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by mark » Tue Mar 22, 2005 12:01 am

right i was going to call this thread monolog but i decided that would give too much credibility to the stupid shite i've been writing lately. in an effort to keep the boards free from the useless contents of my head i'll try to keep my "brain flushing" here only. free flowing random association with bad spelling and poor taste is kind of mental masturbation for me as Jasz pointed out indirectly on another thread. it keeps me from getting caught up in my own thoughts and going nuts. i've been thinking a lot recently about the infinite, and how it could be possible to get into a recursive brain loop which would give you the perception of living an infinately long period of time, this could happen the moment before death, the trauma of realising you are about to no longer exist could trigger off a spiraling looping insanity that would appear to last forever to you. i was thinking the other day that if i ever become "enlightened" i bloody hope it doesn't happen when i'm riding on my bike, that would be messy. infinite recursive thought patterns and motorcycling would probably not go well together especially in the already insane road traffic system here in this lovely city. better to achieve "inner peace" perhaps, might actually help you not want murder your fellow road users. by now nobody will be reading anymore so i can pretty much say whatever i want, purple monkey dishwasher. given a choice between inner peace and enlightenment i think it would have to be inner peace for me, enlightenment might make me into a bit of a fanatic maniac, whereas inner peace would probably just make me want to sit on the couch and watch movies. i'm going through candles and incense at a great rate. After watching Spirited Away again at the party i've come to the conclusion that several of the scenes are supposed to simulate inner peace, the water dripping scene and the rainbow window scene especially stand out in my mind as being particularly tranqulising. I'm looking for love in all the wrong places as Jim Cunningham would say. It's always the last place you look anyway, if you didn't check the wrong places then one of them might be the right place without you realising it. Best to not mess around when looking for inner peace, check the wrong places just in case. if i had a penny for every ant in my flat, i'd have a lot of pennys. actually anybody want to buy some ants? only a penny each. only small ones though, i should count my blessings theres no larger animals lurking in the dark corners of my mind. actually that raises an interesting question, do you consider the internal shape of your consciousness to be spherical, or cuboid? are there corners of your mind, or only a radius and circumference? actually having a cylindrical consciousness would be cool, it would facilitate the looping spiraling thought patterns much better than a cube or sphere. i guess a pyrimadal internal model of thought might work too. polygon, never coming back. After a candle burns down fully and goes out, there's still everything there that makes a candle, just in a different state. however the emergent property of that configuration of wax and wick is no longer present. i consider death to be like this, nothing has been gained or lost, but the emergent property of your system, ie consciousness, is no longer present. jesus now i'm talking total shite that last few sentences had absolutely no meaning at all. but thats ok. back to enlightenment vs. inner peace. I consider inner peace to be a gentle invisible giant, who picks you up and gently blows the cobwebs out of your mind almost without you realising it. enlightenment on the other hand is a rough ogre, who grabs you shakes you turns you upsidedown and reveals the infinite to you in the space of time it takes to groom yourself in the bathroom in the morning. hence, i would prefer inner peace, as i believe keeping your ego and mind intact would be easier with Bob (my gentle giant) rather than with Trevor (my rough ogre) Actually now that i've named inner peace and enlightenment Bob and Trevor respectivly it might make it easier to know them if they ever arrive. christ i'm talking shite again. luckily if you've read this far its probably all total gibberish to you anyhow. Was about to squash an ant but didn't thats my act of compassion towards my fellow beasts for the day. haha stupid little thing just drowned in a puddle of beer anyway so looks like my gesture was as meaningless as the drivle i've been typing for the past 10 minutes. I have to say drowning in beer wouldn't be a bad way to go actually. I haven't been a very good boy recently in terms of work actually i'm a lazy shite if i owned the company i'd fire my ass back to ireland in a cannon. life is great but work sucks rear end really. if i could make a living talking absolute shite that would be great, but unfortunately Jeffrey Archer already has that niche filled. i've come to the conclusion that the ants are actually committing mass suicide, three more have just waltzed into the puddle of beer. must clean that up someday actually. for now it shall be my ant trap. sticky sweet intoxicating death. right i didn't sleep a wink last night (wannabe psychonauts - sleep deprivation works better than drugs and has less chance of getting you raped in prison by a large ogre called Trevor)

ok expermentation has confirmed that 6 out of 8 ants prefer to drown in Kingfisher than in Royal Challange. marketing executives take note.

