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Oxford University Press publications on Shakespeare works

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Oxford University Press publications on Shakespeare works

by trinityshiva » Thu May 11, 2006 9:42 pm

Why Oxford University Press publications on Shakespeare works should not be banned in India- A Hyderabadi’s loud lament.

Shakespeare had left a great intellectual wealth on this world but unfortunately we have buried his wealth in a grave seventeen feet deep along with his mortal remains in 1616 AD that is almost all some four hundred years back. But has this intellectual wealth had percolated down to our generations of this era or the generations that have gone by? Do we have to keep his intellect presented in a distorted form for some thousand years to come and allow his intellect to stay gruesomely eclipsed and dead? This debate is of international importance for by debating this issue threadbare you are not only saving the Indian children from the intellectual infraction but also the children of some 169 countries where Shakespeare is studied from the nascent stage of school education.

I have done my share of duty. I have translated the works with necessary corrections by way of my comments and shown these funny errors committed by the people in the past four centuries. Every objection that I had made are supported by the dictionary page numbers of Oxford dictionaries or by the paragraph numbers of internationally accepted American Thesaurus of Roget’s published from New York. Thus my objections are irrefutable and cannot be denied by any court of law. The website is a free website and now available under the url http://www.shakespearerevived.com and is available for your honorable readership. You need not be a literature man to understand and enjoy Shakespeare works. Now I gave the meanings of every hard word and gave the summary in very simple English because my work is basically dedicated to the young children of the ICSE education which the children study at ninth and tenth class levels.

The remaining part of my onerous duty for my country is to move the Honorable AP High Court to see at least these publications of the Oxford are banned in my state because for my puny financial stature it is itself a big task and Supreme Court is not within the reach of my pocket. I have issued a legal notice to the Oxford University Press and received two replies from them. The replies are very weak and the legal stand they are taking would not hold any water before any judge of my High Court. I have paid a good amount to a very highly competent lawyer and the process is underway and would be filed soon as the High Court resumes after the vacation after June fifteenth. I am trying to attach my legal notice to the Oxford and their two replies to this text but I do not know whether I would be successful. Even if I don’t succeed some of you may email me and I will send them to your email as attached files.

For an instance Shakespeare uses a word windring and this word had been altered by Roma Gill as wandering stating that it is a mischievous misprint in the folio. But if we see the word properly with a hyphen inserted like wind-ring we can give a correct meaning. Wind ring is a circular wind that is a whirl wind. Here while using this word in the tempest Prospero is calling the spirits. Even to day in movies and TV serials the directors use circular wind to show the appearance of the spirits. Then how can we call Shakespeare or the printers wrong? The oxford stating that it is their view and views change from person to person is preposterous. Will you allow oxford to teach your children 2 plus 2 is five and call it is their view when you logically prove that it is four?

For some centuries the scientists thought and taught that this earth was a flat rectangular piece. Then there came a man who had taken many to sea shore and shown them that the ships gradually appear into our sight. At first only the chimney tip of the ship is seen and gradually the ship comes into our sight in phases. Thus he had proved that the earth is spherical in shape not flat and rectangular and the ship appears so because it is coming over curvature of the horizon. The world had accepted his theory and started thinking on his lines. Why this kind of change and acceptance should be absent in English literature? If every one has his own personal view and the children I teach will write 2 plus 2 as four but Indian schools and Indian universities who are the stooges of the oxford would fail your child for they keep looking for 5 as the answer blindly following the books of oxford. Is it not injustice?

Now let us for an instance consider Mr. Shiva Kumar as an idiot and is speaking through his hat and can we answer the following questions???

[a] website amounts to a published site according to the legal parlance. Then why am I free till now? I should be in the chanchalguda jail? I have held out oxford university stalwarts as jokers in front of this world and already some thousands of logins have been made and people from every corner of this world are laughing at oxford for their humorous publications and oxford can sue me for defamation and get me at least two years jail sentence. What is holding back the oxford university?

[b] some of you may say that they are very kind hearted people and don’t want a poor Indian to go to jail, then they should issue me a legal notice to retrieve the defamatory content from my site forth with failing which they may take legal action against me.

[c] Why beg me through, but in a sterner tone, that I should publish my works and not bother about their works?

Because they know that the mistakes I identified are irrefutable and they are not accepting them only because they are not able to come out of their ego barriers and are not ready to loose the revenue that they get from about 169 of the world countries. But are you ready to accept the rubbish and allow your children to be taught all the rubbish in the name of Shakespeare?

