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TV news channels killing Hyderabad's image for TRPs

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TV news channels killing Hyderabad's image for TRPs

by fullhyd.com » Tue Feb 23, 2010 10:02 am

Over the past 2 months, and especially over the past couple of weeks, several Telugu TV news channels (and 1-2 national TV channels) have been indulging in severely misleading reporting about Hyderabad in their bid for high TRPs through sensationalism.

They have been making it look like the whole of Hyderabad is burning, while in reality incidents of unrest have been happening in a small part of Hyderabad - in one campus and its surrounding areas.

Hyderabad has already been hurt by the incidents of the past 3 months - no new investments are even being contemplated, and even many existing and committed investments are contemplating shifting out.

By all reports, a certain other South-Indian city is gleefully lapping up all that is coming their way thanks to the negative PR our city is getting.

The last thing we need now is irresponsible reporting that makes things look bad even when they really aren't any more.

We at fullhyd.com believe that most of the problem is being caused by irresponsible reporting by the electronic media, that tends to hype the smallest of incidents to monstrous proportions.

Somebody has to stop them and their competitive sensationalism - and it has to be the citizens of this city.

We have all enjoyed the growth of this city into an IT and biotech hub, and the jobs it gave us, and the lifestyle it gave us, and the dignity it gave us.

It's time for us to now give back, and save the city from reckless and false TV coverage that is killing Brand Hyderabad when the city is back to being just as safe and cool as it always was.

It's going to be a huge job to make the TV channels, greedy for TRPs, start showing Hyderabad in a positive light, but if each of us does their bit, it will certainly happen, and very soon.

Post your protests on this forum. Once they reach a certain number, we at fullhyd.com will take prints of each message and send them to the CEOs of all those TV channels doing damaging and exaggerated reporting.

fullhyd.com is India's largest local guide by traffic in a city, and gets 3,00,000 unique visits a month - and every post you make instantly gets onto our home page. It's the fastest and best way to get heard about this issue.

Protest now, and together we citizens of Hyderabad will all make them stop the damaging reporting soon.

And when you are through, write to all your friends who you think care about our city, and get them to post their protests here, too. The more the number of us that raise our voices, the faster we will be heard, and the greater the impact.
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Re: TV news channels killing Hyderabad's image for TRPs

by MAHARSHI » Tue Feb 23, 2010 11:29 am


Am I boring u folks? Because by this time you would have gotten irritated enough times already with these kinda scrolling news, headers and news reports on our own HYDERABAD in TV channels and newspapers. Now a million questions will clog your mind - like, why is this unrest prolonging? Why are people getting frightened to step in to this city? Why are corporate companies and investors avoiding Hyderabad?

The only answer to all these questions is the situation created by the fractious politicians and media who are more responsible and honest towards their bosses, and who crave for money keeping the truth at stake rather than working for the benefit of the people.

On investigating the suicides of the students in Telangana for Telangana, what comes out is that most of them spent sleepless nights in front of the idiot boxes watching the news. This shows how much impact the channels are creating on the minds of the people who think that whatever is said by the news channels is the gospel truth. Even a few channels that are running ads urging people and protesters for calm, are showcasing the situation in a horrifying manner.

These acts of the media always engender controversies and trigger long debates on their responsibilities. The provocative style of the statements, the usage of strong words and the reading of news emotionally may increase a channel's TRPs, but the bosses should think what its impact would be on people.

These channels and newspapers, in the mask of social responsibility, are killing the society, and this is happening with our own Hyderabad too. Being the mediators between the truth and the people, between the information and people, and between the powers-that-be and people, the media should feel more responsible and act according to the situation rather than cashing in on the situation by sensationalising it by showing by projecting every thing larger than life.

The media's irresponsibility is not new - when the NSG, police and ARMY were combating the terrorists on 26/11, the reporters never felt pinch of pain in reporting right from the spot of action. These peanut brains couldn't realize that they had turned the eyes of the terrorists, who were planning according to the moves of the NSG. It was really shameful to glorify themselves, as if they are some superheroes, for bringing in the news LIVE.

In the present situation too, the same thing is happening, but in a different way. If an outsider looks at the news on Hyderabad, he will definitely get terrorised with the way they are portraying it. This irresponsible and mindless war of channels for TRPs is causing great damage to Hyderabad, and especially to students who are definitely going to lose job opportunities.

A time will come when all these students and leaders who are jumping in to newsrooms and TV sets yelling out at the Central Government and making statements as dangerous, disastrous and provaocative as possible, will realize the damage they did to themselves with all these filthy statemnets they gave to the media.

Many companies and investors are avoiding Hyderabad, which used to be their first preference, by looking upon the situation prevailing in the city. This is where the media should step in - to stop projecting things as if the whole of Hyderabad is under fire or caught in unrest, and specify that only it is only in some parts of Hyderabad that unrest is prevailing.