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by agonys_requiem » Tue Mar 22, 2005 12:33 am

tht was damn _ awesome ma man... shall be joinin you here.... splendid.. jolly good....

if in all sense of the total perception of conscious finite thought, i could muster nuff courage to rationalise it.... i think id get rid of the voices.. i think the voices need to be said, in the same way tht i need for me to exist to give them a berth.. a codependant existence modulated by irregularities on the highway of my mind where erratically driven 18 wheeler thoughts cross the logical limit... furthermore to necessitate the smooth and productive outcome of creative growth, i need to able to segregate the wanted from the needed... dont think tht this can be done with the help of the beautifully consistent inconsistencies(thank you kerry) tht feel the need to feed on the roots of my existence.. bleedin it dry of wht could have been in a world where followin the beaten path wud be thought unique... an experiment to behold... to be able to levitate from this spastic state of inefficiency and mosey along to planes of better comprehension.. this wud lead to some fruits tht have been conveniently kept far from my reach....


more as the voices get louder..
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Re: nonsense

by Jaszalcatraz » Tue Mar 22, 2005 12:44 am

mark wrote:(wannabe psychonauts - sleep deprivation works better than drugs and has less chance of getting you raped in prison by a large ogre called Trevor)

I agree. This is probably because of the fact that the Meaning of Life cannot be understood by anyone. Not even the _ group themselves. What could probably connect sleep deprivation and the Meaning of Life is probably the fact that they should never be mixed. There's something about a large fat puking man that would make the world a better place if a concept of a large white puking man didnt exist. Overrated is one word that has always be overrated. THe best way to diss a theory or a concept is by calling it overated. Like the theory about the end of the world. Its bloody overrated. Honesty is the best policy. Honesty is overrated. Truth is overrated. At this point I'd like to add that choosing a life and career arent as easy as I imagined it to be about 5 years ago. I saw myself to become the next Gordon Gecko (dont we all). But I'm the only Gordon I've seen is Flash. and he sucks. Much like the blackholes that he keeps trying to avoid and drive away from.
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by mark » Tue Mar 22, 2005 12:48 am

oh, mind highway! i have one of those too. in a logical mind highway it is acceptable for trucks to go through with trailors behind them, and for trucks to go through with no trailors at all. however it is logically unacceptable for trailers to go through with no truck pulling them, or for a trailor to come through before a truck. cause and effect, action reaction, logical consistency. the effect of profound lack of sleep is to generate truckless trailers in my head, horseless carrages filled with screaming people and insane babbling thoughs. causality goes out to lunch, my mine links conclusions with unrelated abstract ideas. i am a flower in the middle of a field filled with identical flowers.
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by daisy » Tue Mar 22, 2005 12:53 am

why do i see nothing but blah blah written all over the thread :P j/k
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by mark » Tue Mar 22, 2005 12:55 am

daisy wrote:why do i see nothing but blah blah written all over the thread :P j/k
leave us alone we're masturbating :P
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by daisy » Tue Mar 22, 2005 12:57 am


* run daisy run *
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by agonys_requiem » Tue Mar 22, 2005 12:59 am

