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Hyderabad Police - Communal Color

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Hyderabad Police - Communal Color

by Sharon » Sun Mar 03, 2002 12:30 am

The hyd. police over the last decade, has shown its real feathers when dealing with the muslim/christain minority. The biased nature is due to the strong association of the police top brass with the Right wing Hindu Zealots (VHP,BAJRAN DAL). Does CM keep a friendly eye on these things?.
These attitudes will plunge the nation into disaster.

Hyderabad Police - Communal Color

by Ghansi Ram » Sun Mar 03, 2002 12:30 am

ITs time hyd. police needs training on HUMAN RIGHTS. The hyd police show skills in maintaing law and Order. Free time should utilize to atleast play football as in Past.
Ghansi Ram

Hyderabad Police - Communal Color

by indian » Sun Mar 03, 2002 12:30 am

comon sharon ,spare the hyd police .there just humans .communal ,secular words sound good to talk .what do u want the police to do ther r pelted with stones after every friday paryers .do u want them to send them flowers ? stop using communal ,being hindu in a land of hindu majoity nation seems to diificult .a land whic has welcomed so many religion s and faiths have no right and voice to raise .i wish the minorities take a look at whats happng across the world before talking

Hyderabad Police - Communal Color

by M Raymond » Mon Mar 04, 2002 12:30 am

I think that CM Naidu is a better person than all of the other so called leaders in India. he has atleast controlled the communal police in Hyd/AP. On the other hand U have bastards like the DCP of Ahmedabad who actively participated in the riots and helped the Hindu rioters. I used to be a hindu but converted when I grew up and realized that a religion which worships animals and gentalia and drinks the urine of animals is no religion at all. VHP, BJP etc themselves start and create the trouble and then continue it. this has happened since a long time(British rule) and will continue unless they are ruthlessly suppressed. A few years back they were raping nuns, the govt knew the culprits, but didnt do anything, infact many insiders(I know) made crude jokes about the nuns.
M Raymond

Hyderabad Police - Communal Color

by Indian... » Mon Mar 04, 2002 12:30 am

see Raymond...

So you are coverted from hindu to christian(looks like)..All religions are equal and treat equally as per hindu religion. I dont know why the hell these christians come to india and tries to make everybody converted to christian. But some people wil converts to christianity because they need money to servive...otherwise who wants to take christianiy..its foolish to convert...I am hindu but love other religions...You First read clearly about My Hindu culture etc....If you(christians) want to make hindus coverted , Please get out of Motherindia. India is secular state...we welcomes everybody..

Hyderabad Police - Communal Color

by santa banta » Tue Mar 05, 2002 12:30 am

This Indian guy first boasts being a Hindu and when a former Hindu exposes hinduism is suddenly a secular and how everybody is welcome LOL
santa banta

Hyderabad Police - Communal Color

by Rajiv » Tue Mar 05, 2002 12:30 am

You better be a christian and be a christian.No problem.
Animals are not worshipped in Christainity..Not only that they make the animals extinct in the world.Hindus worship genitals.Ok.
But you misuse or wrongly use the genitals.That why west has has lot of issues like abortion..diveres...Please do not worry about hinduism..Take care of your religion and your problems..

Hyderabad Police - Communal Color

by Raijv » Tue Mar 05, 2002 12:30 am

See ohh!! read Raymond of Bombay dying..VHP or BJP was not there during British Times.D just spill the bile.Before talking about HUMAN RIGHT,I feel you have the right as a human to ask Pakistan and other Islamic Nations that the minorites should be protected.Hindus should not be killed or tortured in PAK and BANGLADESH.

And you also have the RIGHT as a HUMAN to ask who 50% of muslim women are in trouble under islam.
You have the HUMAN RIGHT.

Hyderabad Police - Communal Color

by INDIAN » Tue Mar 05, 2002 12:30 am

hello santa banta or banta santa...whatever..
welcomes means welcome everybody not the converters(hindu to christianity).....better get out off india(converters)....dont have any your propaganda about ur christianity in ur land..LOL.LEEL..LAIL..LINGLE...

Hyderabad Police - Communal Color

by india » Tue Mar 05, 2002 12:30 am

ok we have old illogical rituals ,can anyone there expalin how did virgin mary (being virgin) give birth ?

Hyderabad Police - Communal Color

by desiguy » Wed Mar 06, 2002 12:30 am

I think chice of \'Conversion\' is the right of every human being. Why are Hindus so afraid of these Christians, Jews and Muslims. You talk about HUMAN RIGHTS and on the other hand want to snatch away the human right to choose a religion. Are u afraid that Hinduism has nothing to offer. Copycat Indians!

Hyderabad Police - Communal Color

by Rajiv » Wed Mar 06, 2002 12:30 am

In US people are selling churches.There is discrimination in churches.Only members who have paid dollars are allowed.There are churches seperate for poor and rich,for black and white..etc..
Recently a church was sold to a hindu community in USA in fremont CA and not it is a temple.
Why christian fathers are imported to Africa and Europe from south asian countried like india,because there is a decline of church fathers in Europe.
Better take care of your religion.