What is currently happening here is the other way round. BUT AFTER ALL, WHAT CAN WE EXPECT FROM THE MEDIA WHICH MADE 26/11 ATTACK A LIVE REALITY SHOW.


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Re: TV news channels killing Hyderabad's image for TRPs

by Vinod Chand » Tue Feb 23, 2010 3:31 pm

TV Channels don't have anything else to do but to just sensationalize the news. They follow the same pattern everywhere. In Mumbai too, even when a few goons of MNS attacked taxi drivers, the media went to town as if the whole city had come to a grinding halt.

The hooligans now know how to manipulate the media and the media seems to be thriving on news created by such lumpen elements. No wonder these lumpen elements then often target and attack the media and destroy property with complete disdain to the law of the land.

While the whole silent majority suffers, the visual media repeats one incident as if the whole city is burning.

Should they not be held responsible for fomenting trouble?
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Re: TV news channels killing Hyderabad's image for TRPs

by Chandra sekhar reddy » Tue Feb 23, 2010 4:03 pm

To all media people ,

please stop in motivating young people towards succide activities. You people are shameless as a person getting died you will feed it live and make use of it to earn money. dont have common sense. instaed of take a documentry about how life will be if they attempt to sucide and how thei parents will suffer. at the moment they are heros but after some time no body will remember them only their friend and relitives can be. how much money parents are putting and strugging for u r education. think at the end every person sitting in home can say do this that at last we poor and middle class people will suffer.

at present the issue is burning but there are more to fight .first educate your self and be competitive not quarrel. first media is teh stupid one and one should hack all thses and turn down the satelites.

please please media dont play with lives of peiople for your remuneration. look at the developed nations and how they will deal with violence. fist media persons should be put in jail for showing such telicasts. freedom should be there but not the way currently it is going.

please stop it.
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Re: TV news channels killing Hyderabad's image for TRPs

by Aditya » Tue Feb 23, 2010 4:22 pm

It is very shameful on part of some of the media to hype non-existent issues and create a fear psychosis amongst people.
I feel media should be more responsible in reporting and be truthful.
I am a hyderabadi and am pleased to say thay Hyderabad is a very peaceful and a safe city. There is no disturbance anywhere as being reported by a section of the media. Telangana is a non-existent issue for hyderabadis. Hyderabad is not telangana. TRS and all other Telangana supporting parties lost very badly in last elections, especially in hyderabad . TRS could not even manage to win a single seat in hyderabad and did not even bother to contest the recent mayoral elections in hyderabad because they knew that they will lose very badly. Hyderabad is the capital city of Andhra Pradesh and a very vibrant, tolerant , progressive and a cosmopolitan city that belongs to everyone and it should remain so.
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Re: TV news channels killing Hyderabad's image for TRPs

by Arvind Degala » Tue Feb 23, 2010 4:29 pm

Hi All,
Both the local news channels and TRS have done enough damage to the this peaceful city. We are fed up of this and stopped watching local channels. None of the national media is showing this false news being cooked up by local channels. Please put a stop to this !!!!
Arvind Degala
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Re: TV news channels killing Hyderabad's image for TRPs

by Ritesh » Tue Feb 23, 2010 4:34 pm

I agree. Its been safe wherever I've been throughout the previous few days. Definitely a huge misinterpretation of facts.
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Re: TV news channels killing Hyderabad's image for TRPs

by Prasad » Tue Feb 23, 2010 5:24 pm

It is high time our TV channels and news papers started showing as to how we can develop our state rather than concentrating on junk news . These channels have done enough of damage and it is time they stopped it . We are really fed up watching Telugu news channels .
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Re: TV news channels killing Hyderabad's image for TRPs

by saddened » Tue Feb 23, 2010 5:44 pm

It's disheartening to see the watch dogs of polity (media) themselves unravel thus.
The nature of the protests, the reality behind it all, the means adopted and the resultant unrest notwithstanding, the press - electronic and otherwise - has really let down the people. News is no longer about truth. And the less said about responsible reporting, the better. Pulp media power has come to rule the roost in our country, and heralds a worrisome future, for sure.
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Re: TV news channels killing Hyderabad's image for TRPs

by Hyderabadibiryani » Tue Feb 23, 2010 7:47 pm

It has become a trend in Indian media to sensationalize things. From what we hear from regular people is this is confined to small group of people. so yes it is certainly damaging the cosmopolitan image of hyderabad and will potentially effect future IT and other investments.