Life is a web of clichés. Moreover, due to the universally accepted fact that spiders are averse to human meat (the main cause of rheumatism in spiders), there are so many humans left dangling in them. That is until the cold knife of melodrama slices through it. It is naturally the knife with no blade attached to a nonexistent handle. pretty much like the phantom trucks.... ethics need to be buried under tons of ignorance and the bliss tht accompanies it... how else wud i knw wht to do if m faced with a situation where i need to kill one kid to save a million... tht kid cud be my son.. my brother.. my father... but then millions.. its the logic of nos... tht demands tht more is better. bigger picture.. but the picture makes sense only if you step out of the frame.... the frame teeters on the edge of purgatory... edge of reason. and you knw those lil men wait down there.. with fingers achin to touch you... and if you fall.. well... you will be welcomed wiht more than just open arms.... evil subdued is like a volcano bein put thru coitus interuptus.... they both need to explode and pass thru tht vent... or mayb the general order of shit needs to be rearranged to better process the multiple outcomes to a problem tht cud in all rationality have had three outcomes.. yours, theirs and thems.... yes.. thems.. those lil voices tht come uninvited and leave with so much of you tht its like bein raped in an open field with god and his angels eatin popcorn and moaning... sucks..
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by Jaszalcatraz » Tue Mar 22, 2005 2:20 am

Sleep depriovating can take you to infinity and beyond if done with perfection and ample amounts of cigarettes. Its like trying to walk through the corn fields that never end except the belief that is in your heart, your belief; your dream of utopia.

Illusions of what life could've been if the multiverse theory of hawking would be true go flashing by my brain every time I am cold in the dungeons of despair. Channelizing the intelligence to correctly identify the universe that we would ultimately like to reside in is nothing but a waste of good healthy neurons. SOmethings that are already facing extinction due to years of trying to make out the meaning of life when the truth was that we were being cloned every other minute due to the activities of the splitting universes which ultimately causes the sum total of our lives to a big round earth zero.

Trashing theories is nice and fun when your ethos does not let you think rationaly. The rationality required to make sense of it all requires all races to think alike and beyond the petty wars we might've had in the name of religion.
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by lizard king » Tue Mar 22, 2005 2:41 am

i suck at writing long paragraphs. limited knowledge or blinded imagination or just back bending poverty.

Castle on the creek

Sleepless darkness

erotic roads weaving

immaculate tales of

buffoons & thugs

little girls with plugs.

Compulsive vein

obsession for pain

Death of a dream

a future mums' fantasy

starting with a little

Schoolgirl's gossip
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by CtrlAltDel » Tue Mar 22, 2005 10:20 am

u guys are stoned arent u? :D
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by akhilis2cool » Tue Mar 22, 2005 10:51 am

CtrlAltDel wrote:u guys are stoned arent u? :D
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by mark » Tue Mar 22, 2005 11:41 am

CtrlAltDel wrote:u guys are stoned arent u? :D

just really really tired. i need sleep. just been told we might have to work all night. crazy stuff.
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by Red Combat » Tue Mar 22, 2005 11:44 am

Man, this is some good shit out here, way to go. :!:

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by Red Combat » Tue Mar 22, 2005 11:50 am

It is not opium which makes me work but its absence, and in order for me to feel its absence it must from time to time be present.

I myself spent nine years in an insane asylum and I never had the obsession of suicide, but I know that each conversation with a psychiatrist, every morning at the time of his visit, made me want to hang myself, realizing that I would not be able to cut his throat.

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by mark » Tue Mar 22, 2005 11:57 am

philosophy of the damned, mental purging, mind dumping. i came the the conclusion last night that consciousness doesnt have a regular polygonal shape, more likely its a shattered mirror of twisted reflections, incontigous and incongruous, throwing the light reflected from our souls in random scattered directions throughout the universe, our thoughts present an illusion of continuity which in reality is a disjointed series of broken images and bad metaphors smoothed together with an anti-aliasing algorithim in our overly large and mostly unused brain.
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by Red Combat » Tue Mar 22, 2005 11:58 am

there is something unalterably deranged about differential calculus, quantum theory, or the obscene and so inanely liturgical ordeals of the precession of the equinoxes
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by CtrlAltDel » Tue Mar 22, 2005 1:11 pm

