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Racism & Nepotism Australia

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Racism & Nepotism Australia

by Manohar » Fri May 04, 2007 4:12 pm

Racism And Nepotism Australia

I want to make it very Very Clear that I am not discouraging any individual. It's my opinion and I have found this to be true, with many of my colleagues agreeing to it.

Friends, it's very sad but true - you have to face the fact no matter how smart you are, how intelligent you are, how good you can speak English minus accent and slang, and how normal a human being you are, your skin and language and background will make a difference in Australia.

Please take a minute to read this and be prepared for the rough journey where you will have to overcome so many obstacles & issues, that you start to ask yourself if you made a right decision moving to Australia.

Well, this place is not for weakhearted - you need to be exceptionally good and have the nerve and courage to overcome all those objections and discriminations. In the news and from friends you hear so many things - that a student going home after finishing his university late night was robbed and bashed, or that a hardworking individual who was going to work or coming back from work was bashed so badly that he had to be hospitalised. You may wonder why this.

But the fact is that here nobody cares - we are here to make a career, but I guess several Australian-born youth have gone beyond and out of control. They don’t realise they are born in such a beautiful country with excellent resources and opportunities. They instead become vandals or vagabonds or serial drug-users, and they are in real need of help, and this fury turns back on us.

So many times you get to hear in the news that teenagers between 15 to 19 were involved in robbery, stealing cars and bashing people and bullying. I know this happens everywhere - come on, this is the planet earth - but friends, the law in Australia is very weak, without much power. I pity the police here.

Just recently some of my friends were waiting for a tram, and three teenagers started yelling and shouting at them sitting in a car. Yelling bad words and using very filthy language. And one of my friends asked them what’s your problem, did we say anything to you? And all of a sudden a guy jumped out of the car with a sword to attack him. Can you believe this? Luckily there was this another old gentleman who came in and intervened and the whole situation was under control, otherwise on that day my friend either would have been dead or hospitalised.

This is very common situation here - the fact is they don’t work and they can’t see us growing, and that’s the real problem. And when you apply for jobs, I bet you would be one in a million if you get a job in the first application or interview. You have to apply apply and apply, and it will be 300 to 400 applications cause you are from the alien world and you are different and you are not up to their standard. The bottom line is that you are not suitable since you are an immigrant and you don’t deserve the chance.

Well, I guess it's my feeling or frustration - I can’t see people coming to this beautiful country and then getting abused in every way.

Take it easy... life has to go on.
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by krishna » Fri May 11, 2007 5:58 pm


dude dont you know that australia was criminal dumping place for britishers..

more than a lakh criminals were dumped in to austrailia in 1800's

u c,history teaches almost most of the things..
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by !!!!!!!!!! » Fri May 11, 2007 6:54 pm

Like the caste based discrimination in India :D :lol:
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Recent attacks on Indian Students

by Manohar » Sun Jul 29, 2007 8:09 am

Its very Disturbing and Distressing to know about the recent attacks on Indian students in Australia, for Instance in Adelaide five Indian students were set upon and were cornered and bashed and robbed when they called 000 which is Emergency Number As 911 in U.S the Police took more than 40 Minutes to respond and that too they are located next street and In a second instance two students after finishing their University they were retuning home late up to 25 youth aged around 16 to 19 cornered them abused them with knife and beat them and robbed their valuable such as Wallet and Mobile Phone and in another incident a Indian student waiting for train on his way to university was approached by five men they asked him if he was an Indian and as he replied the Obvious he was bashed ruthlessly its shocking that what kind of parents these kids might have, No responsibility wandering on the streets as wolves making trouble what kind of parent they would be to leave their kids on Drugs and alcohol and Abuse what is the law doing, who is responsible, its so sad a Indian who Dreams and comes to Australia thinking this would change his life in a better way, gives him status A Job and respect back home His life will be ruined and it will take long time to recover out of this, its very common here you read and you hear things you don’t want to it is sad but it is true so friends, I hope we don’t hear these kind of News but as I said who is responsible the parents here or the Kids, Make your own Decision.
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by Australia, Melbourne » Fri Sep 28, 2007 9:04 am