Hyderabad Police - Communal Color

by Rajiv » Wed Mar 06, 2002 12:30 am

Hi Desiguy, Yes what you think is right.Everybody should have a choice of thier religion.But should not blackmail for conversion.
And the converted people when they are in majority are asking for a seperate state in the name of Christianity.Read the world history for forced conversions by Christianity and Islam.

Hyderabad Police - Communal Color

by Rajiv » Wed Mar 06, 2002 12:30 am

Why did PEACE loving Chirstians wage a war called CRUSADE when there was forcible and mass coversion to islam.The bloodiest wars on this earth were done for conversion by Islam and Christians.

Hyderabad Police - Communal Color

by Rajiv » Wed Mar 06, 2002 12:30 am

Semetic religions do not accept other religions.Why?
Hinduism says \'GOD IS ONE,You can have your own individual perception\'.
But the sematic religions say \'THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD and we do not accept your opinion of GOD\'WHY?why this rigidity.
There starts the conflict.If Christians from Outside want to convert Let them go and convert people in Iraq,Iran,Pakistan..
There are more economically backward countried in Africa.Let them concentrate on them.
And why doesn\'t China allow christian conversion or islamic conversion.

Hyderabad Police - Communal Color

by Rajiv » Wed Mar 06, 2002 12:30 am

Major percentage of Islam and Christianity have grown and expanded
across middle east and europe and africa not by \'RIGHT to choice of religion\',
but by forceful conversions at the point of sword or by alluring the masses.
Even india is not an exception.
Percentage of conversion through right to choose is very very SMALL.
Percentage of conversion through FEAR or MONEY or INCENTIVES or in the name of serviceis very very HIGH.
Hindus need not be taught of religioud tolerance.

Hyderabad Police - Communal Color

by hemanth » Fri Mar 08, 2002 12:30 am

jsut because of some stray incidents of bias nature if at all ,it is not proper for one to brand whole department as communal.
it is like branding the whole muslims as terroists just because of bin laden.there are people who have made sacrifices for with holding the dignity of the department and the will be unfair on our part to malign their sincerity. so before passing on irresponsible coments it is better to get ur facts straight

Hyderabad Police - Communal Color

by Santa » Mon Mar 11, 2002 12:30 am

The discussion is on the reorganizing and rebuilding the Police on lines of equality,maintaining Law and order. Rajiv created another discussion,quite distressing/deviating. When you are hired for a job, you have to do the best not the worst. Police does the opposite. Behaves like an illegal child of the existing Govt. The Police in middle east/US/Europe doesn\'t harass based on color/religion/sex/origin.
I hope Rajiv take a note of this.

Hyderabad Police - Communal Color

by rajiv » Mon Mar 11, 2002 12:30 am

It was not rajiv who digressed.It was mr Raymond who started saying unnecessary comments like animals and genitals.. as such...Hope Santa sees this.

Hyderabad Police - Communal Color

by rajiv » Mon Mar 11, 2002 12:30 am

There are good no of examples of racial profiling by police in US/Europe.There have been movements and protests,amendments laws to prevent that.Santa please note this.

Hyderabad Police - Communal Color

by rajiv » Mon Mar 11, 2002 12:30 am

I am Sorry for it, but today I read in detail about Islam and Christianity. Now I am converting to Islam, this is what guides to right path. Hope others will also read about it and follow the right path.

Hyderabad Police - Communal Color

by rajiv » Tue Mar 12, 2002 12:30 am

Mr NAME..I am a HINDU..
The argument by Santa saying that \'police in india only have wrongs and everything in US/Europe is all well\'has made me to comment that there is racial profiling etc..
The point is in India,Police do not command respect ,because of the corruption in police department and the police is used by state for thier political needs.

I suggest that the salaries and weapons for Police department should be increased.Atleast the Sub Inspector and constable level.
This helps in reducing the corruption at lower levels in the police dept.Good Weapons helps combat anti social elements

Hyderabad Police - Communal Color

by rajiv » Tue Mar 12, 2002 12:30 am

O dupe writing in the name of Rajiv,
you are certainly pissed of by my points.You seem to be lacking points.You feel like lost.Thats why you are hiding and misleading others in my name.COWARD..

Hyderabad Police - Communal Color

by Simbarayudu » Tue Apr 09, 2002 12:30 am

Imagine Desiguy you are living in any one of the Islamic countries as a \'non-beleiver\' trying to convert \'believers\' - you will find your answer.

Hyderabad Police - Communal Color

by peace » Fri Apr 12, 2002 12:30 am

Hinduism not only worships genitals it also wrongly uses the genitals. It was utter chaeos before foriegners came to India. Look at the movie UTSAV! One husband sleeping with others wife, sex was the most common about Kamasutra...?!! Why dont you guys talk about it publicly if it was that good!??? I see you blushing now!!!! :-)


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