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Is Vastu real?

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Is Vastu real?

by Ravi » Mon Sep 15, 2003 8:58 pm

Is Vastu for buildings/lands real ? Does a bad vastu really change ones fate,earnings,health as being told by everyone nowadays? I am really confused whether vastu is really that powerful ? All people are believing it, especially civil engineers, contractors. I was surprised to hear from one person working as software engineer saying USA geographical nature according to vastu is good and hence it is flourishing. Pl. post ur views
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Is Vastu real?

by Mayavi Morpheus » Mon Sep 15, 2003 10:40 pm

Vastu is a perfectly scientific theory. But the ill omen attached to vastu are not. Vastu dictates where a door should be placed, where a window should be, where a bedroom can be and things like that. The front door should be East facing according to vastu. Reason is simple. You get plently of sunshine in the morning which is not harmful like that in mid-day and in fact it\'s good for the skin (vitamin D). A good place for windows means you\'ll have plenty of air - natural air conditioning in India (there were no Fans or AC when vastu was in vogue). In India there are westerly winds so if you build a wall on the western portion of ur house you\'ll be devoid of air in the evenings.
There is a scientific explanantion for every ancient Indian theory - be it Vastu, Surya Namaskarams, Yoga, Indian food habits, meditation, astrology, etc.
May the Fries be with you!
Mayavi Morpheus
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Re: Is Vastu real?

by Danturi » Tue Oct 27, 2015 11:52 am

VASTU: This is a preventive as well as a curative therapy for solving the problems in physical and spiritual areas. Wider applications of this therapy are in the field of success of professional ventures. This is practiced through the use of proper outlay of a building to derive geo-magnetic forces for properly energizing the total impact of that building with the help of light, air, space and aura conducive to the main function of the environment.
Many difficulties or sufferings in various aspects of our lives are the direct result of vastu defects in our residential building or in our office and unfavorable planetary influences in our horoscopes. We might have used colors which are unfavorable to us as per our birth charts / horoscopes. We might be having a puja sthana / place of meditation in a wrong place; we might have a toilet where we should have place of meditation; we might be suffering from loss of sleep due to sleeping in wrong direction; we might be suffering from health problems due to wrong placements in our kitchen; we might be suffering due to faulty layout of our business premises or factory; we might be suffering due to having staircase in the wrong place; we might be suffering from stomach problems due to wrong sitting postures in WC / toilet; etc.
Vastu blesses the person when application of Vastu is blended with the planetary influences in one's horoscope.
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Re: Is Vastu real?

by aditi » Mon Dec 21, 2015 10:37 am

People are following Vaasatu shastra now a days to design their homes and offices. This happens specially in India. This is no where followed in the western world. And it is the same people who had been believing on auspicious days, auspicious times, Dhaage, Tabeet , Jaadu Tone for many many years. Rather Vastu Shastra is a more polished version whereby these mis beliefs are being sold to the educated class in a more sophisticated and polished manner.
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Re: Is Vastu real?

by Real » Sun Jan 03, 2016 11:35 am

Useful info
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