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I am asthmatic I need your help please

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I am asthmatic I need your help please

by raghavendra » Sat Sep 07, 2002 12:57 pm

Sir I have suffering from long duration allergic asthma.I came to know about fish treatment in Hyderabad.kindly help me to go to which place what is the correct address and all. Thanking you

I am asthmatic I need your help please

by neeraj » Sat Sep 07, 2002 1:46 pm

dear sir... i am telling you from my own experience, i used to be a chronice astma patient, and always on nebulisers and inhalers... i got into yoga and do breathing exercise for about 15 to 20 minutes early in the morning... believe me,, i almost forgot how a inhaler would be....

do gyatri mandra (pranayanam atleast 1000 each day and see the effect...start gradually and you will be certilny fine.

as this remedy is for the longer run and has no side effects..

I am asthmatic I need your help please

by Anil » Sun Sep 08, 2002 11:46 pm

Neeraj is right, Rag! BTW, if you are not from Hyd. don’t stay for a longer time in that place. It\\\'s a huge gas chamber and it will aggravate your problem. BTW, how long will you guys focus on curing the diseases? Why don\\\'t you emphasis a little on prevention. Do you guys know how many infants are affected with breathing and lung disorders with the amount of pollution present in the environment? Just think about it, there are people who want to take advantage of our naivety. Or else, why do people want to bribe crores of rupees to take a petrol pump dealership? If the dealer runs the business by rules and regulations, he can never make a profit after employing 5 to 6 boys. Can\\\'t you guys understand what\\\'s going behind the scenes? A recent study in the west shows that, there is a concrete evidence suggesting that the emissions from diesel exhausts are cancer causing. God knows what happens with the kind of adulterated Diesel, we are using could do? With the quality of petrol we use, it takes 45 minutes to kill everyone in a closed room with a running car. It takes 3 hours to kill the same number of people in the western countries. That is the kind of Petrol sold to us. We boast about ourselves saying that we are not materialistic than the western world, then why are we not concerned about our older and new generation if they are subjected to this kind of exploitation? Why don’t we care if our brothers, sisters, neighbors or relatives are suffering? When are we going to change?

I am asthmatic I need your help please

by ragha » Mon Sep 09, 2002 10:23 am

dear Neeraj sir all my thanks to you because you have given some confidence regarding my disease condotion.but still i request you to tell something about the fish treatment.secondly i dont understand why MrAnil GIVES ME HARSH REPLY.

I am asthmatic I need your help please

by Shahed » Mon Sep 09, 2002 5:21 pm

Dear raghvendra I also really donno why anil gave you such a harsh reply...though what he is saying is not related to your question yet he is right. Well about that fish remedy there is one GOUD family residing at Doodh Bowli in the Old City. They offer fish medicine to 1000\'s of asthama patients on particular days without any charge. The dates will be announced well in advance thru news papers etc etc. This year they served in exhibition grounds Nampally and few other places. Well About the cure I am not sure.heard it is worthful.. better you try first what neeraj advised you if not then go to hyderabad next year. Good Luck ♣

I am asthmatic I need your help please

by raghavendra » Mon Sep 09, 2002 5:46 pm

thnk you shaheed. you are a person like my unborn brother.persons like anil should understand that i am a really suffering patient.thank you see you later

Re: I am asthmatic I need your help please

by Erica » Mon Dec 07, 2020 3:17 pm

Asthma is a long-term disease of the respiratory system. With Yoga, you can cure this disease. yoga isn’t a part of standard asthma therapy. But it’s possible that regular, gentle practice could provide relief. Plus, if yoga improves your symptoms, there’s generally no harm in doing it. For better guidance, you can take Yoga Courses Online.
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