Collins Street carnage, Well Guys it will never End just last month on Collin’s street one of the popular Streets of Melbourne their were a number of Brutal attacks on Indian students, A Couple of reports made on this But surprisingly as we know a country where a Dog is lost or a kitten is missing makes News but people i.e. Human Beings that too from India and Asia have no importance, the Cops when called made the Students stand in the Freezing temperature Bleeding not even providing any help or Sympathy rather Busy filling their report so that they are doing their job they could have at least made the pitiable students sit in the car in this Instance 5 Youths who would come in a Car I Believe they are on Drugs and they actually can’t chase if you are a good runner Because they are High on Drugs and what they would do is if you are walking on the Pavement they would just Drive by next to you and stop the car and get out and start the Massacre with Baseball bats and Sticks this happened at least three times, And guess what? This can happen again cause here you are a Bloody Indian according to them and their will be no action, this will never change I just want to know if this country has any moral Values or Obligations, Well if they think Indian students can Bring prosperity coming to Australia, Why not provide a Secure place, Australia Earns 5 Billion Dollars a Year in Education Industry from Overseas students. If you Personally ask me I would say the way India is developing it will be wise that stick here and prove your self rather than thinking that Out of India you can Prove yourself.
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Re: India

by hau » Fri Sep 28, 2007 10:33 pm

!!!!!!!!!! wrote:Like the caste based discrimination in India :D :lol:

There is discrimination based on language. Some South Indian language speaking folks may not like some North Indian language speaking people.

Discrimination based on state. Some Tamils may not like some folks from other states. Marathi speaking folks blowing their own pipes.

Discrimination based on religion. Islamists carrying out their convert or be killed agenda and branding Shiites and others as infidels.

Discrimination based on skin color. Some fair skinned folks not treating some darker skinned folks well. People discriminating against folks of African origin in mosques during namaz etc.

Nepotism: Reddys, Kammas etc. favoring their own caste in social and employment situations and dislikingother castes.
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Indian fans target of racist taunts at Melbourne match

by Manohar » Sat Dec 29, 2007 8:54 am

Excerpts from Deccan Chronicle

Melbourne, Dec. 28: Cricket Australia had promised to keep racism out of the series against India and had drawn up a stiff list of punitive punishments in its “zero-tolerance policy”, but local fans nevertheless taunted Indian supporters at the Melbourne Cricket Ground here on Thursday. According to the Herald Sun, whose reporter was in the infamous former “Bay 13” area, no action was taken against those involved despite the presence of security staff and the police. This correspondent, who was also close to the area in question, did see ground security personnel chasing down beach balls and inflated condoms at around that time.

The Herald Sun said Australian supporters had shouted “Show us your visas, show us your visas” at Indians sitting nearby, and it quoted onlookers as saying that the chants were “offensive, ugly and racist.” It quoted Australian fans as saying that those responsible should have been thrown out of the ground. “That is racist,” a local fan, Heath Robbins, told the newspaper.

The reporter was interviewing Robbins in the old Bay 13 area when the chant went up. Up to that point, the banter had been friendly. This correspondent witnessed a number of lively exchanges, but the exact details of the chants were not clear to the ear. Reacting to the report in the newspaper, Cricket Australia’s Matthew Slade said on Friday that the matter had been resolved in amicable fashion. Security people had “checked out the area as soon as they heard such reports, but no complaints were filed and those present said it was mostly friendly banter,” he said.

“People at the spot said the issue had been taken care of and we have left it at that, though we reaffirm our commitment to the zero-tolerance policy on racism at all our grounds and events,” he added. The Herald Sun report said that “more than 100 Indian supporters sat stony-faced and silent during the chants.” A local police official was quoted as saying that a senior sergeant was sent to the area to investigate. “The Indian fans interviewed said they were not offended by the chant, so there was no need for anyone to be ejected,” he said.
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Racism & Racist taunts at Melbourne match

by Machomodelhunk » Sat Dec 29, 2007 9:02 am

Its in there Blood Aussie's, They Were They Are & They Will Be

Bloody Racist,

For More on this Click the URL Below and find out what Australia is all About?

