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Just a thought

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Just a thought

by Introspective girl » Sun Aug 18, 2002 9:18 pm

If you indulge in witty repartee with the opposite gender, does that tantamount to flirting?
Introspective girl

Just a thought

by kiran » Mon Aug 19, 2002 12:58 pm

adi questionaah leka talent exhibitionaa.....koddigaa ardamayyedattu maataadaali....

Just a thought

by The Crackednut » Mon Aug 19, 2002 1:36 pm

Heee...heee...**chuckle**. that was a fast one, kiran! introspective girl, i don\'t think ur wrong. having a witty converstaion with loud giggles and expressive body language (in terms of hand-movement, facial expression etc) doesn\'t exactly end up as flirting! but then again it depends on what exactly u mean by flirting. if ur talking to a classmate on a busy road and a good-for-nothing aunty hungry for gossip sees u, then she\'s gonna go around yapping that ur a girl with no moral values and one who \"flirts\" around with boys openly. Personally, i wouldn\'t call that flirting. It would just be a friendly banter between 2 ppl.
The Crackednut

Just a thought

by Introspective girl » Tue Aug 20, 2002 9:21 pm

Hey CNut,a witty conversation (with the opposite gender)need not necessarily be accompanied by loud giggles and expressive body language....In fact if it is accompanied with the same, then the chances of it being interpreted as \"flirting\" are more....
Introspective girl

Just a thought

by Vamsee » Wed Aug 21, 2002 8:53 am

Hi Introspective girl,

Just one thought - \"Why should you care?\". When you know that what you\'re doing is not flirting, go ahead. Just don\'t confuse witticism and flirting. They\'re way off.

Just a thought

by Srinu » Wed Aug 21, 2002 3:51 pm

hmm i would say it all depends on what the \"witty repartee\" is all abt... dont you think so?? and i wouldnt know unless i know what its like, first hand... so flirt away ... er.. wit away introspective girlie... :)

Just a thought

by who else can talk these » Thu Aug 29, 2002 1:11 pm

a small witty conversation between a gal and \"austin powers\"

Babe: \"Do I Make you feel sleepy\"??
Powers: \"well babe, you make me feel a lot of things , but sleep is not one among them\"....uh huh....

was this witty enuff.....
who else can talk these

Just a thought

by vivek of themavericks... remember!! » Thu Aug 29, 2002 2:27 pm

Firstly \"Hi\".I have never participated in these kind of topics.I guess your doubt can be answered by plain logic based on observations.Look at the basic aspects of difference between animals and humans.Its the way they interact with other members of the same species in order to evolve..seems to deep?.Well,animals inorder to interact try all sorts of stunts to attract members of the same and the opposite gender.They make sounds,change colours and also depict their interest in mannerisms.Incase of the opposite gender ,Most of the animals go a bit far by going close to the counterpart and have some sort of physical contact.All these to mate.BUT,in humans as we know we are evolved we have lots of things in our minds to be taken care of.One such thing is the need to interact with the opposite gender.Lets face it that the dynamisms to interact are different then that of the same sex.So there is a fair amount of change in behaviour in the interaction with the opp. sex.I think we all knew all these....now what would be difference between flirting and just interacting.??Assuming you really a girl.. watch the following signs if a guy is trying to flirt with you.(1) He stands and takes both his hands back and forth and makes clapping sounds.!!(2)He looks at you in a way that he wants to know more about you.. and this he does by asking silly questions..like \" whos you fav singer..\" bhaa you\'ll say (3)he always makes sure his shirt looks good (4)He says good things about love,crush,infatuation and works towards making you belive that he belives in true love.(5)If he is a duffer... he will unknowingly show it!!(6) If that guy is close to you..then he will touch you for the silliest reasons for ex .. if someone cracks a joke..then on the process of his laughter he would pat on you shoulder!!

I guess this is what i obsevered and if none of these is observed,then perhaps he is just being friendly.
I am working on the 10 best ways Hyderabad guys try to flirt with girls here..watchout for that!
vivek of themavericks... remember!!

Just a thought

by zero » Fri Aug 30, 2002 10:56 pm

Eveybody flirts in some or the other way.Rapartee is a loveliest part of our day to day life.Do it as much you can.It all depends on other what they want to think about it.If they label it as flirting..it is just their problem.You keep enjoying it.Have fun have witty raprtee....

Just a thought

by Introspective girl » Sat Aug 31, 2002 8:22 am

Whoa! Presuming, they apply to the male gender as a whole, will keep those points in mind.
Introspective girl

Just a thought

by Introspective girl » Sat Aug 31, 2002 8:31 am

Thats what I\'m trying to say, if I\'m just having some clean, healthy fun by doing so and the other party (read the opposite gender) labels it \"flirting\" then the essence of witticism is lost. Who wants to be labelled a \" flirt\" when thats not what\'s on your mind?
Introspective girl

Just a thought

by Introspective girl » Sat Aug 31, 2002 8:41 am

Yeah, maybe you are right. But isn\'t witticism an essential ingredient of flirting?
Introspective girl

Just a thought

by Srinu » Sat Aug 31, 2002 11:25 am

hmmm whats the problem being labelled a flirt? as long as it doesnt piss someone off, some harmless flirting wouldnt be a bad idea. i am a flirt and all my friends know it and i still enjoy a very comfortable friendship with my friends of the opposite sex.

Just a thought

by Introspective girl » Sat Aug 31, 2002 11:38 pm

I know this borders on moralism. Nobody raises an eyebrow when a guy flirts but when roles are reversed its a different thing. Let me clarify, I\'m no miss-goody-two-shoes but I just have certain conventional ways of thinking.
Introspective girl

Just a thought

by badcash » Wed Sep 04, 2002 3:38 pm

guess it depends on how you set the mood for the witty reparte. flirting isn\'t confined to conversations. my typing such a reply is nothing but online flirting.

Just a thought

by badcash » Wed Sep 04, 2002 9:32 pm

why is someone who is supposed to be introspective scrutinising something as mundane as flirting????

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