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Sex workers

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Sex workers

by mrk » Tue Jul 15, 2003 12:34 pm

I recently saw on Teja TV in their survey in Goa beach (Goa) that 90% of women working as sex workers are from AP. So many women were married and cheated and some were taken away to there by assuring them jobs. The women there actually don\'t want to do that, but they were cheated. Due to a lack of proper jobs, they indulged in that.
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Sex workers

by neeraja » Tue Jul 15, 2003 1:27 pm


It\'s a wrong notion that due to lack of jobs or jilted by someone they are into the flesh trade. Nope, there are so many fields where a women can find a decent job, or why, she can be self-employed. Or she can start house keeping. Flesh trade is because of easy money with no effort... As long as there are men who have illicit relationships and are cheating their spouses, this trade will certainly flourish.
Saudi Arabia is one of the countries, apart from Bhutan, where there are no sex workers. I wish our country becomes one among this list.
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Sex workers

by mrk » Tue Jul 15, 2003 1:46 pm

Fine, Neeraja, your opinion is right. But it is what the women themselves said in the interview of Teja TV that I mentioned in my message.
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Sex workers

by I Zacarias » Tue Jul 15, 2003 5:14 pm

Your opinion is right. But in my opinion, all these men and women also openly appreciate this type of business, and even the public wanted to listen to some exciting news from the channels broadcasting. We are living in the world of IT, and Hyd citizens are now listed among them. But what to do, we are having so much population and the govt is trying to help!
I Zacarias

Sex workers

by mrk » Wed Jul 16, 2003 11:16 am

90% from our state is not a joke. Not only in Goa, but also in Mumbai and in other states of our country and in foriegn countries, this thing is happening. If we keep an eye on the current affairs, we can observe this point. Is this the improvement of our state? Is this the respect given to the women of our state?
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Sex workers

by » Thu Jul 17, 2003 8:09 pm

Unfortunately in chennai also the same story. Poor Gals from Rayaluseema are going to this flesh trade out of bitter poverty.the story is mainly concentrated around waltax road. chennai central
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Sex workers

by mrk » Fri Jul 18, 2003 12:21 pm

Jayalalitha the C.M of chennai she too is a woman. She must do something for those rayalaseema girls you mentioned and also she must try to control that saught of incidents in your state.
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Sex workers

by » Mon Jul 21, 2003 9:42 pm

My state is Rayalaseema only. Not the mysterious and artificial Telengana.
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Sex workers

by HALL-im » Tue Jul 22, 2003 10:50 am

How did the board take an about turn from discussing about sex workers to rebuilding state boundaries.. ???
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Sex workers

by mrk » Tue Jul 22, 2003 2:02 pm

Giving reservations to women is a good thing. But we must protect our women. In Goa, in their interview to Teja TV, women said that they are not interested to do that. Some women were cheated in the name of love and they were forced to be the sex workers. And the some other women searched for jobs and due to a lack of jobs and due to their poverty they were forced to indulge in that. They were not at all interested to do like that, they themselves said that things in the interview. Due to lack of job facilities, they are doing that thing for the sake of their livelihood. Some women were married and they were cheated in the name of marriage and they were forced there to work as sex workers. Just think about the above and if you read the articles or watch out for the programs about these people. Or if you guys see them there in Goa or in some other places, you can find their miserable lives.
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Sex workers

by mrk » Wed Jul 23, 2003 2:58 pm

Hey neeraja why are you not participating in the bulletin boards/message board. You have a good knowledge. I am appreciating your knowledge, try to be like candle light. Our knowledge is like a candle light. Dont try to hide it.
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Sex workers

by JC » Tue Oct 07, 2003 5:04 pm

Well the discussion seems to have tapered out. The point I want to make is that here, in Hyderabad, the soliciting by sex workers has become a problem at public places but nobody seems to do any thing about it.
Any suggestions on how to clean the rot?

Sex workers

by Mayavi Morpheus » Wed Oct 08, 2003 12:27 am

Neeraja, I am surprised and disppointed by your comments. You are a social worker, right? And more importantly, you are a woman. You really think that women get into flesh trade for easy money?
May the Fries be with you!
Mayavi Morpheus
Registered User

Sex workers

by Ramesh » Wed Oct 08, 2003 9:09 pm

It\'s woman\'s counterpart for man\'s robbery. It\'s not possible to stop it, come what may. Tell me, is it possible to stop robbery however strict the police tries to be? You can only minimise it, that too only to some extent. Nevertheless, you need to minimise it.
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Sex workers

by ZC » Thu Oct 09, 2003 11:29 am

Legalize it and start the welfare for all registered sex workers. If their warnings are streamlined, I think they can have their own doctor, psyhologist, community welfare organization/leader, etc. Until you legalize it, all sex worker welfare associations will bite the dust and their voice won\'t be heard. The first important thing is, their voice should be heard. For that they have to have a platform. They will get a lot of confidence if they are given licences \'cos they won\'t be unnecessarily exploited by police and other members of the public.
ZEE: the Colossus
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Sex workers

by ZC » Thu Oct 09, 2003 11:29 am

That was earnings and not warnings!
ZEE: the Colossus
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Sex workers

by ex-hydi2 » Fri Oct 10, 2003 8:00 am

Hey guys, prostitution is as old as civilization. As long as there are men who don\'t get enough satisfaction and there are women who don\'t make enough money, prostitution is never going to disappear! It can also be argued that, if the trade was open, there will be less exploitation by pimps, etc. The last time I was in Hyderabad (3 yrs ago), I noticed that girls were hanging out right outside Indira Park on the Necklace Road offering themselves! I also heard (not verified) that standing outside some unnamed women\'s colleges with a car was enough to get someone! That\'s a different Hyderabad than the one I was used to for 15 yrs!
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Sex workers

