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The Worlds First "Online Collaboration Novel "on Fullhyd-"Co

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The Worlds First "Online Collaboration Novel "on Fullhyd-"Co

by TheCreator » Mon Dec 15, 2003 10:31 am

<br> Why dont we write a book/novel ,collaborating together through fullhyds bulletin boards...
<br>first..lets come up \"with a theme\" ..\"second the name of the book\"..third....\"the charecters\" and \"then the content\"..this would make it the \"Worlds first online Collaborative Book\"
<br>and lets do it in record time so that the COPY cats dont catch up so ...Lets DO IT !!!!
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The Worlds First "Online Collaboration Novel "on Fullhyd-"Co

by TheCreator » Mon Dec 15, 2003 11:41 am

guyz its been 1 hra and no posts yet??? times running out
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The Worlds First "Online Collaboration Novel "on Fullhyd-"Co

by CtrlAltDel » Mon Dec 15, 2003 12:14 pm

i\'ll write the erotic bits!
wtf? i no longer care if my posts hurt yr feelings :roll:
Love me or hate me, u cant ignore me :D
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The Worlds First "Online Collaboration Novel "on Fullhyd-"Co

by Johnny » Mon Dec 15, 2003 10:44 pm

I will illustrate what u write CtrlAltDel ;)
Smoking helps to reduce weight, a LUNG at a time.
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The Worlds First "Online Collaboration Novel "on Fullhyd-"Co

by Author Hailey » Tue Dec 23, 2003 8:48 pm

Ok, I get the chance to start.I like the kafkaesque way of starting things. I am inching towards that style.
<br>\"Yesterday, I died.It\'s a surprising thing, this death.A big deal is made about it.Maple used to say that death is painful. For once, she seems to be wrong.\"
<br>Ok ,any takers from here ?
Author Hailey
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The Worlds First "Online Collaboration Novel "on Fullhyd-"Co

by The Author » Tue Dec 23, 2003 10:06 pm

And thsi death was mysterios specially considering the way it came .Something strange ,something thing spine chilling about this death.Looking back it all started years ago
The Author
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The Worlds First "Online Collaboration Novel "on Fullhyd-"Co

by CtrlAltDel » Tue Dec 23, 2003 11:13 pm

...when i was in bed with Hannah and her sister and she broke the news that she was HIV Positive. \"AIDS...???!!!\" i screamed as cold terror gripped my heart in its sharp talons...
wtf? i no longer care if my posts hurt yr feelings :roll:
Love me or hate me, u cant ignore me :D
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The Worlds First "Online Collaboration Novel "on Fullhyd-"Co

by fried_green » Wed Dec 24, 2003 8:11 am

Maple and I have been swinging for over a year now.God!it is going to take a while to check if she is going to be in the same boat as me.\"Lifestyle it is\" my inner voice is echoing over and over in my head.Definitely,I won\'t be living with style no more...
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The Worlds First "Online Collaboration Novel "on Fullhyd-"Co

by shaikh » Wed Dec 24, 2003 12:36 pm

<br>marvelous guys, this is going to be great fun. great fan of fredrick forsyth, i love the way he describes two different scenarios at the same time. let me chip in here.
<br>so from USA we are jumping to new delhi.\"aruna and raj are getting ready to go to work, as usual aruna is faster she is on the breakfast table already making the coffee cup for raj, raj come down his usual broad smile and he kisses aruna lightly before taking the seat. biting on the toast and cereal they talk lightly of the day\'s work ahead of them, aruna goes I have to finish my report on the madhumina murder case, raj, man that story is all over the town, what\'s goping on.!! ? are the cops deaf why can\'t they arrest the minister.!!!!\"
<br>i will fill in later guys.
<br>i am giving you four characters here.
<br>madhumina (dead)
<br>see you later soon.
<br>(copyright by shaikh)
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The Worlds First "Online Collaboration Novel "on Fullhyd-"Co

by Uzma » Wed Dec 24, 2003 12:54 pm

let me add..............
<br>\"Raj smiles ,as the telephone rings.... thank god,it rang after Aruna has left, he quickly lifts and walks to his room...\"Hi Sulu! just in time!...was waiting for your call...okk ...we will meet ...same room ..hahaha ..you are tease Sulu...kisses to you...ok, bye darling\"
<br>New character added: SULU..nee Sulochana, the model and secrete girl friend of Raj !!!
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The Worlds First "Online Collaboration Novel "on Fullhyd-"Co