We appreciate you have taken up a good cause to educate people about whats happening.
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Re: TV news channels killing Hyderabad's image for TRPs

by naveen » Tue Feb 23, 2010 7:50 pm

yeah its true and fact that media is creating unnecessary and confusion amongst the people with misleading and unworthy also untrue facts...first of all there should not be any breaking news with provocating dialogues inside it which will trigger panic and anger amongst the like minded people... mainly when the news is related to some specific community or amongst students..students are intend to do small mistakes if a small fight happens in the any corner of the city, the media will make a big hype and try to create it in a big scope which will trigger panic, anger and frustation other students in each and every galli of our hyderabad and they will come to streets demanding explanation with police.they even resort to damage of public properties...
for example: during this telengana agitation buses were damaged and set on fire by some unknown students the result of this is that government had no to hike the fares of the buses..this effected many commuters who are dependent only on buses for their daily transportation.their fault nothing..

so i request media people for your income try to do some meaningful things with honest.
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Re: TV news channels killing Hyderabad's image for TRPs

by Krishna » Tue Feb 23, 2010 7:55 pm

Hyderabad reached where it is over Four hundred and twenty years.
Surely, someone with a twisted sense of humor must be playing a joke - please stop sensationalizing news for the sake of momentary gain.
If Hyderabad is affected, so will the TV channels.

National TV news channels took a combined decision not to air the visuals of the boy Yadaiah(may his soul rest in peace).
Cannot our own TV channels take a leaf out of their books?
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Re: TV news channels killing Hyderabad's image for TRPs

by Malavika » Tue Feb 23, 2010 10:44 pm

I totally agree that sensationalism is causing a lot of image damage to Hyderabad. However there is this fear that there is going to be instability in AP for couple of years due to the divide. May be news channels could address such issues and give information on the possible solutions in such a situation rather than creating anxiety in people.
Last edited by malavika_n_p on Tue Feb 23, 2010 10:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: TV news channels killing Hyderabad's image for TRPs

by Exclusive distortion » Tue Feb 23, 2010 10:44 pm

Nowadays everything is unbelievable and guess what... exclusive... even the distorted news broad-casted by the local news channels is exclusive to each of them...
I can't believe how all psychos are put together at one place in these TV studios...
they enjoy showing violence, gore, vulgarity and whatever... "live and exclusive"
they disrupt peace by spreading biased or false stories - like ysr-reliance scandal
they depict police as villains, but in actuality when the police are the only people who are struggling day and night staying on roads, in tents just so that we can sleep peacefully in our house
they invite politicians for "so-called" debates just so that they can extract any swearwords from them.... they never invite soft-spoken leaders i wonder why?
and now these guys are having the fun of their lives by depicting telangana as the biggest burning issue... they magnify even the smallest untoward incident and any death as associated with the "cause"...
and these guys have a nerve to believe they can break every rule to gather their exclusive news and when police go slightly impatient with the media's interference, they shout foul and somehow depict the situation as if pakistan is a better place to live than here...
How shameless can you guys get... and do u guys ever feel that the quality of news is a necessity
Exclusive distortion
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Re: TV news channels killing Hyderabad's image for TRPs

by Harsha » Tue Feb 23, 2010 11:27 pm

Absolutely true. I spent last two months of 2009 in Hyderabad the place where I was born and brought up and which gave me a life with absolute fear and largely thanks to the TV channels, I had to plan my movements in Hyderabad according to what was being said on the TV. I never had to worry about entering or leaving my own city. Fear is one word that I could see on the faces of people living in Hyderabad. This fear was created by repeated telecast of the same event day in and day out. One of the CEOs of a popular news channel shamelessly lent support to the agitation and instead of being impartial and do his duty of presenting the happenings of the day goes on to say our channel is with you or against you. Where has all the morality gone in the media. Is it only TRPs, Ad Revenue that is driving you people? Isn't it your duty as well as the FOURTH Estate to maintain peace, law & order? Who will watch your jabbering if all end up in graves? Where are we as a society headed with this kind of intrusive and over enthusiastic arm of democracy, the media? Can you answer me CEO of the popular 24x7 news channel who lends support to causes?
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Re: TV news channels killing Hyderabad's image for TRPs

by Harsha » Tue Feb 23, 2010 11:29 pm

I absolutely agree with what has been send. Enough is enough, inspite of court directives these media folks behave as though the city is their bedroom. Please stop speculations and show what has really happened or said. Dont create fear or panic.
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Re: TV news channels killing Hyderabad's image for TRPs

by TV channels greedy for TRPs » Tue Feb 23, 2010 11:58 pm

TV channels in AP are distorting news to their advantage for their selfish interests. Their news is
biased and unrealistic at times and exaggerated most of the time. They are creating harmful sensationalism and chaos in the public. I take their broadcasts with a pinch of salt and sometimes completely discount them. The TV channels are politically motivated for-profit businesses and they do anything for a profit unmindful of public service. They have absolutely destroyed our Great Hyderabad image. Keshav Krishna.
TV channels greedy for TRPs
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Re: TV news channels killing Hyderabad's image for TRPs

