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A poem for all girls...

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A poem for all girls...

by xyz » Thu Feb 14, 2008 10:45 pm

I wrote a poem for my friend, who just had a break-up with her boy friend and was living with me for a few days. Later, I realized, I could dedicate this to all my girl friends. And now, I think all the girls can relate a little to what I have written. So.. here it is.. to all the girls.


And finally the sun shines,

And finally the warmth is felt.

Then ends the gray winter,

And thus the story begins...

Of a girl with a tender smile,

but her eyes filled with tears

wandering aimlessly barefeet,

Running away from her cries and her fears.

A ragged doll and a candy bar are all she has,

looking for a friend to share,

alas she finds no one,

to play, to laugh with or to even care.

Alone and tired, she then sits down,

to eat her candy bar,

suddenly a miracle happens,

And then she sees an angel fairy, afar.

She walks towards her and kneels

and bows her head to the ground.

And then touches angel's feet with her hands,

And kisses her famous wand.

She then lifts up her head and the angel asks

"My dear child, my darling, oh why are you so sad?"

The girl replies," I have a doll and a candy bar

but never a boyfriend. Am I really that bad?"

The Angel smiles and says

"My child, If I grant you a boyfriend,

you can share your doll and candy with.

Will you be happy and will your troubles end?"

The girl replies, with a smile really wide,

"Oh dear Angel, that would be just fine,

and I will be happy and I will play

in the grass and the meadows, under the sunshine"

And so the angel, with her magic,

chants a mantra and swirls her wand.

The lil girl looks at the boy that appeared

Happy with the new friend she had found.

She shows him the doll and the candy bar,

hoping he would take a bite.

But, oops what just happened here

He shows her a fist and then a frown and picks up a mighty fight.

"Oh you silly girl with the ragged doll,

from a candy bar, you do get joy!

What good will that do, when tomorrow

you will be hungry again!" Said the boy.

Shocked to hear such a reply,

tears welled in the girl's eyes,

She longed to play with him all day,

and hoped, he wouldn't be so wise.

The boy continued with his sermons,

to the girl, on ways of life.

While the girl prayed that one day,

She would grow up to be his wife.

She tried to change herself,

so she put the candy and doll aside.

To be with the boy, her friend,

and prepared for rules, she'd abide.

Times changed and seasons turned,

Lil girl no longer a girl and the boy now a man.

Lead a simple life, with little necessities

a small house with a kitchen, a room and a small fan.

While he would go tend the cows for the milk,

Cooking, cleaning and washing were all she would do.

He would be busy with the money and friends

she hoped he'd spend time with her too.

But one day, when she was packing

to leave to the place unknown and far,

with the man, her husband, her only friend.

She found her ragged doll and her candy bar.

She cried and cried till her eyes went red,

and she could not stand anymore.

Then appeared the fairy angel,

smiling, just as before.

She then lifts up her head and the angel asks

"My dear child, my darling, oh why are you so sad?"

The girl replies," I have a doll and a candy bar

but could never have a friend. Am I really that bad?"

The Angel smiled again, and said

"Oh dear, this is just a test.

This is all just a dream,

to see if you really knew what is best".

The angel took the girl in her arms,

and swirled her wand again,

and Lo behold the girl was back,

and everything was just the same.

And then another swirl,

and what I can I say,

the little girl, now had a friend, but she was another girl,

And happily ever after, did they play!


Happy V'day. Freindship rocks :)
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female fantasy ...????

by candyman.. » Fri Feb 15, 2008 10:41 am

Though !! its a long one, moreover like a story but good one.. :)
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by megh » Sat Feb 23, 2008 11:57 pm

awww so sweet.

here a rose for u my frend candyman

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by candyman » Sun Mar 02, 2008 4:10 pm

hey :wink: thank you .. :D .. was that written by you .. ??
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in return of rose .. Megh ..??

by cute girlie song.. » Sun Mar 02, 2008 4:29 pm

I was quiet as a mouse

when i snuck into your house

and took roofies with your spouse

in a nit and out a louse

and lice are lousy all the time

they suck your blood drink your wine

say shut up and quit your crying

give it time and you'll be fine

you're so nice and you're so smart

you're such a good friend i hafta break your heart

tell you that i love you then i'll tear your world apart

just pretend i didn't tear your world apart

i like boys with strong convictions

and convicts with perfect diction

underdogs with good intentions

amputees with stamp collections

plywood skinboards ride the ocean

salty noses suntan lotion

always seriously joking

and rambunctiously soft-spoken

i like boys that like their mothers

and i have a thing for brothers

but they always wait til we're under the covers

to say i'm sure glad we're not lovers

you're so nice and you're so smart

you're such a good friend i hafta break your heart

i'll tell you that i love you then i'll tear your world apart

just pretend i didn't tear your world apart

i like my new bunnysuit

i like my new bunnysuit

i like my new bunnysuit

when i wear it i feel cute
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cute girlie song..
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by xyz » Sat Mar 08, 2008 8:17 am

candyman wrote:hey :wink: thank you .. :D .. was that written by you .. ??

I wrote the poem :(
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by candyman » Tue Mar 18, 2008 12:50 pm

yeah i know u wrote the poem .. infact, was dumb enough to ask somebody else instead :!: .. really nice :lol: the poem . .
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by xyz » Thu Mar 20, 2008 10:04 pm

candyman wrote:yeah i know u wrote the poem .. infact, was dumb enough to ask somebody else instead :!: .. really nice :lol: the poem . .

thank you :) <hugs>
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by candyman » Wed Mar 26, 2008 12:29 pm

..ha .. so what else u do apart from writting poems .. ?? :roll:
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Re: A poem for all girls...

by tk » Wed Sep 15, 2010 9:10 am

very moving words
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