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Harassment at Hyderabad Airport

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Harassment at Hyderabad Airport

by IQBAL » Sun Nov 25, 2001 12:30 am

Mr.Mike it is not justifiable to say that faiz deserves that treatment because of his reaction and vulgur language to the treament meted to him. I couldn\'t understand your reasoning it goes as like this, first person slaps a second guy and second person abuses the first and you say coz second person is so rude, it is justifiable for the first person to do as he wish.
Is the intelligence over all the world is so sick that they cannot discriminate who is culprit or who is terrorist. It is for sure faiz used a uncivilised language and i know many so called civilised , literate people think using these kind of bad words is a just and a part of high society culture.
And if we accept your justification we should also accept that it is absolutely logical to justify the massacre of sikhs after the assasination of our beloved PM Indira Gandhi. I question the so called Intelligence officials are they so moron that they cannot distinguish between a terrorist and normal citizen. It puts question on the intelligence department.

Harassment at Hyderabad Airport

by Faiz Khan » Sun Nov 25, 2001 12:30 am

Sweety, Girl..... before you call me names i would like to remind you that i didnt misbehave with anyone at the airport or didnt cooperate them when the had list of questions. All i was saying is this the treatment i should get when comming back to india when others are allowed to go with out any question just because of their different faith?????
Faiz Khan

Harassment at Hyderabad Airport

by Raj Shekar » Sun Nov 25, 2001 12:30 am

I am an Indian American. I visit home very often. Taking a long flight from United States to India is quite exhaustive. We leave for homeland with much happiness but thats short lived. As soon as the plane lands, we try to hide our wallets because of the known corrupt airport customs officials. These people make our journey horrendous. They try to make roadblocks instead of assisting with your checkouts. Harassment is quite common. A tired passenger has no energy left to challenge the officials, so they end up paying them anywhere from $150-$200 to get a green signal with luggage clearence. Now you arent done yet, you haven\'t left the airport and the baggage handlers try to scam you, then the taxi drivers.. and by the time you reach home, you have had it. Will the government ever stop harassing the homecoming crowd?
Raj Shekar

Harassment at Hyderabad Airport

by babu rao » Sun Nov 25, 2001 12:30 am

Sangeetha, Go to Hyderabad airport,U can seen lot\'s of Faiz\'s.They are literally being humiliated and ripped off by these JOKERS.Some vent out their anger like Faiz,some of them suffer silently.I have seen people pleading with them to take 20 dinars, but fellows demand 100 dinars. I understand the pain Faiz went through but the language Fiaz used was wrong.
ZAHEER,Today Subba Rao is a dog,tomorrow Md.Habibbuallah may be a dog.Corruption has no religion.
Let\'s starting cleaning this shit from Hyderabad....
babu rao

Harassment at Hyderabad Airport

by ZAHEER » Sun Nov 25, 2001 12:30 am


Harassment at Hyderabad Airport

by ZAHEER » Sun Nov 25, 2001 12:30 am


Harassment at Hyderabad Airport

by Mike Maserrani » Sun Nov 25, 2001 12:30 am

When I read Faiz\'s email, my first reaction was \'this guy is rude, he probably deserves the treatment he got\'. I am sure his feelings are enhanced due to the 911 incident. If the incident had happened before 911, he may not have been so angry as he is now. I think Muslims around the world have been ill treated....there is no two ways about it. But, one has to give the benefit of doubt to the security folks at the airport. They were doing their job. Faiz, there is no point loosing your cool. If your conscience is clear, you do not have to fear. But, if you are guilty, you have no place in India.
Mike Maserrani

