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Arranged Marriages

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Arranged Marriages

by Boilermaker » Sat Jan 11, 2003 12:50 am

What do folks think about them? In this world of constant change, we still hold steady onto some of these traditions. To pretty much everyone outside the cultural sphere of influence, the concept is as alien and unimaginable as the Lochness. Are they (and we in relation) arechaic and passe, or are we just inherently scared of such a drastic change in social behavior?

I have a feeling we are! I can\'t speak for everybody and certainly can\'t generalize, but most of us are fearful of the ever-watchful eye of society. It\'s too much of a social stigma to sway away from traditional practices that have historically shaped our lives. Our parents did it, our grand-parents did it, and I don\'t have to mention their ancestors. Now that the whole lineage is a product of a certain arrangement, why should I be the one to upset the formation?

Maybe, some of us have and will walk aside from the fears and make such important decisions that are vital to building individuality and self-esteem that dictate personal progress. This in no way to discredit parents or family from their decision making capabilities, but to help build personal capacity to make a decision that will probably stay with you longer than they will. So, now that I stirred up the pot, what do people think?

Arranged Marriages

by take care » Sat Jan 11, 2003 6:50 pm

arranged marriages are totally unacceptable. can u imagine a lady lying with a unknown guy not even properly spoken???
take care
Registered User

Arranged Marriages

by vivek of themavericks » Mon Jan 13, 2003 1:24 am

That works better than the ones who have been lying all day long prior to marriage and when they really have to lie, they get bored cause the have seen it all.
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How will it end?
vivek of themavericks
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Arranged Marriages

by vivek of themavericks » Mon Jan 13, 2003 1:24 am

Pun intended please!
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How will it end?
vivek of themavericks
Registered User

Arranged Marriages

by take care » Mon Jan 13, 2003 5:00 pm

thank u vivek u have opened my eyes.
take care
Registered User

Arranged Marriages

by anita » Thu Jan 16, 2003 1:09 am

Arranged marriages are intended to provide some security, mostly to the girls.Elders from both sides will interfere and try to solve the problems.Elders guarentee that the groom/bride comes from a good family background,good academics, good job and his family members are known to be good by someone or other in the community.Caste, religion is given due consideration to see that there will not be adjustment problems in those areas after marriage takes place.These days everybody started finding their own life partner putting the parents out of the picture and thereby getting ready to take the risks and bear the consequences also.
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Arranged Marriages

by Burp » Fri Jan 17, 2003 1:52 am

Arranged marriages - good for guys coz they don\'t have to spend money on dating.
Registered User

Arranged Marriages

by Take care » Fri Jan 17, 2003 9:46 pm

vivek u have opened my eyes to see more only.
Take care
Registered User

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