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Modifications to the bulletin boards

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Modifications to the bulletin boards

by The fullhyd.com moderater » Sat Jul 06, 2002 5:07 pm

It gives us pleasure to present improvements to the fullhyd.com bulletin boards! The ideas have all come from the users themselves. This is just the beginning, and we aim to incorporate just every suggestion made to us on these boards.<br><br>

While you\'ll need to login to post messages, it\'s only the name that you give when posting your message that\'ll appear under your message - and not your actual name that you\'ll have given when you registered (except when both are the same). For example, if when signing up with fullhyd.com you gave your name as Rajasekhar Varma, but when posting a message you gave your name as the_king, then it is the_king that will appear as your name, and not Rajasekhar Varma.<br><br>So you can post using whichever name you choose. The login is just to keep spammers away, and to help us know when someone is posting using someone else\'s name. We NEVER ever reveal our users\' details to anyone, and no details of yours except that name you gave when posting the message will appear on the board.<br><br>Please tell us of any further improvements you can think of. Thanks!
The fullhyd.com moderater

Modifications to the bulletin boards

by Bhaimiya » Sat Jul 06, 2002 5:26 pm

Good work keeps it up.

Modifications to the bulletin boards

by khajabi » Sun Jul 07, 2002 7:29 pm

This way, you need to keep strict vigilence on the board so no more vulger messages are posted, as there is a possibility that a person who is already registered could post anything by changing the name & only YOU can trace him. Hope, the public also behave (sincerely).

Modifications to the bulletin boards

by Admirer » Mon Jul 08, 2002 3:03 am

Thankyou for providing us this opportunity to suugest modifications to the bulletin boards which are becoming popular day after day. In fact these boards have become so interesting that one jumps up straight on to a board of his liking,before browsing through your wonderful site full of current events and happenings arround our city etc etc. Congratulations for all the efforts put in by the team. Keep it up.

Modifications to the bulletin boards

by hardc0der » Mon Jul 08, 2002 3:52 am

While fullhyd.com is getting better regarding spamming, the site has become slower. Earlier it used to be faster, but since the last few weeks, its very slow, and sometimes drags a lot. You probably need to check your \'display\' script to make the pages load faster. Anyway this is the best site for Hyderabadis, so keep up the good work.

Modifications to the bulletin boards

by Kulcha Hyderabadi » Mon Jul 08, 2002 11:30 am

A big \"Thank You\" - You guyz are doing a swell job. Keep up the good work! - Speed is the problem as mentioned by Hardcoder and it takes time to load.. but I dont mind \'cos thats what I have in plenty - time!
Kulcha Hyderabadi

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