Harassment at Hyderabad Airport

by Vinay Kumar » Mon Nov 26, 2001 12:30 am

Oh my god, after reading Faiz’s message, I don’t feel like visiting India any soon. I had so many plans, but I am going to hold until this whole war episode ends. I seriously doubt about this so called war on terrorism. Anyways, I don’t want to divert the topic of this message board. I cannot take this crass and unruly behavior of Airport Authorities. I know they suck they would do anything to harass people if they find a small problem. I have witnessed myself to one such incident where they took a person aside and started yelling on him and this guy is like begging and shivering as he is terrified. Then after couple of minutes he was released. He happens to sit next to me in the aircraft I didn’t want to ask him, but couldn’t control myself and I went ahead and asked him what seems to be the problem there at the airport. He is a sincere guy with typical hyderabadi language he said Bhai my passport got some water stains on the last page due to which they could not read my mother’s name. Even though I showed them the Xerox copy I had they don’t want to agree, I told them that I am going to submit this passport as damaged passport and get a new one but these airport guys don’t want to consider me just because I told the guy on the desk to behave properly when he said “ CHAL BAG’S UTHALAY AUR BAHAR NIKAL ” you are not going to board the plane, so he got angry and called his supervisor and created a scene at the airport. I apologized even though I did not say anything wrong. I simply asked him to behave properly don’t say cha/wal. Anyways, after literally begging to them like a child and gave references to my poor wife and kids at home. Some how that Supervisor let me go saying “CHAL JAJA”. I am happy that they spared me other wise I would have lost my job and my whole life would have been miserable afterwards. After talking to him, I was really shocked and my journey to dubai was not comfortable. I solemnly hope that I will try my best to avoid such situations in my life but the million dollar question is when these mongers Going to Stop Harassing innocent people.
Vinay Kumar

Harassment at Hyderabad Airport

by Hyderabadi » Mon Nov 26, 2001 12:30 am

Ratanm, I\'m sure you know there are millions in US that don\'t know the difference between Sikh\'s & Taliban - Its the turban. They go by \'SHOW & TELL\' policy. So, don\'t be petty and hold that against US. But, if you see the big picture around the country, EWNS people are ready to help and fight for thier \'RIGHTS\'. So lets not bicker about who is great HINDUS, MUSLIMS,CHRISTIANS, in India lets try and make INDIA a safe place. And no matter where you go, you should feel proud and happy to go back home \'HYDERABAD. But, incidents like what happend to Mr. Fiyaz, might give people a reason not to go back home.

Harassment at Hyderabad Airport

by tony » Tue Nov 27, 2001 12:30 am

Hi sammer , I agree with the public decorum and also the responsibility of the law personel.Just because he is not treated properly does not mean any one should blame the whole city or India. Rather like an educated and responsible citizen of India complain and wait till things happen or otherwise there are so many forms to exchange your experience like this so that others are aware of it.
If you still think that is not sufficient you can join a madrasa and be a jehadi moron.If you think
that is not enough you can live in pakistan on streets so much for your allegiance to your language and taste.
hindus and muslims have been living peacfully for a long time with no problems except for the time when people are filled with ideas from mullas and hindu mahasabas.let me make very clear to you , if you are smart this is the right time to change the world view of Islam not as a propagator of hate, terror and medieval ideas and
justice. if anyone want to live with such ideas we have to create a decent place for these people and let them pray for god and what would be the answer.
You should also be aware that there are terrorists everywhere but Islamic terrorists are the most to be seen in every part of the world.
If majority of the muslims don\'t learn to live in harmony in a pluralistic society then they have no right to enjoy any of the freedom in US , India or Europe or matter of fact anywhere in the world . Yes this is fastest growing religion but this is also the religion fast recognized for all the evils it spreading in the name of the religion. Every country has now taken account of what has happened on Sept 11 ,no country should allow any religious fanaticsm. Religion is private matter lets keep it that way.For the comment of \'Bottu\' it was unwarranted and this very intolerance towards anything not Islam is root cause for the evils.Let me assure you if anyone does not come out of the fanatic mindset then you and you own people will be continously living for hatred. And please no body wants to be taught history of any religion and its propagation or evils , let face it we are all aware of our mistakes.Lets live in peace and let others live in peace too. If anyone is so frustrated with our country please dont stay here you are free to migrate to any Islamic state where you can enjoy all your freedom and justice whatever that means in those countries.
It is time for all countries to take stock of the situation prevailing, if there are people who want to live in ghettos and caves let them be damned forever otherwise lets live together.

