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Why God keeps silent to somebody even after intensive cry?

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Why God keeps silent to somebody even after intensive cry?

by dattaswami » Wed May 26, 2010 9:02 pm

Why God keeps silent to somebody even after intensive cry?

Ans. A diabetic patient cries before a doctor to get a sweet for eating. The doctor has infinite number of sweets and he does not worry at all for giving a sweet to the patient. You are crying before God, who is the divine father (creator of all the souls) to give some wealth or to solve some problem. If He helps you, there is not even a trace of any personal loss to Him. Neither His wealth nor His power is finite and nor His love to souls is limited. The only factor that guides Him is to see the future position after the help. If your eyes are to climb the roof of your head after the help, God will keep silent. After the help you will fall down even from your present level and then you will cry again before the same God to lift you up.

If the doctor gives you the sweet, the level of sugar may go up and the emergent treatment is also the responsibility of the same doctor. Hence the doctor will not give you the sweet. If the doctor is confident of your health, he may give the sweet. Sometimes the doctor gives the sweet and conducts the emergent treatment to show you the truth, if you are scolding the doctor to be unkind. The response of the doctor lies on his analysis of the situation and it is not the subject of the patient at all. You must have the faith in the doctor (God) that any response is for your good only and you must know that the patient is ignorant of his own real welfare.

At Thy Lotus Feet His Holiness Sri Dattaswami

Anil Antony
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Re: Why God keeps silent to somebody even after intensive cry?

by Portuguese Man-of-War » Thu May 27, 2010 3:02 pm

It's so easy to poke holes into that argument, and that comparison of apples with oranges, that it's hard to imagine what will come out of a discussion with someone who proffers this stuff.

The doctor cannot make your craving for that sweet go away, but God can make your craving for anything go away, right? So why does He choose not to do that, instead choosing just to keep you unhappy by not giving you what you want? And why do you compare God to that doctor, when their capabilities are so different?

One of my pet peeves with spiritual gurus is the kind of examples and analogies they give. I tell myself that I am perhaps not the person they are addressing, and that if their logic, explanations and examples make their followers happy, then that justifies them.

Anyway, please do not reply, since I already know where this discussion will head. I believe in God, too, but I do not act like His lawyer, covering up things about Him that I do not understand, with illogical arguments and analogies.
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Re: Why God keeps silent to somebody even after intensive cry?

by dattaswami » Thu May 27, 2010 4:15 pm

Portuguese Man-of-War wrote:It's so easy to poke holes into that argument, and that comparison of apples with oranges, that it's hard to imagine what will come out of a discussion with someone who proffers this stuff.

The doctor cannot make your craving for that sweet go away, but God can make your craving for anything go away, right? So why does He choose not to do that, instead choosing just to keep you unhappy by not giving you what you want? And why do you compare God to that doctor, when their capabilities are so different?

One of my pet peeves with spiritual gurus is the kind of examples and analogies they give. I tell myself that I am perhaps not the person they are addressing, and that if their logic, explanations and examples make their followers happy, then that justifies them.

Anyway, please do not reply, since I already know where this discussion will head. I believe in God, too, but I do not act like His lawyer, covering up things about Him that I do not understand, with illogical arguments and analogies.

Should we not ask god for help?

If you are an ordinary person you should follow the rules of your deeds and nature. If you are a devotee, even then, you should not ask God for help. Your devotion must not aspire any result. You are asking God for help means that you want God to violate his own natural rules. The impression of millions of angles and sages is disturbed if God violates his own rules. That will give a poor impression on God. You are putting God to inconvenience by forcing him to use his supernatural power. Whether you are a devotee or not, you must always try to solve your problems by putting your best effort.

If you fail, even then, do not ask God to help you. Then, you think that it is your fate and worship God as usual. Arjuna was fighting with his grandfather, Bhishma. Arjuna was not putting up his best effort to kill Bhishma. He was having sympathy to Bhishma, who has brought up Arjuna. Noting this, Krishna (Jesus) took His Sudarshana chakra and ran to kill Bhishma. That means the Lord tried to solve the problem of Arjuna through His divine power. Arjuna did not agree to this and forced Krishna to stop, because Arjuna knew about his inadequate effort. But when Sindhava was to be killed, Arjuna tried his best, because Arjuna took an oath to kill Sindhava before sunset and otherwise he promised that he would enter the fire.

