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Mother's Life

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Mother's Life

by HH » Mon Apr 12, 2010 11:14 am

Mother's Life
* Brother
I was still at home when the call came at about 9.30 pm. The doctors at Apollo tried for about 2 hours to save mother by giving her oxygen, giving injections and using a ventiltor for assisted breathing. Apparently she could not be revived. Basically it was a case of gradual deterioration of all organs due to aging. On the whole it was a peaceful end in the sense that mother did not have prolonged suffering, prolonged state of coma or lengthy hospitalisation. She did not have to undergo daily insulin injection. Although she was very drowsy and listless for the past two weeks, she never showed any expression of pain.

A couple of hours later an ambulance service brought mother home in a "freezer box". The body is kept cool overnight ...

# Brother
Re: "The guiding spirit in our lives, her permanent blessings and protection are no more."

I am not so sure. When I saw her extremely peaceful face this morning, I felt that the extraordinary sacrifices she made to raise us all, putting family needs always ahead of her own personal comfort and happiness, and all that unconditional love that she poured on us for 86 years, have totally and permanently transformed our lives for the better. In a sense she has and will continue to guide our lives, bestowed her permanent blessings on us and nurtured in us the character that will continue to protect us all for as long as we live.

Every morning we should wake up and feel blessed ...

% Nephew
Whether it is instilling in all of us a strong moral code on one end of the spectrum, or the love for Amitabh Bachchan movies on the other end of the spectrum, all that she has done is embedded deep in our DNA. She continues and will continue to live in all of us.

Happiness Shared Multiplies;
Grief Shared Divides.
& Myself

Those who have come in contact with her, even for a short while, they remember her.
A colleague of mine cherishes: "I recollect meeting your mother during your house gruhapravesam function. I was impressed when your mother spoke to me enthusiastically as if talking to an old aquaintance. I could notice the warm reception accorded by your mother plus your mother's knowledge of worldly affairs, in a time duration that was too brief though."

One Lived,
One Loved,
One Cherished,
Life Remembered.

My Mother left for her Eternal Abode around 9 PM on 9 April in the ICU of Apollo Emergency Hospital, Hyderguda. Even as the doctors were trying to keep her heart beating, the ICU Doctors, too, gave up. Hers was a Noble Soul, ever helpful to others and ever cheered and cared for by them.
She was 85 going on 86.
She supported my Father, during his Two Year Research for PhD, Mid-Career.
She is survived by Six Sons.
Hers was a Noble Life, memorable for her concern and care for her "Family", including all Indian families, wherever my Father lived and served with distinction. She would host, with the limited equipment available, Feasts for 500 people, even in Africa.
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Re: Mother's Life

by Thanks » Thu Apr 15, 2010 2:29 pm

Thanks for sharing...helps us all appreciate our own mothers more and make the best as long as she is around.
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Re: Mother's Life

by HH » Thu Apr 15, 2010 4:53 pm

Thank You, "Thanks",
For Liking My Post
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Re: Mother's Life

by HH » Wed Apr 21, 2010 5:27 pm

Mother's Rites concluded Today.
The Rites made Us to detach ourselves and helped to lessen the Grief on the Loss of Our Mother.
Yesterday, all Our People Gathered for the Twelfth Day. They commiserated with Us. With their Remembrances of Our Noble Mother Cheered and Strengthened Us.
She lives on, in our Memory.
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