thanx for ur gesture. But I can't reveal the issues which I had experienced. Nothing is gonna happen anyways. Everyone tried and its all over. I feel sorry for myself even my loved ones took me wrong based on someone's comments on me. But one thing I can tell you guys is there was nothing wrong with me as far as my knowledge is concerned. One of the weakness I have is I can't see something going wrong in front of me. In the process of correcting it or opposing it I made more enemies. And I lost everything and everyone due to that. I don't really know if Iam right or wrong. But I do whatever I feel I have to. And that cost me a lot.

Guys! My one point of recommendation to everyone from my experience is "Close your eyes when something is going wrong around you, or just back off, coz when you try to take any action it might follow you for long and long".

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by CtrlAltDel » Fri May 12, 2006 11:46 am

are u "sp" with another id? :?
wtf? i no longer care if my posts hurt yr feelings :roll:
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I want my freedom

by VJ/Vijay » Fri May 12, 2006 11:59 am

I posted a few messages with id Vijay. I guess its on the thread "Life of a Phd". Ash could remember I guess. Just to remind her I put my another Id. Thats it.

@VJ and Vijay is only one guy. VJ will continue for the rest of the discussions.
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by The Jackal » Fri May 12, 2006 12:49 pm

Dude what exactly went wrong?
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Re: I want my FREEDOM

by Ustaad » Fri May 12, 2006 7:23 pm

VJ wrote:Hey Ustaad! Come on Iam not suffering from any kind of disease. I gave you the facts. It all happened. And the fact that people who have done all these are feeling guilty in one form or the other. But my conscious is not permitting me to get back to them again.

Iam perfectly alright. Iam not sure if everyone has enough freedom to make their own decisions and live the life of their wish.

Its a question of privacy, personal life, and TRUST. Not sure! May be I should talk to someone. Nonetheless people on this thread............


denial is the first thing people do. Anyways buddy. ..i would suggest that you talk to someone about how you feel inside. You gotta let it out.

Create a positive atmosphere around you. Find a job elsewhere and move out / change the place/city. or make new freinds.

all we can give is cheap advice.. but, you gotta call the shots since its "your life'.

stand up and be a man. If you thought what you did was right ? stick with it. Donot worry about consequences.

better days are always ahead.

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I want my FREEDOM

by VJ » Fri May 12, 2006 8:16 pm

Yeah right! When Iam right I must stick with it and see how far it takes me. Thanx anyways.

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Re: I want my FREEDOM

by AIshwarya » Sat May 13, 2006 2:12 am

VJ/Vijay wrote:Hi Aishu! Vijay Again!

Thanx for ur gesture. But I can't reveal the issues which I had experienced. Nothing is gonna happen anyways. Everyone tried and its all over. I feel sorry for myself even my loved ones took me wrong based on someone's comments on me. But one thing I can tell you guys is there was nothing wrong with me as far as my knowledge is concerned. One of the weakness I have is I can't see something going wrong in front of me. In the process of correcting it or opposing it I made more enemies. And I lost everything and everyone due to that. I don't really know if Iam right or wrong. But I do whatever I feel I have to. And that cost me a lot.

Guys! My one point of recommendation to everyone from my experience is "Close your eyes when something is going wrong around you, or just back off, coz when you try to take any action it might follow you for long and long".


Hey no problem pal. See, we are all victims of our choices and decisions. But if you want to respect yourself, then respect your decisions too coz you must ve taken them on the basis of your maturity and wisdom you had then. Ofcourse, they could be wrong or right, but you did make a genuine effort to do what is right and thats what counts.

As Twain aptly put it (I love that guy man!), Good judgement comes from experience, experience comes from bad judgement... So that way!

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the solace is in your lap

by trinityshiva » Sat May 13, 2006 7:41 am

dear vijay my friend,

something had smitten your kind heart, it is clearly discernable and what did smite your heart is not my subject of discussion. Shakespeare had said it well "success is a public affair but failure is a secret funeral". This saying is universally applicable and i dont blame you for having denied to discuss your problem with aishwarya the kind girl who sounds astoundingly concerned with your meloncholic strain. i do not know how accurate i am but my analysis makes me to conclude that you are looking for a needle in the hay stack. this world had gone mean to the inexplicable limits and you are trying to search for good people or the good friends in this stinking society which had gone rotten to the insane limits. i have stopped searching for good people on the contrary i started searching for the bad ones and feel exhillerated when i manage to stay put up with them not succumbing to their evil designs. ustaad also is a good gentleman he was worrying about you and is trying to help you cheerup. then what is good or bad vijay? "nothing is good or bad and one's thinking makes it so" said shakespeare and he is true. let us orient our psyche to adjust with the meanest of the society and avoid the role of reforming the entire society to suit our attitude.