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Re: Racism & Nepotism Australia

by Manohar » Tue Apr 29, 2008 4:17 pm

Indian Student Taxi Driver Stabbed In Melbourne
A 23-year-old Indian student, who was also working as a taxi driver, was found on Tuesday stabbed outside a hotel in the Clifton Hill suburb of Melbourne, the police said.

"He is an Indian student but we won't be releasing his name because none of his family is in Australia. He is now in a stable condition at the Royal Melbourne Hospital," a Victoria Police spokesperson told IANS.

The Indian student driver was found in a critical condition just before 6 am on Tuesday, covered in blood with multiple stab wounds to the upper body. He was lying out in the freezing cold, about 500 metres from the taxi which had been smashed into a power pole.

Detective Senior Constable Brendan Smith told reporters that the police had found the abandoned crashed taxi at about 3 am but could not immediately find the driver.

"We'd say that he's received stab wounds... and we're receiving regular updates from the hospital as to his condition. We're still unclear as to what's happened in the taxi, but for a man to receive stab wounds and end up in a critical condition in hospital is obviously a very vicious attack and if completely unprovoked is very, very concerning," Smith said.

The police believe he may have been attacked by a passenger. They are appealing for witnesses to come forward with any information and are examining the CCTV cameras in the area for clues to the attack. A backpack was found on the footpath nearby.Think Twice Before Coming to Melbourne this is a Rogue Nation and Racist Country, your Dreams will be Shattered.
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Re: Racism & Nepotism Australia

by Sampath » Sun May 11, 2008 7:42 am

Just Last week on 5/05/2008 in Melbourne a Student of Indian Origin was Badly Beaten at Pascoe Vale Station Returning from University the Gang of 4 Teenagers followed him as he came out of the Railway station and started abusing him, He was robbed and then Beaten the poor Student was pleading not to Beat & Hurt him and just take what they want but the Cruel Bastards didn't gave a damn, its really bad that students who come from India are Treated as Cash Cows by the Agents in India and Universities here and the Australian Government do you think they care,All they want is Money and Their Economy Indian students have Contributed to 11 Billion Dollars Boost to Australian Economy Last year coming here for studies and there is no hope or support for Students, The great Indian Consulate and Embassy goes to Great lengths Addressing Issues But why can't they put this at a National level and why those Mother F... are let loose without getting charged and continue the Bloody attacks on Indians, Its very Evident how Racist this country is and I request you all Innocent students who get Lured by the Agents in India this is not a Destination you want to be, I Believe India is Growing and its Better to be in our Country and Live like a King rather being treated as a second class citizen.
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Re: Racism & Nepotism Australia

by Sridhar » Wed Jan 21, 2009 1:12 pm

Recently many attacks took place on Indian Students, The recent was at a Grocery store in Sunshine, where a student was bashed so badly that he was in come and the cops came almost after half an hour when the police station was just around the corner and Once again the law here is hopeless and they have no power I can put in this way that you Being an Indian you don't belong here and so they don't give a shit about it and Here Guess what if a lost dog is found its a National news what a Country good on you Australia.
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Re: Racism & Nepotism Australia

by Sandeep » Mon May 11, 2009 6:21 pm

Indian student beaten up and robbed in Australia,500 Cases registered of Assault and Bashings and Abuse, Don't know How Many Cases Not Reported, What the is Indian Embassy or the Government is Doing.

Melbourne, May 11: An Indian student was beaten up and robbed by a group of teenagers in a moving train here, media report said on Monday.

Sourabh Sharma, 21, who came to Australia a year ago to study hospitality, was brutally bashed when six thugs confronted him in the train.

"They asked me for cigarettes. I said I had none, then they said, 'Why the f--- did you come here?' then they were saying 'Kiss my foot' and started kicking me and punching me," he was quoted as saying in the report.

"I was crying out for help but nobody would help me. They punched me in the teeth and kept kicking me. I said take my watch, take my wallet, but there were five or six of them and they kept just beating me," Sourabh said.