by vedachalam » Wed Feb 24, 2010 5:52 am

I have been watching Telugu news channels like TV 9,NTV,SAkshi,HMT etc regularly.
Eversince the Tela ngana issue started there had been highly distorted and explosive news as if there is competition among the channels.One who sees these ,particularly those from abroad,the impression one gets is that Hyderabad is literally burning.These emotive news are peppered and salted to such an extent people really wonder whether there is any law enforcement in Hyderabad at a
When I check up with Friends on phone I get the different information which is not that explosive though there are some pockets of voilence here and there which one expects at this situation.But certainly not as reported by the channels.This I verified from several friends.
Being a born Hyderabadi and Osmanian,I feel distressed that there is too much of hype in the news to distort the image of Hyderabad and Hyderabadis and also Osmanians.
I stongly protest the way news are presented by the News channels and some action has to be initiated to ensure there is factual reporting and not distorted version of news.
Let the channels follow some norms.Already the issue has become very emotional and the channels have to deal with the situation with utmost care and caution and should not add ghee and oil on it and make it a big fire.
This is my appeal to the News Channels and I also Appeal to people to use dignified and respectful language in making speeches and do not play on the emotions of the people.Already several innocent people have lost their lives in meaningless suicides.People must be brave in whatever they believe ,but suicide is committed by cowherds and killing oneself is as criminal as killing others;.
There are many issues that are confronted by the country and there is grave danger of terrorism looming large and it is time that people do not further create problems for the country.
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Re: TV news channels killing Hyderabad's image for TRPs

by raj » Wed Feb 24, 2010 8:18 am

TV channels today are misleading the viewers with the so called sensational news without authenticity and openly show casing hatred towards separate telangana .Most of these channels are owned by ? In short they are back stabbers.They are worst then the whores in the market.
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Re: TV news channels killing Hyderabad's image for TRPs

by Please think of it... » Wed Feb 24, 2010 8:27 am

To the Media and whom so ever concerned...

The issue on the whole is not just related to specific group of ppl...Everyone of us are being effected by it. Hyderabad..the marvellous city for its rich cultural heritage is not supposed to get such remarks just because of some silly reasons (like publicity or gaining attention of da masses)

Media..the ppl involved in such a paasionate profession, with a great responsibility of bringing the world to the doorsteps of a lay man, has to consider all the consequences of every single step attempted by them...thats it..nd nothing much to say...just think of it..
Please think of it...
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Re: TV news channels killing Hyderabad's image for TRPs

by Sir » Wed Feb 24, 2010 9:50 am

The Situation in Hyderabad has been blown out of proportion. The TV news channels are giving an impression that entire hyderabad is troubled although it is only a small part of the city. This has led to lot of investments and events that where orginally scheduled for hyderabad to be moved to other parts of the state/hyderabad, already the CII annual conference and the IPL have been moved out of hyderabad. Do we want more events to be moved out of hyderabad. If we want hyderabad to get back to its old status of a tourist/business friendly city, the TV news channels have to stop blowing things out of proportion.
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Re: TV news channels killing Hyderabad's image for TRPs

by Mahendra » Wed Feb 24, 2010 10:12 am

Yes I do agree with you , In the past years the TV channels have some social responsibilities but now a days all the channels are thinking about how to commercialize a news and to create it popular and by that to increase TRP ratings, It's a shame.
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Re: TV news channels killing Hyderabad's image for TRPs

by kkss » Wed Feb 24, 2010 10:19 am

TV news channels in AP are the wrost what they need is TRP for that they are going to any extent for whatever is happening in Hyderabad this TV channels are responsible they damaging the image of Hyderabad.
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Re: TV news channels killing Hyderabad's image for TRPs

by Telengana Vs Andhra » Wed Feb 24, 2010 10:23 am

If they can sensationalize the minor incidents in Australia, then Hyderabad is much more than that. Racism is in full flow - yes racism Telengana Vs Andhra. Crores or rupees of public property have been devastated. Not sure what else the selfish telenganites want, being brain washed by few politicians. Why the KCR is not thinking of IPL being moved out? Why KCR and other leaders are not thinking of Image of Andhra. The news channels are doing their job which is not worse than what KCR and others are doing. Let the world know what Hyderabad politics is, how hyderabadi students can be easily be brain washed... How politicians take advantage of unemployment to their benefit.
Last edited by bpp9614 on Wed Feb 24, 2010 10:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
Telengana Vs Andhra
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Re: TV news channels killing Hyderabad's image for TRPs

by prudhvi » Wed Feb 24, 2010 10:24 am

Yes. I do agree. Just to hype there PRP ratings these TV channels are indulging in severe misleading reporting. This is good step taken by fullhyd.com. Everyone has to support the first step taken by fullhyd.com to save our Hyderabad. The politicians and the TV channels should step back and help in retaining peace and feel responsible in developing Hyderabad.
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