Since the sunset took place apparently due to the Maya of Krishna, Arjuna stopped fighting and wanted to enter the fire. He was just going to jump into the fire but he never asked for help. He thought that was his fate. Therefore, the Lord helped him secretly. Therefore, if you put your best effort, still fail because it is beyond your limits, if you happen to be a real devotee and do not ask for the help from God, then you will be helped by the super power secretly. The secrecy is due to preservation of the sacredness of his administration in the eyes of others.
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Re: Why God keeps silent to somebody even after intensive cry?

by HH » Fri May 28, 2010 12:29 pm

Well Asked, P M-o-W!
In the very First Meeting, my Boss - a Towering Personality, the Founding Father of the "Capital of IT World" that our Happy Hyderabad deserves to be - asked me: "What is your belief?"
Then in a "No God" or "Why God" state, I was trying to find the words for my reply. He asked further, "Do You Believe In Yourself?"
That's the, in short, THE REPLY, I told myself.
Believe in Oneself. Be Confident. Build Confidence. Spread Cheer. Help Others Lead Independent Lives.
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Re: Why God keeps silent to somebody even after intensive cry?

by dattaswami » Fri May 28, 2010 12:54 pm

HH wrote:Well Asked, P M-o-W!
In the very First Meeting, my Boss - a Towering Personality, the Founding Father of the "Capital of IT World" that our Happy Hyderabad deserves to be - asked me: "What is your belief?"
Then in a "No God" or "Why God" state, I was trying to find the words for my reply. He asked further, "Do You Believe In Yourself?"
That's the, in short, THE REPLY, I told myself.
Believe in Oneself. Be Confident. Build Confidence. Spread Cheer. Help Others Lead Independent Lives.

God alone has the complete freedom

God alone has the complete freedom and hence the human being completely controlled by its chip has no trace of freedom. Therefore, the entire creation including human beings is totally inert and the Creator alone has total freedom. The human being tries to jump to the side of the creator due to the misinterpreted freedom. Therefore, God alone should be called as awareness. Immediately you should not say that the human being having awareness is God because it is already proved that everything in the human being is inert. If you fix the meaning of awareness as freedom, you are telling that the awareness is in human being since you have misunderstood the inert process as freedom. With this analysis the human being is not having even a trace of awareness. You should not say that God is understood because He is awareness or freedom.

Freedom is a quality of the power of God and not the source of the freedom. You should not say that the unimaginable power of God (Maya) is now understood since its quality (freedom) is known. This quality is not the inherent characteristic of the power. If you say that something is freely doing any work, it does not mean that you have understood that something. Therefore, God as well as His power is unimaginable.

If you realize this analysis always, you will totally surrender to God. Realization of this analysis is penance. If you realize that you are totally a play doll in the hands of God, you will develop spontaneous and natural surrender to God. The ego disappears completely. God is pleased by this and from that moment onwards starts giving you the real freedom as said by Veda (Aaapnoti Swaaraajyam…). You will start controlling the inert creation. You will be becoming God step by step. As long as you feel that awareness or freedom exists in you, the ego prevents the grace of God. The concept of Shankara that God alone is awareness is correct. But that awareness is not in the human being. The underlying substratum of the human being, which is beyond imagination, is God.

The same God is the substratum of the entire creation. In a human being the three parts (Manas, Vijnana and Ananda) are extra. Therefore, the human being is greater than the external creation. The inert energy is common material everywhere. In the human being certain specific designs of matter and energy exist as the three extra Koshas. This does not mean that the non-inert item exists. The specific design of inert matter and inert energy is also inert. If you are wearing a shirt with special design, it does not mean that the material of the shirt is changed. All the shirts are made of same material i.e., cotton and silk only. Therefore, the existence of extra designs of inert matter and inert energy in the human being does not establish that something other than inert matter and inert energy exists.
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