by CtrlAltDel » Wed Dec 24, 2003 5:16 pm

...Raj raced his car, his thoughts filled with Sullu. She was a model and was crazy about him. She didnt know he was married but Raj was too high to care. Most importantly she was insatiable in bed and made Raj feel years younger and discover sensations he never knew existed. After 8 years of marriage, Aruna started looking too Plain Jane for his liking.
<br>He glanced at his watch. He was too ealy for his appointment with the minister. He had promised to meet Sullu in the afternoon, but there was time to surprise her for a \"quicky\" in the morning. She loved such surprises. He startled the motorist behind him as a braked hard and swerved the car around and proceeded in the opposite direction. Just thinking of Sullu made him horny....
wtf? i no longer care if my posts hurt yr feelings :roll:
Love me or hate me, u cant ignore me :D
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The Worlds First "Online Collaboration Novel "on Fullhyd-"Co

by shaikh » Wed Dec 24, 2003 7:55 pm

<br>fantastic.!! i am dying to see Ctrl write the steamy scenes. ha ha..
<br>guys, i got to go now but i will say few points quickly before i leave:
<br>the creator needs to see the drafts and give his comments. as far as i am concerned this is a fantastic idea for a novel.
<br>we must dedicate this to fullhyd. com
<br>i think the name is not a big deal right now, what we need is a rough plot and few characters, content will come automatic there is no problem. but at the same time we need to do lot of editing in time to make it look presentable.
<br>the plot: i would like the plot/theme to be a thriller with few romantic side plots as well as it will have a kind of documentary feature to it. it is going to be amazing.!! people will come to fullhyd site just to read this book.
<br>anyway. i like the theme to be nuclear prolifiration which is a hot topic these days. the plots and scenes will go around US / India / Asia / Middle East and Europe, it\'s going to be fun.
<br>we already have hannah and sister alive so we can use them lets call the sister Liv. lets write some US scenes now...
<br>i am out of here.
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The Worlds First "Online Collaboration Novel "on Fullhyd-"Co

by mesmer_boy » Wed Dec 24, 2003 10:42 pm

I would consider writing Preface!!
I sat down
tried to shit
but only farted!
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The Worlds First "Online Collaboration Novel "on Fullhyd-"Co

by The Writer » Thu Dec 25, 2003 7:12 pm

Good going Guz go on!!!!
<br>So we are coming up with the story letus name the cherecters and some body plan out the preface and the
<br>Title for the Book
The Writer
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The Worlds First "Online Collaboration Novel "on Fullhyd-"Co

by The Creator » Thu Dec 25, 2003 7:13 pm

Guyz come up with a title and pour out your talent
The Creator
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The Worlds First "Online Collaboration Novel "on Fullhyd-"Co

by shaikh » Fri Dec 26, 2003 9:14 pm

<br>continued from sullu made him horny:
<br>as raj raced his car on the janpath road, he looked at his watch 9.30 am. the delhi morning fog had pretty much cleared up and vsibility was back to normal temp. in delhi at these times is usually around 5 C. cool enough to turn on the heater in his brand new scorpio. 9.30 am in new delhi and 10 pm.on the other side of the globe at the langley hd.quarters of cia near washington dc. a drama was unfolding as agent keuhler patiently listened to the french suspect laurent massey speak about his connection with the iranian ring \'sunrise\'....
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The Worlds First "Online Collaboration Novel "on Fullhyd-"Co

by shaikh » Fri Dec 26, 2003 11:34 pm

<br>tell me about the sunrise ring, keuhler asked gently as he offered massey a plastic cup filled with russian vodka specially packed and shipped for cia from a small town near kiev. cia made sure that the glasses and bottles brought in the interogation rooms were all either plastic or paper.
<br>10 pm. in langley on the christmas eve was a frosty night with almost everything covered with snow, it was dark and cold outside but in the small room where keuhler and massey sat accross a small table it was pretty comfortable and warm. taking small sips on the vodka keuhler thought about his wife patty and daughter rose who were busy that night clebrating christmas at the baltimore presbetarian church attending the night mass with patty\'s parents, duty calls keuhler couldn\'t join them as he had to get the info from massey and submit his report at eight in the morning to the state department\'s iranian wing where they were too keen to know what was going on in iran with regards to their nuclear ambitions.....
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The Worlds First "Online Collaboration Novel "on Fullhyd-"Co

by The Author » Sat Dec 27, 2003 11:46 am

Good show go on Guyz
The Author
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Re: The Worlds First

by shaikh » Sun Dec 28, 2003 1:56 pm

The Author wrote:Good show go on Guyz


nice new changes guys.

hey. am I the only one slogging here.

it is supposed to be collaborative. right :idea:
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Re: The Worlds First

by uzma » Mon Dec 29, 2003 7:20 pm

....warmth pervaded as Massey siped the vodka, how far shud i tell.......i need 4 days more for Uneo to arrive..then these bastard keuhler can be put to bed ..