He said the gang, all aged about 16, then jumped off at a western suburb station.

Sharma was left bleeding with fractured cheek bone and shattered teeth. He was taken to a hospital.

The attack follows a growing number of assaults on Indian students, particularly in the western suburbs
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Re: Racism & Nepotism Australia

by Ashok » Tue May 26, 2009 6:57 pm

Once Again Four students from Andhra Pradesh were injured after they were allegedly assaulted in their homes by a couple of teenagers, in the latest attack against Indians studying in Australia.

The culprits were reportedly arrested while the victims, one in serious condition, were admitted in hospital, Federation of Indian Students Association founder Gautum Gupta said, adding one of the attackers has been charged with attempt to murder.

A Victoria police spokesperson said, “The incident involved offenders gate-crashing a party and the victims happened to be Indian.”

According Gupta, the attack was racially motivated and could have serious repercussions on the $3.5 million Australian education industry.

Gupta said all the students hailed from Andhra Pradesh.

However, their names are yet to be known.

Gupta said he would now demand from the Victorian government to seriously look into the matter in which Indian students are being targeted.

“Earlier such attacks were more subtle but now we are seeing they are being done more
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Re: Racism & Nepotism Australia

by Ashok » Tue May 26, 2009 6:58 pm

Disgusting, Bloody Racist
Last edited by Manohar24 on Tue May 26, 2009 7:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Racism & Nepotism Australia

by Manohar » Tue May 26, 2009 6:58 pm

What is Indian Government Doing or the Consulate Here Doing Once Again Four students from Andhra Pradesh were injured after they were allegedly assaulted in their homes by a couple of teenagers, in the latest attack against Indians studying in Australia.

The culprits were reportedly arrested while the victims, one in serious condition, were admitted in hospital, Federation of Indian Students Association founder Gautum Gupta said, adding one of the attackers has been charged with attempt to murder.

A Victoria police spokesperson said, “The incident involved offenders gate-crashing a party and the victims happened to be Indian.”

The Government of Australia should take some action as our leaders and Ministers are least worried about the state of our gullible students who are vulnerable and easy targets
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Re: Racism & Nepotism Australia

by Sunil » Thu May 28, 2009 3:43 pm

Excerpts from Deccan Chronicle May 27: Shravan Kumar, a student from Andhra Pradesh who was bashed up by two Australian youths two days ago, is in a critical condition at the Royal Melbourne Hospital. The Chief Minister, Dr Y.S. Rajasekhar Reddy, who is in Israel, condemned the attack and requested the Australian government to provide better medical facilities to the victim.

Doctors at the Melbourne hospital said that Shravan Kumar’s medulla oblongata (lower part of the brain) was damaged in the beating. There was excessive bleeding which was brought under control, they said. Shravan Kumar, who is pursuing his diploma in automobile engineering from the Cambridge International College at Melbourne, hails from Mucharal village in Khammam District.

His uncle, Dr Srinivasa Rao, said his father, Mr Chidambara Rao, a farmer, are planning to leave for Melbourne soon. “We will meet finance minister and other senior officials on Thursday and seek help from the government,” said Dr Srinivasa Rao. Shravan was one of the four students from India who were assaulted by a group of teenagers two days ago. The assailants were drunk and attacked the students with a screwdriver.

“Doctors are still unsure if he will survive and if he does, he may lose his vision or memory,” said his friend, Srinivas Gandhi. He added that violent attacks on Indian students had been increasing in the last few years in Australia.
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Re: Racism & Nepotism Australia

by Ramakrishna » Sun May 31, 2009 8:15 am

An Indian community leader has claimed that over 20 incidents of "curry bashing" have taken place in Sydney in the past 30 days, and said there is an urgent need to address the issue as most students are reluctant to lodge any complaint out of fear.

Yadu Singh, the head of a committee that has been formed to address concerns about the welfare of Indian students in Australia, also revealed that more than 100 attacks on Indian youths were feared to have taken place in the last 12 months.

Singh, a Sydney-based cardiologist, said the attacks had grown over the last four years and there was an urgent need to address the issue. "There is a term 'curry bashing' for such incidents... and it is used as 'lets go curry bashing'."

