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Need volunteers for aptitude based research project.

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Need volunteers for aptitude based research project.

by Chhaya Sinha » Wed Aug 29, 2012 12:21 am

Need volunteers for aptitude based research project

I am a psychologist conducting a study on behalf of Pearson Education, wherein the volunteer would be asked various aptitude like questions like completing tasks such as puzzles, block design and picture recognition. This is a purely aptitude based research and not a medicine based research and there would no psychological or physical harm whatsoever. The task would take a maximum of 2 hours and each participant will receive a sum of Rs 300/= via money order from Pearson.

Contact me if you meet the following criteria or know somebody who does:

• The participant should be raised in Hyderabad
• The participant should fall in the age group of 16 to 85 years
• If above 20 years, the participant should be a graduate. If between 16 to 20 years, one of the parents should be a graduate.
• The participant should be able to speak English

Mail me at or call me on 9014066167

Chhaya Sinha
Chhaya Sinha
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Posts: 2
Joined: Tue Aug 28, 2012 11:44 pm

Re: Need volunteers for aptitude based research project.

by Ashwin » Fri Aug 31, 2012 4:49 pm


I am interested in participating in your research. Are there going to be just aptitude type of questions or something else? I am asking this since you are a psychologist. How long will the research take and for how many days? Also, I would like to know whether it will reveal my intelligence level or will you share it with anyone?
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Re: Need volunteers for aptitude based research project.

by Chhaya Sinha » Sat Sep 01, 2012 11:01 am

Hi Ashwin,

Thanks for your interest. Although we have specified it as maximum of 2 hours, on average it takes only about 1hour 15 mins on just 1 day. You will not have to spend anymore time than that.

As per the type of questions, rest assured that there is no reason for any sort of worry. This research is basically about collecting answers to certain questions to see what do people generally answer. These questions are basically the types you see in aptitude entrance exams. There is not any kind of scoring or determination of participant's intelligence level. Your responses and details would be kept confidential.

We have people from various professional fields like engineers, teachers, retd. deference personnel, college students, etc participating in this research and just answering to the questions is nothing but fun! :D
Chhaya Sinha
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