What is your personal or social responsibility as a parent, teacher, professor, researcher, social worker, and a media man, and politician or student leader? Don’t you feel the onus of raising voice against the oxford to make amends? Or should I be resolved that this country is a partial republic and the universities of India are destined to have no sovereignty and would reel under the shackles of bondage for another few millenniums to come? We should agree then that we are liberated politically, socially and economically but still remain the slaves of the British regime of yester era and have accepted to stay denied of the intellectual freedom and allow our universities to continue to be the willing stooges of the colonial aura? I will fight this war alone for I am a retired soldier having served the glorious Indian Air Force and my life has been an uphill task and being such nothing can deter me from my noble mission of launching a headlong battle with the oxford and don’t mind to perish in the process. But is it not mean for you all to stay silent bystanders? I am not asking funds and what I am asking from you is a moral support with a pat on my back stating that we all are with you Shiva go ahead. I have received a communication from the Harvard university impelling me to go ahead unabated but did one Indian university give me a pat of that nature? I am your hyderabadi from my forefather’s era I have been part of this glorious city and don’t you think I would be doing proud by bending the head of 800 years old university in front of Hyderabad? Don’t you think then Hyderabad becomes the unique destination for Shakespearean studies? Don’t you know that a hyderbadi’s book gets prescribed as the only valid and authentic translation of Shakespeare works and be sold in 169 countries and what kind of revenue it brings to Hyderabad?

I pity the parents who join their children in Hyderabad based ICSE schools. These very rich parents and the seraphim of the economical class stay impressed by the landscaping and the lifts and chandeliers and queue up in the portals of these hi-fi schools paying no regards to faculty. I give tuitions to many children of a few high profile schools of ICSE and this school geetanjali school of begumpet whose administrator had been awarded the best administrator of the ICSE schools award is the worst and the most deplorable ICSE school in Hyderabad where the parents bee line begging for the admissions being unaware of the fact that it is the most deplorable school as far as the English department is considered.

Now, my Hyderabad community friends to realize thier share of responsibility before I get disgusted and be purchased by the Harvard. Be frank and e mail your opinions.
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Re: Why Oxford University Press publications on Shakespeare

by Aishwarya » Fri May 12, 2006 12:01 am

WOW! And you are from Hyderabad? A little tangential to that, can you tell me your favourite works of Shakespeare... I am not an English Literature major, but I absolutely love all his sonnets. They have such depth and are very spiritual too. The way he captures the essence of some of the verses from Gita in his sonnets is amazing. I cant quote Shakespeare at the drop of my hat, but wil def post some of my favourite sonnets next time.

The other thing that puzzles me most about Shakespeare is how a son of a shoemaker (may be I have my facts wrong here, may be he was a shoemakes himself) who had a very normal life ( marital life), by normal I mean the usual routine, could come up with something as romantic as Romeo and Juliet. There is a theory thats states that Shakespeare is not a real person. A very great poet used that name as a pseudonym. But if that is the case, wh would anyone not want to take credit for the best works in English Literature!
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by CtrlAltDel » Fri May 12, 2006 11:24 am

i think his kid didnt get admission in Geetanjali school :D
wtf? i no longer care if my posts hurt yr feelings :roll:
Love me or hate me, u cant ignore me :D
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Re: Why Oxford University Press publications on Shakespeare

by Polemics » Thu Nov 16, 2006 2:49 pm

Lo ! You got to learn Gita from Shakespeare !

Here's one of my liking: As You Like It, Act II, Scene VII

Aishwarya wrote:WOW! And you are from Hyderabad? A little tangential to that, can you tell me your favourite works of Shakespeare... I am not an English Literature major, but I absolutely love all his sonnets. They have such depth and are very spiritual too. The way he captures the essence of some of the verses from Gita in his sonnets is amazing. I cant quote Shakespeare at the drop of my hat, but wil def post some of my favourite sonnets next time.

The other thing that puzzles me most about Shakespeare is how a son of a shoemaker (may be I have my facts wrong here, may be he was a shoemakes himself) who had a very normal life ( marital life), by normal I mean the usual routine, could come up with something as romantic as Romeo and Juliet. There is a theory thats states that Shakespeare is not a real person. A very great poet used that name as a pseudonym. But if that is the case, wh would anyone not want to take credit for the best works in English Literature!
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