" tell me about sunrise ring....."keuhler went on...

The ant-bug was inside him ,it can explode and kill all..but .only if massey wanted.......................Massey , the younest son of irish refugee parents, and best agent in middle East...blinked at red fat face of keuhler.....he cud fathom keuhler's thoughts....

"Thinking of family, keuhler?"


new character:

Uneo= the deadly japanese agent ,who is also works in Embassy of Japan, Baghdad as cook.!!!!!!!
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by shaikh » Mon Dec 29, 2003 8:42 pm

Keuhler spoke: you know what Massey, I love my daughter Rose, she is only five, she must be missing me now.......it's christmas eve tonight. Massey goes: great, what do you think agents in France are just plain bachelors? Anyway, let me tell you something about sunrise. This is a third generation group of french-Iranians who are dead against you guys, this group is highly educated, all are Masters in science, they are young, angry and dedicated. They want to show the world that they can also blast a nuke and kick Israel's ass anytime they want. Their argument is why Israel has to be the only one in the region with a leathel arsenal?

Massey went on with his slow but calculated release of statements: you know Kuehler Sunrise is a small group, but i know them well, i know their weaknesses and i know their strengths, but tell me what you want from them?
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by shaikh » Tue Dec 30, 2003 4:59 pm

Massey was cautious in letting the info to keuhler,…….massey whose parents migrated to france in the wake of the ira massacre of the jews in the 30s. was talented from his childhood itself he grew up to be French legion marine and with his natural talent of picking up foreign languages he could speak Arabic, Greek, suwahili, zulu and ten other languages fluently as he was hand picked by president Mitterand to join the secret service his style of low key operations impressed his seniors and soon he was posted in Beirut Lebanon as assistant to the military attaché at the French embassy.

This was the fun place massey always dreamt of, Beirut at that time in the year 1982 was a heaven among the Arabian cities with modern lifestyle, music, arts and freedom it offered opportunities to interact with the young and beautiful of Beirut, massey only 26 at that time met habiba at a concert at the American university at Beirut played by aerosmith, massey was surprised to see the turnout at the show thousands of youngsters were jumping to the full blast guitars and the screams of aerosmith. And sexy hahiba was within arms reach right in front of him, habiba 18 year old beauty of the French-iranian actress amanpour was doing science graduation with atomic science as her major at the American university at Beirut.

Keuhler listened with interest as he poured more vodka for massey.

As massey paused to think he got lost in the tender thoughts of habiba………….
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by shaikh » Thu Jan 01, 2004 1:44 am

Direction Generale de la Securite Exterieure (DGSE - French Secret Service) head quarters situated at: 141 Boulevard Mortier, Paris 75020 is a very ordinary looking building in the heart of paris, but only when one steps inside will realise the state of the art security systems it has, the complete ground floor is taken by the security department manned by more than 500 personnel working on sophisticated scramblers, transmitters, gprs, sattelite cameras and latest computers, they are capable of pin pointing any square mile area on the globe including the whitehouse.!!!

the second floor in this huge building occupies the offices of the secret agents colonels majors and captains, at eight in the morning on the south block of this floor Colonel Louise-Pierre Dillais was having his morning cup of coffee in his office and on his desk was a small piece of message saying massey was exposed to the cia and possibly at the moment at the risk of disclosing the sunrise.
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by uzma » Thu Jan 01, 2004 1:21 pm

"Colonel Louise-Pierre Dillais here,Sir,.... sunrise is safe....massey is old fox..... no worry...........ok Sir....Sir" .

He keept the telephone down.

He hated anyone calling him while he was still having cofee.

'no more calls , Mrs loren,he buzzed to his secretary. He needed time to plan. he going to get massey back . He has only 2days left and flight to Vienna is an hour later.

"Hello Uneo, i feel like having some Poire Belle-Hélène with lots of Irish cream....how abut tonight?....great !....... be ready....ingridients will reach you...5 pm then.......yes"

Colonel Louise-Pierre Dillais looked out of his window.....it was snowing....
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Good show Guyz/Girlz

by The CReator » Thu Jan 01, 2004 4:58 pm

Hi!!! All,

Good show keep it moving
The CReator
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