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by Earthling » Sun Nov 02, 2008 11:37 pm

This is a list that has been compiled over many, many useless lab sessions. No continuity whatsoever. It's just a collection of things i like to do, in a completely random order. Yes, i said 'random order'. I believe in chaos theory. :)

I love to

1. Go kwazeeeeeeeee!!

2. Play Poker.

3. Make weird posters for my room! Come visit, you'll see!

4. Draw, though i know i can't.

5. Watch the worsht teen flicks with my friends and then think about how jobless we are to be
watching teen flicks.

6. Watch good movies.

7. Sit in the lawn, alone, drink tea and watch the sunset.

8. make people laugh, even if it means making a fool of myself.

9. Sit in the rain and drink hot chocolate.

10. Jump on my bed.

11. Make fat jokes. That will continue even if i lose weight.

12.fight with friends over silly difference of opinions and then after a few months laugh abt it till we cry. I don't like the fighting part but i sure do love the part where we make fun of each other for fighting!

13.try programming. I know I'm really bad, but executing even a simple program on my own gives me happiness beyond measure.

14. *wink* :)

15.have a long conversation with a friend after a long time

16.sing, croak, bark, bray, make pressure cooker sound, make weird faces,and anything and everything under the sun that could even slightly indicate that living in a single room is more of a necessity than an option. pacman. best game ever, seriously.

18.type the same thing again and again and again and again and again. Okay, this could go on forever. And by type, i don't mean ctrl+c and ctrl+v.

19.forget about my blog. Again, the forgetting part is not great, but realizing after a long time that i do own a blog where i can type anything i want to,is an amazing feeling. Seriously.

20.drink barrels and barrels of buttermilk and feel so full that i need three people to carry me back to my room!

21.make fun of random people on the road, includes imitation of the way they walk, talk, move their fingers etc.

22. spend time with myself. i know i live alone and all, but i can't seem to get enough of myself.

23.Watch friends. It's sort of an addiction. Hugh Laurie in House M.D. The show as such is good, but he makes it so good. Sometimes, if the mood sets in,it's hard to stop.Really.

26.Try out new things when i go out to eat. The latest was this visit to coffee world, where i had this drink called 'cloud nine'. The description said it'll make me turn blue and then purple, i guess for me it was the other way round!

27.misspell words delibratly. I know it's not funny but who said i have a normal sense of humor? :D

28.Color like mad. I love crayons and i think they are best used when I randomly kirikkify.

29.have intense discussions on any topic with a bunch of friends. It's fun to get to know others' opinions. to my brother from another mother. Miss you bro! :(

31.Listen to music. Dunno if i can live without my music collection. I guess i can, but i don't really want to. anything related to chocolate. Icecreams, cookies, cakes, pastries, ANYTHING.

33.have maggi with kurkure. CB came up with the combo and it's mindblowing!

34. Irritate people. :)

35.Draw tattoos. My friends think I'm good at it :) with someone after a long time. Friend or not, just knowing that there's someone who used to study or play with you, is such a nice feeling.

37.ride my cycle. Yes, I still go cycling. It feels soooo good to go down a slope at maddening speeds!

38. *grin* :)

39.just sit and think about the goooood times :) the stars.

41. hold squirrels. This is something i discovered quite recently. my mom's food. I swear, noone can cook better than her!

43.loosen up my limbs and move them in a completely random fashion. Can't call it dance, but can't call it anything else either!

44.draw on myself.

45.recover from setbacks. That's something that keeps me going.

46.spend time choosing what to buy.

47.go to an amusement park!

48.hang out with TNT (no its not Tri Nitro Toluene).This definitely tops the list. But again, this list is in no specific order.

49.Rest my tired limbs after a good deal of exhaustion.

50.Be happy and content and cheerful and chirpy all the time!

I guess this should have gone into my blog...may be it will!! :mrgreen:
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