by JustaLittleUnwell » Fri Oct 10, 2003 10:16 pm

I\'m just thinking aloud on what would be the consequences of this \'legalizing\'...
Prostitution would become corporatised with the Tatas, Birlas and Ambanis vying for their marketshare. Designations like Trainee Pimp, Sr. Pimp, Solicitation Manager, etc. would become the order of the day. \'Customer Service Specialist\' would become an apt title for a sex worker. These jobs may become sought after (mein banoongi sex worker???) and professional colleges who wouldn\'t want to be left behind would offer \'crash\' courses so that aspiring candidates can compete effectively for these well-paying jobs. It would become an \'equal-opportunity\' industry, i.e. there would be as many men as there are women and vice versa. Last but not the least, customers would get to enjoy the benefits of loyalty programs (like you have frequent flyers), early bird incentives, happy hours, etc.
Sounds a bit extreme - but just rewind a couple of decades when modelling and fashion shows were considered taboo. Gradually, they gained respectability and today we get visuals of bikini clad women (and their male counterparts) walking the ramp routinely, streaming right into your living rooms. No one even raises an eyebrow as we have come to accept it as a part of our daily lives. And we have our esteemed corporates vying to sponsor these shows, as they result in greater brand recall or whatever industry jargon they use to describe it. Suppose prostitution also gets elevated in terms of acceptance like modelling/fashion did. Would that be a step in the right direction for our future generations?
I\'m afraid legalizing would offer it a stamp of acceptance, following which it would no longer be wrong to be a sex worker or a customer of \'sexual services\' (as it could probably be called). And all the fears I expressed above may come true!
Life is what happens to you when you are busy making other plans - John Lennon
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Sex workers

by Fiddler » Tue Oct 14, 2003 6:08 pm

Man, you\'re not just a little unwell, you\'re positively scary! But, hold on and think about what you\'ve said a little bit. I know it\'s scary, and you know it\'s scary, but why is it scary in the first place? Why should one be against the legalisation and the corporatisation (pardon the creative liberty) of prostitution? Aren\'t morals dictated by society? If society is okay with this, then why should it be wrong? We only look at it as wrong because our society thinks it\'s wrong. If society thought it was right, we wouldn\'t even be discussing this! So may be a liberal society is the answer to the plight of these women, who knows?
'Ab Hoc Possum Videre Domum Tuum!'
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Sex workers

by ex-hydi2 » Tue Oct 14, 2003 6:18 pm

As long as you realize that legal or not, you can never make this problem go away. However, by legalizing, you are encouraging more of them to indulge in this. What\'s next? Legalize drugs? Look at Sweden. Sex and drugs are legal and it has it\'s own problems! Unemployment is also high. The country is small and per-capita fairly rich. I don\'t think it will work in India.
Perhaps the most important thing is education. Our society has become conservative only in recent history. Just look at the temple sculptures and you will realize India used to be a LOT more liberal, even compared to current western societies!
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Sex workers

by Mayavi Morpheus » Wed Oct 15, 2003 1:47 am

According to you, ancient India was a liberal society. So did it encourage prostituition?
May the Fries be with you!
Mayavi Morpheus
Registered User

Sex workers

by ex-hydi2 » Wed Oct 15, 2003 5:58 am

Definition of prostitution: Monetary exchange for sexual acts.
A number of reasons why prostitution is rampant:
- Sheer poverty
- No satisfaction at home
- Imbalance of men to women ratio, resulting in men seeking relief elsewhere.
There was recently an article about the practice of sexual selection in North Indian villages, resulting in a shortage of marriagable women! This also results in more violence against women.
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Sex workers

by JustaLittleUnwell » Wed Oct 15, 2003 8:19 pm

Fiddler, yes, if the society thinks it\'s okay, then it does become okay. But today\'s society doesn\'t think it is okay. So, the question is whether today\'s society, when alerted about the consequences, will dare to take a step (legalizing prostitution) which could lead to erosion of values of the future societies?
Life is what happens to you when you are busy making other plans - John Lennon
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Sex workers

by Mayavi Morpheus » Thu Oct 16, 2003 1:25 am

Junta... Legalizing prostitution is not going to encourage prostituition but reduce the exploitation of prostitutes by pimps, police, and the \'customers\'. Illegal prostituition is one of the main reasons for the spread of Aids as many people do not use condoms. When you legalize prostituition, there will be certain rules attached and prostitutes and customers can be brought under the law. This will go a long way in reducing AIDS cases, unwanted children [pregnancy is a result of not using condoms and contraceptives(?)]. I recently read a report in BBC where a prostitute said that she was \'raped\' by a cop (in Bangladesh). She was not paid and the cop didn\'t use a condom. The reason he gave was that the prostitute is not his wife, so it doesn\'t matter to him if she gets Aids or not. The same thing happens in India, and add lorry drivers to the cops in India.
The advantages in legalizing prostituition far outweigh the disadvantages. With the existing laws, we are not able to stop the ever increasing prostitutes/destitutes. In fact, a growing number of middle class families are being pushed into prostituition. There is no law which prevents exploitation of these women and they are asking for a law. The police has to see that prostituion doesn\'t spread, but what are they doing? They charge an amount of money and let it continue. In fact, most of the cops on night duty use the \'services\' of prostitutes. So by legalizing it, you are stopping the police from exploiting them.
May the Fries be with you!
Mayavi Morpheus
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Sex workers

by ex-hydi2 » Thu Oct 16, 2003 2:16 am

I think, given the inevitable situation in India, this is a very coherent argument. Of course, the cops are still going to insist on free sex! In Sweden, prostitution is legal and the government imposes health and safety. I am not sure that is practical in India. Perhaps, sex education is more appropriate.
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