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Man or machine?

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Man or machine?

by prakup » Thu Dec 21, 2000 12:30 am

I wannabe a millionaire. I wannabe a hot-shot. I wannabe content with my life. I wannabe the one who is looked up to by one and all. I wannabe…

Man or machine?

by prakup » Thu Dec 21, 2000 12:30 am

I wannabe a millionaire. I wannabe a hot-shot. I wannabe content with my life. I wannabe the one who is looked up to by one and all. I wannabe…
Is no one content with what they are? Is there any end to the number of things we all want to be? Is there a single individual who is happy with his lot in life?
These questions, and the answers that crop up as a result, are important as they relate to us the problems facing the youth. Choices are many, options many more, yet discontentment is rife. Gone are the days when parental pressures were the cause of the dejection of the youth. Today, the youth are their own enemies. Maybe it’s the society that we live in. Behind all the glitz and glamour, behind the sophisticated veneer and the sheen, behind all the affluence and disposable incomes, there’s been a drastic change in the way we have begun to think. We’ve begun to think like the machines that we have become so dependent on. It’s a perform or perish world, and in the process, in the quest for better performance, we have pushed finer sentiments and feelings into the recycle bin. We have all become products in a capitalist economy that seemingly promotes the latent capabilities of an individual, but has only made us mass produced, incapable of free thinking, machines.

Man or machine?

by prakup » Thu Dec 21, 2000 12:30 am

Guess u\'re so ashamed of what you wrote that you didn\'t even leave your name behind! It\'s OK! Every comment is taken in the spirit it deserves to be.

Man or machine?

by Chiranjeevi » Fri Dec 22, 2000 12:30 am

Hey Prakup, hats off to you man. You seem to be a man of strong opinions on an array of subjects. It is a delight reading your posts. I see that many other readers do not share my delight. It is indeed the irony of our times. Our thinking is shallower than ever and the greatest tragedy is that, when someone says something that might force us to think, we just brand them as hotheads and conveniently avoid putting on our thinking caps. That is the reason why people who think contrary to the popular trend are not very popular and that I believe is the reason you are getting so much hate mail from other readers. Keep on the crusade buddy. I am with you ;).

Man or machine?

by prakup » Sat Dec 23, 2000 12:30 am

At last! I finally find that there\'s someone who likes reading my messages! Most of the time I kept wondering if I was merely typing away only to cater to the needs of a digital brain. N E way.
To get back to the topic, what do you think about the life in today\'s fast paced world?

Man or machine?

by » Sun Dec 24, 2000 12:30 am

Hey! I do too! I mean I like to read your thoughts and lines :)

Man or machine?

by Chiranjeevi » Wed Dec 27, 2000 12:30 am

I guess that is what religion was meant to do. But unfortunately we have created infinite number of idols and put them on lofty pedestals and think that they are there to cater to our unending demands. The subtler aspects of religion, like self-control, freedom from desire, universal love have long been forgotten.
No one seems to care what path they are treading to satisfy their material desires as long as they can achieve them. How else can we explain the rampant corruption in all walks of our life.
It is good to be ambitious. But it is more important to ensure that you do not cause a harm to the society in general to achieve your goals. If you do not do that you are a criminal.

Man or machine?

by Prakup » Wed Dec 27, 2000 12:30 am

Religion may be a panacea, even misguided ideology to a certain extent. But my contention is that man has become so mechanical that he has no time for the finer things in life. And that includes religion too. Why! It’s the easiest thing in the world to attribute great things to our religion. But is it relevant at all in the present day world? Like the age old saying goes, men wash their sins off at the altar of god by bribing him with mock devotion. Don’t tell me that mock devotion will never bear fruit. I see it happening every day of my life. In any case, I’m a Calvinist and believe that things like karma and the like have lost relevance in the present day and age. Everyone is out to make the most of every opportunity and the most alert and the watchful of the lot, make the most of every situation. The moot point is, in the quest to be ever watchful and alert, have we lost our individuality? Are all of us seeking the same things? Have we succumbed to the standardization and loss of morality and verve that is the hallmark of a modern existance?

Man or machine?

by Prakup » Wed Dec 27, 2000 12:30 am

Religion may be a panacea, even misguided ideology to a certain extent. But my contention is that man has become so mechanical that he has no time for the finer things in life. And that includes religion too. Why! It’s the easiest thing in the world to attribute great things to our religion. But is it relevant at all in the present day world? Like the age old saying goes, men wash their sins off at the altar of god by bribing him with mock devotion. Don’t tell me that mock devotion will never bear fruit. I see it happening every day of my life. In any case, I’m a Calvinist and believe that things like karma and the like have lost relevance in the present day and age. Everyone is out to make the most of every opportunity and the most alert and the watchful of the lot, make the most of every situation. The moot point is, in the quest to be ever watchful and alert, have we lost our individuality? Are all of us seeking the same things? Have we succumbed to the standardization and loss of morality and verve that is the hallmark of a modern existance?

Man or machine?

by Prakup » Fri Dec 29, 2000 12:30 am

Hey! Thanks! I really wish you\'d say a little more though. Give me an opportunity to know you better. Besides, It\'s lousy to keep reading your own lines! Nothinh new about what I wrote for me! :-)

by rock_26iin » Sat Jun 12, 2004 6:12 pm

These two really wanna b something

Or wanted to b something!![past tense]

Check out the date of the 1st post!!!

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by Stingrae » Sat Jun 12, 2004 7:02 pm

rock_26iin wrote:These two really wanna b something

Or wanted to b something!![past tense]

Check out the date of the 1st post!!!


u really wanna "b" a Star Hyderabadi....
I know I'm in there somewhere, and if I don't come out with my hands up, I'm going to go in there and get me!
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by rock_26iin » Sat Jun 12, 2004 7:14 pm

Stingrae wrote:
rock_26iin wrote:These two really wanna b something

Or wanted to b something!![past tense]

Check out the date of the 1st post!!!


u really wanna "b" a Star Hyderabadi....

who doesn't??
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by Stingrae » Sat Jun 12, 2004 7:24 pm

Not ME!! :mrgreen:

can't beat silly doofus logic.....
I know I'm in there somewhere, and if I don't come out with my hands up, I'm going to go in there and get me!
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by rock_26iin » Sat Jun 12, 2004 7:25 pm

Stingrae wrote:Not ME!! :mrgreen:

can't beat silly doofus logic.....

u can beat silly doofus logic
Things are supposed to happen the way they happen. And the reason they happen the way the happen is because you try to make them happen in a certain way and may or may not be succesful.
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by Stingrae » Sun Jun 13, 2004 8:42 pm

rock_26iin wrote:
Stingrae wrote:Not ME!! :mrgreen:

can't beat silly doofus logic.....

u can beat silly doofus logic

so who is silly doofus logic?

n wen do we beat him/her up?

sounds interestin...
I know I'm in there somewhere, and if I don't come out with my hands up, I'm going to go in there and get me!
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by rock_26iin » Sun Jun 13, 2004 8:43 pm

u can beat silly doofus logic with sillier doofuser logic or no logic at all.

Go figure :twisted: :arrow:
Things are supposed to happen the way they happen. And the reason they happen the way the happen is because you try to make them happen in a certain way and may or may not be succesful.
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