"They (the attacks) are not random at all, the people are targeting them. They know these students are easy targets," Singh said.

Indian students often become victims because they travel home late at night, alone, after working to support their studies, he pointed out, adding that they were also not reporting the incidents to police.

Many students were afraid that lodging any sort of formal police report would harm their chances of permanent residency.

"So they will suffer the humiliation and the insult ... and the criminals think 'We are pretty safe robbing them and nothing will happen'," Singh said.

Referring to the petrol bomb attack on 25-year-old hospitality graduate Rajesh Kumar, who received 30 per cent burns, Singh said "it is a clear case of racial attack as there is no other angle we can apply to this attack."

"Melbourne has a bigger problem, but if we don't do something it will be repeated in Sydney," said Singh. He sought more intensive undercover police effort to capture the offenders.
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Re: Racism & Nepotism Australia

by Shekhar » Sun Jun 07, 2009 2:30 pm

Excerpts From Samachar In yet another incident targeting Indian students in Australia, a car belonging to a youth from the community has been torched here, even as police ruled out any racial motive behind it.

22-year-old Vikrant Rajesh Ratan, who had used all his savings to buy the car, said the vehicle was burnt last night. He said that two other cars, also belonging to Indians, that were parked next to his vehicle, were also damaged during the incident.

"We were sleeping when it all happened. We heard the fire alarm of the car. When we went out to see what happened we saw the cars on fire," Ratan told PTI.

He said that it could have been done by a group of drug addicts who used to sit near the premises. "I believe they (addicts) probably first tried to open the car. Then they may have used a petrol can to set it ablaze."

Ratan, originally from Ludhiana who came here a month ago to pursue a certificate course in Automotive Engineering, said that there was no chance of a short circuit that could have burnt the car in this cold weather.

He said he had bought the vehicle a few days ago for 2500 dollars and now he was left with no money. The car was not even insured
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Re: Racism & Nepotism Australia

by Arjun » Thu Jul 02, 2009 4:43 pm

These are the sentences used by Australians and you thought, Australia was English Speaking nation, Here you don’t have to be A Graduate or post Graduate if you are then you are over qualified

For Instance your Manger is 10 Pass he is Australian again White skin
You are a Service Engineer with Mechanical Engineering Degree your Supervisor has just Done 10+2 and he is Senior to you again the Great white Skin

Your Bank Manager for Instance you think they should be at least Degree qualified again you are wrong, they Just know to Speak Australian Accent English and Must be A great White (shark) Skin

Doctors Appointment Referred to Sweet (suite) 20

Condragulations (Congratulations) By Retail Store Manager

Bank Manager - please finish off the Job Buy (by) 4 pm tomorrow

And guess what when we Indians, throughout study in English Medium schools we have to come and write here IELTS which is English test Exam and they Deliberately fail every student at least 4 to 5 Times and in one case the girl who is a brilliant student and was a Bank manager in India for a Multinational Company had to write 20 times and yet she was failed again and you guessed it right how are they making money, don’t you doubt what is the reason behind this, the System is Bloodsucking from gullible, aspiring students who put everything for a better life and future just to get screwed and abused in every possible way first by the System the Universities and agents and then the Government here.
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Re: Racism & Nepotism Australia

by Another Indian attacked in Australia » Tue Oct 27, 2009 1:43 pm

Melbourne: In yet another attack on Indians here, a Sikh was punched in his head by a group of Australians who also removed his turban while he was sleeping at a bus stop here.

Police said they are investigating the "unprovoked" bashing of the 22-year-old Indian youth who was punched in the head and had his turban removed as he slept at a bus stop yesterday.

However, the name and other details of the Indian man has not yet been known.

"The Yarraville man was asleep at a stop near Epping railway station in Cooper Street about 12.45 am on Sunday when a bus pulled into the depot and five males, believed to be believed 17 and 19 approached him," 'The Age' reported.

Two of the five youths allegedly bashed the Indian man, while their three companions are believed to have tried to stop the assault, the report said, adding that the 60-year-bus driver and a passenger also tried to stop the attack. The five youths managed to escape from the scene.