whistle away my merry boy

with happy face and hope of joy

if it helps you to be strong

whistle away when things go wrong

these are my favorite lines and whistling helps me and you try and see once. one of these two aishwarya or the ustaad have advised you to change your place of dwelling go elsewhere and try a life anew. i dont dispute with them and regard them with high esteem but even if you run away miles and miles and search for an atmosphere conducive to your thinking i am sad to tell you that you will not find such environment the world wide. on the contrary let me suggest you to reorient your attitude to match the attitude of the society around you.

the solace is in your lap my boy dont go searching for it.

stop this wild goose chase and be contended with the things that you have around you. try to employ yourself not for money you may be economically sound but to keep you occupied for the idle man's brain works like a devils workshop.

to be not to be is the question posed by shakespeare in his hamlet but could one man answer this till now in four hundred years?

some questions remain questions for ever so let us not bother ourselves searching for the replies. if only you could call me over 9885348481 i would ever be so happy.

cheer up and may god bless you.

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I want my FREEDOM

by VJ » Sat May 13, 2006 11:32 am

Trinity Shiva!

Thanx for ur post and ur advice.

Everyone prefers to drink pure water or in otherwise prefers mineral water and not the water which is totally impure.

Likewise, I do not want to change myself according to the meaniest society, instead may be I can change the society according to a meaningful one. I know its gonna be a tough job. Nothing to loose in giving a try. I know the taste of loosing when you try hard. It gives a better feeling when you fight and loose than to loose before you start your fight.

Being a sportsperson really helps! :D

The quality of thougt makes a difference to me. :)

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by trinityshiva » Sat May 13, 2006 9:10 pm

dear vijay,

i did not ask you to drink contaminated water i just asked you to keep away from the contaminated water and avoid breaking your head being the contamination that had been infused. i dont advise you to become a fountain head of purification. i could be of your father's age though i do not know your age and you are my adopted son and i advise you as carefully as i advise my own son who is an officer at HSBC bank. shit is hateful for it emits foul smell but can we do away with shitting on this earth? only thing that we can do is to keep us away from that shit so that we dont get our nostrils dont receive that foul smell. you have called me through the middle of my class so i could not speak to you that is why i have sent you one pm requesting you to accept me on your messenger but it is upto you. i am worried about your state of depression i want you to come out of that dejected throes and enjoy your life consider me as your friend and i think we two can make the repairs and be free from the meloncholic strins we ar being put through by this society.


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I want my FREEDOM

by VJ » Sat May 13, 2006 11:24 pm

Thanx Old Man! (U said u might have been my fathers age). I appreciate your concern regarding my well being. U had ur time today. Its gone anyways. Lets see if we can coincide some other day. Have fun.

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Re: I want my FREEDOM

by Ustaad » Sun May 14, 2006 10:59 pm

this thread is going down. LOL

Admin: can you please take this thread to the 'recycle binville' oops "looney bin".

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Re: I want my FREEDOM

by DRS » Mon May 15, 2006 12:14 am

VJ wrote:Hello!
(I don't work ofcourse)

root cause???

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I want my FREEDOM

by VJ » Mon May 15, 2006 2:44 pm

DRS Wrote

root cause???

Bcoz am still looking for it.

Is everyone having thier freedom, enough privacy/personal life, and people whom you have enough TRUST in them?

How did you get those? Let me know I'll try to cultivate those habits or anything which is good for me.

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I want my FREEDOM

by VJ » Mon May 15, 2006 2:46 pm

oooooops Sorry! I post my message in a Quote.:o

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by Sharjeel » Mon May 15, 2006 5:17 pm

Get a job, be good at it, have a life, and people will start respecting you and start giving you privacy.

It depends upon age too.
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by DRS » Tue May 16, 2006 4:02 am

Sharjeel wrote:Get a job, be good at it, have a life, and people will start respecting you and start giving you privacy.

It depends upon age too.

Yups.. No money, no respect, filth sorrounded life, nothing else. Just looking for a job wont help, U need to work ur a$$ off, well atleast my exp says so :)
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by ustaad » Wed May 17, 2006 8:51 pm

DRS wrote:
Sharjeel wrote:Get a job, be good at it, have a life, and people will start respecting you and start giving you privacy.

It depends upon age too.

Yups.. No money, no respect, filth sorrounded life, nothing else. Just looking for a job wont help, U need to work ur a$$ off, well atleast my exp says so :)

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Re: re

by ustaad » Wed May 17, 2006 8:54 pm

ustaad wrote:
DRS wrote:
Sharjeel wrote:Get a job, be good at it, have a life, and people will start respecting you and start giving you privacy.

It depends upon age too.

Yups.. No money, no respect, filth sorrounded life, nothing else. Just looking for a job wont help, U need to work ur a$$ off, well atleast my exp says so :)

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by Mungalla Rama Krishna » Thu Jul 12, 2007 8:12 pm

God gave you freedom but human beings in this world wont give you that chance
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Re: I want my FREEDOM

by Grow up » Fri Jan 10, 2014 4:28 pm

Grow up kidd...... :D
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