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kids school education

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kids school education

by sitaramar » Tue Sep 17, 2013 2:14 pm

Dear friends,
I admitted my son in Jhonson Grammar School, LB Nagar , Hyderabad in I class in year 2011. I joined him in that school in that year , because I was told by many people that it was very goods school. He is now studying Class III in same school. The school follows ICSE syllabus.
I have following observations and clarifications required on the on the school methodology.
Positive points:
 School has good building.
 School has good play ground.
 Every Saturday is holiday.
 Special classes conducted for week students free of cost.
 Children will be handled carefully without physical severe punishments beating, etc.
 Reasonable fee structure – 28000 Rs/month in Class III.
Other points :
1. Children to carry all books including text books, note books, practice books , rough books totaling 15 to 20 daily. Bag may weigh 4 Kgs. In spite of repeated remainders from class I, they are not decreasing number of books.
2. Stress too much on handwriting, even before child gets interest to read, remember and write.
3. They are conducting Quarterly, annually, half yearly examinations and three Unit tests (I,II,III) in an year. They are conducting three work sheet exams every year in addition. In addition to above, they conduct slip tests , open book test etc often. I request to clarify, whether other good schools in Hyderabad also conduct so many exams? Are so many exams required at this age?
4. They claim that their teaching methodology encourages thought processes and student need not mug up things. But on the contrary, students have to mug up many question answers, meanings, opposites, etc along with spellings in 6 subjects. Many children at this age do not like to spend more time on studies at home after spending many hours in school . I am forcing my son to spend two hours daily at home for completing home work , studying for exams etc. He spends unwillingly and not able to mug up and remember things.
5. My son is good in procedure oriented subjects like maths and English grammar. He is not showing interest in reading, writing and is not able to remember many things required in all subjects. School authorities called me many times from class I. I was advising them to spend more time on students reading and writing in school instead of so many tests , because students time at home is not sufficient to mug up, write so many things. I am also requesting them to explain me the way in which I can create interest to him in reading, remembering, writing things. I did not get proper answer from them but only called regularly to meet them,
6. Since the school is good in other aspects listed above and my son is going to school without fear, I am hesitating to shift to other school.
I request anybody from forum to advise me on above issues.
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Re: kids school education

by Portuguese Man-of-War » Tue Sep 17, 2013 2:46 pm

I think you should put him in a school where the co-students come from value-driven backgrounds and the teaching is reasonably good. Apart from that, most schools are the same. Parents spend all their time worrying that what school their kids go to will shape the rest of their lives. A lot of various incidents scattered across their lives shape people, and we do not need to give the school any undue importance. I know enough people who went to very average schools but did astoundingly well - think of all the self-made successful people you know.
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Re: kids school education

by 2power10 » Wed Sep 18, 2013 7:38 pm

If he's being burdened in class III, then it is worrisome. Children should get time and space for all-round development. But I would vouch for ICSE over other syllabi any day.
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Re: kids school education

by Naveed » Fri Feb 20, 2015 10:37 am

They are conducting Quarterly, annually, half yearly examinations and three Unit tests (I,II,III) in an year. They are conducting three work sheet exams every year in addition. In addition to above, they conduct slip tests , open book test etc often. I request to clarify, whether other good schools in Hyderabad also conduct so many exams? Are so many exams required at this age?
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Re: kids school education

by jecobb » Wed Aug 02, 2017 9:58 am


I want to know about are they provide the bus facility and also fresh food facility??
I have two kids first is of 2 years old and the second is 18 months old.And I am looking for a preschool, So if they provide those facilities then I am ready for the admission of both my kids.
Thanks In advance for any feedback. :)
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Re: kids school education

by marry » Mon Nov 20, 2017 10:57 am

Hello jecobb,

If you are trying for your kid's admission in a kindergarten, then you must first search it online maybe it is helpful for you, so please check out because I am also reading about it online for my kid but my kid is now only 15 months so I am preparing for it.
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Re: kids school education

by pat10 » Mon Jan 22, 2018 3:42 pm

Hello sitaramar,
Thanks for sharing the information.I am also a mother of 4 year old son.Now looking for the school for him which is best at each level such as:
School has good building.
School has good play ground.
Special classes conducted for week students free of cost.
Children will be handled carefully without physical severe punishments beating, etc.
Reasonable fee structure – 28000 Rs/month in Class III.
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