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Why God is tolerating the dictatorship of some people?

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Why God is tolerating the dictatorship of some people?

by dattaswami » Fri Oct 31, 2008 7:14 am

Why God is tolerating the dictatorship of some people?

In the creation every incident is the result of the three dimensional network of action, time, fruit etc. You do not know the incidents of the previous birth. The person who tortured somebody is now born as the sufferer. You see this birth only and pity that soul. In the creation of God no injustice will take place and nobody will escape. Hence, the omniscient God keeps silent. The soul with limited knowledge talks all sorts of things.

Why the present rulers are not following the rules when they punish the innocent people?

Again you are committing the mistake to think that the punished person is innocent. Either you or present ruler cannot judge the innocence. Not only in the previous birth, even in this birth, he committed several sins, which are not only known to you or even to himself. Therefore, God gives the real judgment. The judge may give a wrong judgment. He gave like that because God guided his enquiry. You criticize the judge. The judgment given by him by mistake is correct because it is given by God. Anybody in this world who harms you is just instrumental. Without the enquiry and decision of God nothing will happen in this world. The God is punishing not with revenge but to transform the soul. This entire system of Universe is created and run by God only.

At Thy Lotus Feet His Holiness Sri Dattaswami

Anil Antony

Universal Spirituality for World Peace
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