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Conspiracy of God

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Conspiracy of God

by Aishwarya » Sat Jan 20, 2007 1:14 am

A weird thought came to my mind, during wee hours of the morning.

God is so selfish. You know why He wants us to grow up. The deal is that when we are kids, we never say things like: "God please hlpe me", or "God I finally surrender".

We are mast, enjoying life and are being good and doing good. But we grow up and during course of time we start facing problems. Obviously, as a result and eventually, we get bogged down and are like,

Desperate prayer: "God please help me I cant take it anymore".

Mundane but desperate nonetheless: "I hope I pass this exam".

Stupid one: "Gosh, if I get her for my wife I will be happiest person on earth" (haa haa haaa).

The diplomatic prayer: "God, give me the strength to face any challenge that arises. Hey, I am not asking you to solve my problems, but simply asking you to give me the brains or whatever the hell it takes for me to get through".

Cunning Prayer: " Hey God wassup. You doing okay. Me doinng fine too." (Basically some use this exact wording, some say the same, a little more elaborately and in eitehr Sanskrit or Latin). But still crib about my life. Silently thinking, "I think I have my karma points. He will take care of me."

I mean if He were really what we make Him out to be, we don't actually have to pray. Just do whatever we are supposed to do for the day, or hour, or the very minute and thats about it. But all this is for anotehr day. And thats the not point.

Imagine how amused God gets when he listens to all this.And what an Ego boost!!!. I mean, He is probably laughing his head off reading what I am writing getting amused by several theories that mankind has propounded to understand His ways!

So much for an ego boost. He puts us here on this earth. We are pure, no complications nothing as kids. And then we grow up. I mean he designed us that way, after all. If we had a choice we wouldnt want to, right. But we cant help it.. we dont have a choice. God made us that way coz He wants us to NEED Him!!! And that IS the Conspiracy!
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Interesting perspective

by MayPeaceBeUponU » Sat Jan 27, 2007 12:46 am

A very interesting perspective on the Creator even whose creations have been around for billions of years let alone the Creator itself, by someone who probably has been around for no more than 40 years(assuming you are no older than that). Although the prayers hilariuosly portray various stages in one's life. I remember having used all of them. I am at the diplomatic level currently :-) How about you? Are you agnostic by any chance?
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Re: Interesting perspective

by Aishwarya » Sat Feb 03, 2007 2:52 am

MayPeaceBeUponU wrote:A very interesting perspective on the Creator even whose creations have been around for billions of years let alone the Creator itself, by someone who probably has been around for no more than 40 years(assuming you are no older than that). Although the prayers hilariuosly portray various stages in one's life. I remember having used all of them. I am at the diplomatic level currently :-) How about you? Are you agnostic by any chance?

I am confused. While I read Sri Vishnusahasranaamam every day and teach it too and go to temple every weekend, I really do question the concept of God sometimes. Sometimes, I don't believe there is such thing as God, sometimes, I am overwhlemed by the feeling of Bhakti for God.. I don't know. What I do know, is that believing or not-believing has never harmed me. What has harmed me is not sticking by some morals and ethics, which by the way have nothing to do with God.

As Vivekanda said, so long as their is fear of death, so long as their is some wekaness in the heart of man, there will be a faith in God. (Mind you I did not quote him ecxactly, I shall do so when I find the quote. But he said something like this.)
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by MayPeaceBeUponU » Sat Feb 03, 2007 3:50 am

As Einstien said, there's got to be something behind this creation (not quoted exactly), call it God or the creator or whatever else. But, does the creator care? In millions of years of the history of this planet, let alone the universe, many species have come and gone, and many will come and go. Then in the bigger picture, does the creator really care about my prayer? If species have come and gone in the past, and will come and go in future, then what is our relevance in this universe? is there one?
Be selfish in the matters of the intangible, and selfless with the tangibles
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