You see the coefficient of the linear is just a position by the haemoglobin of the atmospheric pressure in the country

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by Red Combat » Tue Mar 22, 2005 1:16 pm

CtrlAltDel wrote:You see the coefficient of the linear is just a position by the haemoglobin of the atmospheric pressure in the country

~Anthony Gonsalves
Looks like god now has tasted getting high :wink: kyun CAD, chak de mundeya, chak de oye.
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by CtrlAltDel » Tue Mar 22, 2005 1:24 pm

Red Combat wrote:
CtrlAltDel wrote:You see the coefficient of the linear is just a position by the haemoglobin of the atmospheric pressure in the country

~Anthony Gonsalves
Looks like god now has tasted getting high :wink: kyun CAD, chak de mundeya, chak de oye.

that line didnt ring a bell in u, i suppose? :D
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by Red Combat » Tue Mar 22, 2005 1:37 pm

CtrlAltDel wrote:
Red Combat wrote:
CtrlAltDel wrote:You see the coefficient of the linear is just a position by the haemoglobin of the atmospheric pressure in the country

~Anthony Gonsalves
Looks like god now has tasted getting high :wink: kyun CAD, chak de mundeya, chak de oye.

that line didnt ring a bell in u, i suppose? :D
Thats what this thread is all about, isnt it ? No bells ringing, just jingles.

Jingle bells ,jingle bells
jingle all the way!
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by mark » Wed Mar 23, 2005 6:00 pm

some friday evening nonsense, and a continuity from my 1980 flower man thread. this year the heat and pollution in Hyderabad make it crucial that we all cast off our clothes, and go bathing naked and easy in one of the many lovely lakes in the greater hyderabad area. sow the seeds of love in peoples minds, so that their minds will fill with flowers and burst open spraying psychedelic neon 3 dimensional petals all over the world. as we only use 10% of our brains theres plenty of space in there for flowers, fit as many in as you can. I intend to act as the little piece of shite that gets into the oyster of Hyderabad and causes it to generate a pearl of such magnitude and shine that it will be the awe of the world. Hyderabad will be the place to live, with its easygoing attitude to loitering, fantastic climate, and beautiful women. In 20 years time your kids will say "were you really in Hyderabad in the summer of love, 2005?" and you'll say "yes son, why do you think i have all of these flowers growing out of my head?" "will there ever be another summer of love dad?" "every summer is a summer of love son, love is all around us, like flowers. it's just that sometimes in the right place and time, flowers start to sprout from peoples heads, we dance in the street and jig in the night and become the mad dancing jiving flower headed people with crazy eyes". "that sounds really strange dad" " you had to be there son". and so on and so forth. the dead will envy the living, and will try to come back but our love will prevail and they'll lie down and go back to flowery sleep, contented that at least they were involved in some capacity. we on the other hand shall dance starry eyed and sober through the streets, absorbing the pollution and making it into a force for good, feeding our power on the carbon monoxide and generating life giving oxygen, we will be surrounded by bees and insects who will help us reproduce without risking sexually transmitted deseases, or even touching each other. eventually of course the summer will end but Hyderabad will never bee the same again, everyone will remember the flowers and the love and hope and scent they spread through the streets, and each summer from now on we will compare to this one and remember the beautiful fractal joys of the multicoloured spinning pearl that was the summer of 2005.
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by Jaszalcatraz » Wed Mar 23, 2005 9:33 pm

So when are we having the rugby matches in hyderabad again?
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by mark » Wed Mar 23, 2005 9:44 pm

Jaszalcatraz wrote:So when are we having the rugby matches in hyderabad again?

only after you open your mind to the flowers
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by lizard king » Thu Mar 24, 2005 4:41 am

mark wrote:
Jaszalcatraz wrote:So when are we having the rugby matches in hyderabad again?

only after you open your mind to the flowers

would that mean,m we have to be open for pancies and dasies as well?
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