"The victim suffered injuries to his mouth but did not need medical attention," the Age reported. Police have appealed for any witness in connection with the incident.

Related Stories
Attack on Indian in Australia a very serious matter: India
This is the latest among a series of racially- motivated attacks on Indians and students from the community.

Around 30 Indian students were attacked in various cities from June to August.

Last month, an Indian student was attacked with a "plank of wood or a baseball bat" by two men which left him with 20 stitches in his head.

The 28-year-old student was attacked by the men after he got down from a bus at Keilor Plains train station.

In September, three Indians were "brutally bashed" by a group of around 70 youth while playing here.

Bureau Report
Another Indian attacked in Australia
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Re: Racism & Nepotism Australia

by OH_YAY » Thu Nov 26, 2009 7:38 pm

Sometimes, it's the Indian dudes/dudettes fault too.. We shout on our cellphones on crowded buses/trams in Hindi/Telegu/Punjabi and other regional languages and piss the white folks off!
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Re: Racism & Nepotism Australia

by Sharma » Thu Dec 10, 2009 1:34 pm

MELBOURNE: In a fresh incident of racial attack on Indians in Australia, a 25-year old student was stabbed here, even as another youth from
Andhra Pradesh was battling for life after an assault by local teenagers. ( Watch )

Baljinder Singh, 25, was attacked on Monday night when two men carrying weapons approached, the 'Herald Sun' reported.

The attackers demanded money and as Singh was searching through his bag to hand over his wallet he was stabbed in the abdomen. Singh screamed for his life, his attackers laughed and fled the scene, the report said.

"I bent down and one guy stabbed me," Singh said adding "I just wanted to save my life and yelled "just don't kill me."

"They just laughed when they stabbed me in the stomach. They laughed at me...I was screaming 'don't kill me, don't kill me'."

Singh was quoted saying that he believed that the city was a safe place to live, but was now convinced that Indian nationals are being targeted as easy prey.

"We're not safe here now," he said adding "I thought it was safe here, that's why I came to Australia.

"Now there are lots of attacks. You can see that in the western suburbs, but I thought Carnegie was the safest place in Melbourne."

Singh, who is recuperating from emergency surgery at the Alfred Hospital, has not told his family for fear they will be distressed.

Police officer Darrell Allen said it was an "opportunistic crime", but was not racially motivated.

"We fear that if we don't act quickly and get the public's assistance there will be further attacks in the future," he said adding "I don't think it's racially motivated. It's an opportunistic crime and it's of great concern."

A youth from Andhra Pradesh was battling for life after a brutal racial attack on a group of four Indians by Australian teenagers here drawing strong reaction from India which wants an end to such violence.

Shravan Kumar, a 25-year-old student who was attacked with a screwdriver over the weekend along with his three friends is in the Intensive Care Unit of a hospital here and doctors are "not very optimistic" about chances of his recovery, Indian Consul General here Anita Nair said
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Re: Racism & Nepotism Australia

by Manish » Tue Jan 05, 2010 3:56 pm

A partially-burnt body found in Australia's New South Wales province last week is believed to be of a 25-year old Indian national, police said today, in what might be the second fatality in a slew of vicious attacks on Indians.

The body found on a roadside near Griffith last week is yet to be formally identified but police believe it is that of an Indian man, an ABC report said.

Australian officers are in touch with the man's family in India and the Indian Consulate to help with identification.

Detectives from State Crime Command will today help local officers in a search of the Willbriggie area where the body was found as part of the investigation into his death.

Nitin Garg, a 21-year old Indian was stabbed to death in Melbourne on Saturday night, becoming the first casualty in a series of attacks on members of the community here.

A union organiser at Griffith said he has heard of serious assaults in Willbriggie
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Re: Racism & Nepotism Australia

by Sandeep » Tue Jan 05, 2010 4:00 pm

NITIN GARG staggered into the Hungry Jack's restaurant, his upper body sliced open by a massive knife wound, knowing he was going to die.

As he pleaded with his co-workers at the restaurant to help him, his lips turned blue. He passed out and died later in hospital.

The 21-year-old Indian student had spent more than $40,000 studying accountancy in Australia and had plenty to look forward to before he was stabbed as he walked through a park in West Footscray, Melbourne, on his way to work on Saturday night.His housemates, Sandeep Sandeep and Parminder Singh, raced to Royal Melbourne Hospital to be with him, but they were too late.
Mr Sandeep said the eight Indians living together in a house in the suburb of Newport were like family, and Mr Garg was like a brother to him.
He made a heartbreaking call to Mr Garg's brother in India to tell him of the stabbing. ''He just would not believe me when I told [him] Nitin was no more and asked to speak to the doctor.''

Dead at 21 ... Nitin Garg had recently completed an accounting degree.
Mr Sandeep and Mr Singh said they were allowed to briefly see their friend's body. ''It was so difficult to look at him in that condition after seeing [him] a few hours earlier, '' Mr Sandeep said. .
Police are reluctant to draw a racial link to the murder, even though Mr Garg was not robbed of his wallet or phone and some of his belongings were left scattered in the park where he was stabbed as he took a short cut to the restaurant from a train station.
Mr Singh wondered at the level of knife violence in Melbourne, having also seen the agony of another man who was stabbed on the same night his friend died.
''There was a guy in the hospital at the same time who had been stabbed six times and he was not an Indian,'' Mr Singh said. ''It's not just about an Indian losing his life, this is happening to everyone. Where is it safe any more?''
The man had been celebrating his 44th birthday when he was attacked as he returned to his car with his wife on Saturday night.
The number of Melbourne knife casualties grows daily. A 23-year-old man was charged yesterday with the attempted stabbing murder of another man on Sunday.
The two Indian friends were consoling each other in their sparsely furnished home as police talked of a crackdown on knife crime. Balloons and ribbons still hung from the fan, fading memories of their friend's 21st birthday party last year.
The image of their wounded friend stumbling into his workplace on Saturday night is unlikely to dim.
''He fell into the arms of one of his colleagues and said, 'Please help me, I'm dying', then he went blue and passed out,'' Mr Singh said.
''We were like family; we took care of each other,'' Mr Sandeep said. He had offered to drive Mr Garg to work but he had decided to take the train, then walk.
It was a decision that cost him his life and is played over and over in Mr Sandeep's mind.
''The doctor said it was a long wound from abdomen to the heart,'' Mr Singh said.
''Whoever did this knows how to kill,'' Mr Sandeep said.
They said they expected the killer to be caught, but their pain would linger while ''he was treated like a guest in prison''.
Police will test new search powers near Footscray railway station on Thursday in a bid to curb knife crime.
That is unlikely to ease growing concerns among parents in India about sending their sons and daughters to Australia to study.
Mr Singh and Mr Sandeep said two of the students staying with them had spoken to their families and they wanted them to return to India. More are likely to follow.
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Re: Racism & Nepotism Australia

by Manohar » Sat Jan 09, 2010 1:07 pm

A 29-year-old Indian-origin man was set ablaze by a group of four attackers in Melbourne on Saturday, a week after a student from the country was stabbed to death amid a slew of assaults on the community in Australia.

The man, who suffered 15 per cent burns including on his arms, chest and face, was admitted to The Alfred hospital after he was attacked shortly before 2 am local time (0730 HRS IST) in Melbourne's Essendon area.

The man, who was not identified, and his wife left a dinner party in Essendon, in the city's northwest, between 1.30 am and 2 am and drove to their nearby home in Grice Crescent. He dropped his wife at home and had gone to park his car when he was attacked, local media reported.

Police said that as he was getting out of the car, four men attacked him, pushing him back against the vehicle and pouring an unknown fluid on him. One of the men then ignited the fluid with a lighter before all the attackers fled.

The victim, who is now in a stable condition in the hospital, ran from the car while peeling off his clothes, The Age reported.

The attack comes a week after the stabbing death of 21-year-old Indian graduate Nitin Garg in a Yarraville park while he was on his way to his part-time job in a restaurant.
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