Harassment at Hyderabad Airport

by A True Hyderabadi, always a Hyderabad » Wed Nov 28, 2001 12:30 am

Subject: Indian Immigration conspiracy
> Please read the following carefully. I feel necessary to bring this to everybody\'s
> knowledge so that you can take up the issue to high
> circles. This case has happened with Aramco\'s
> Arifuddin. He was travelling with his family. They had
> six passports. They got the visa of America and
> decided to go via hyderabad from Jeddah. They reached
> Hyd. Stayed about a month and left for States. When
> they reached States, the page of the American visa on
> his wife\'s passport was missing. At the time of
> departure from Hyd. It was there, without which
> neither the airline nor the immigration allow them to
> leave. Whole family had to return to hyd helplessly.
> On arrival at Bombay back, they were caught by the
> police and now it is over 2 months, they are running
> after the Police, Immigration officers and the Courts.
> On going into details with him, I found out the
> following.

> One cannot imagine, neither can believe, that the
> Indian Immigration dept can play such a nasty game to
> harass the innocent passengers. All the passengers
> travelling to & fro India via bombay and Hyd must be
> aware of this conspiracy.
> Every month 15 to 20 cases are taking place, at each
> mentioned airport, of holding the passengers in the
> crime of tearing away the passport pages. 90% of the
> defaulters are Muslims. On interviewing some of them,
> none of them was aware of what had happened. They
> don\'t know who, when and why tore away the page from
> the middle of the passport. One can imagine the
> sufferings of such people at the hands of the
> immigration, police and the court procedures in India
> after that.
> The number of cases are increasing in the last 2-3
> years. People who are arriving at the immigration,
> they are questioned and their passports are being held
> and they have to go in interrogations. Obviously, the
> conspiracy started about 2to 3 years ago, now the
> results are coming.
> An official source who did not want to disclose his
> name & identity told to me that this is a well planned

> conspiracy in which the Immigration dept. and the

> Police dept. are hand in glove. Some of the Air India
> counter staff too is involved in this conspiracy. The
> methodology is that at the time of the passenger\'s
> departure, if the passenger is not looking at the
> officer while he is stamping the exit, the officer
> very cleverly tears away one of the page from the
> passport. When the passenger leaves the immigration
> counter, the case is reported on the computer. On
> arrival next time, he is interrogated. Subjected to
> the passenger\'s period of stay abroad, his income and
> standing etc., the price to get rid of the problem is
> settled by the Police and Immigration people. If
> someone argues, his future is spoiled because there
> are always some innocent fellows who think the honesty
> is the basis of getting justice.
> Please advise every passenger to be careful at the
> airport. Whenever they hand over the passport to the
> counters of Air India, or immigration or the customs,
> they must be vigilant, should not remove eyes from the
> passport even if the officer in front tries to divert
> their attention.
> Also, please pass this information to all friends,
> media men and important politicians.
A True Hyderabadi, always a Hyderabad

Harassment at Hyderabad Airport

by Begum Pasha » Wed Nov 28, 2001 12:30 am

My heart goes out for brother Faiz or any Indian regardless of any religion who gets ill treated by their own country men the airport authorities or by Public servants. I travel to India (HYD) every year through Bombay. I never had any problem at the Bombay airport. Three years ago I made a mistake of going directly to HYD, and I had to suffer for making that decision. Hyderabad airport does not have all the facilities to accommodate all those passengers coming on international flights, and top of that newly acquired power of having international customs has swelled their heads a lot.
Custom officials made all the passengers (Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, etc) to open each and every piece of luggage on the ground. Custom officers were too curious to see everything a passenger was carrying. It took them 4 hrs to finish the customs of 150 passengers.
I am sorry to say that PUBLIC SERVANTS of GREATER CITY OF HYDERABAD sucks very badly. They have also become too much corrupt.
It is better for all Hyderabadis to go thru Bombay. When the traffic to the airport will decrease day by day they will come to their senses.
I also request all the passengers to keep your eyes on your passport all the time. Never ever trust those immigration people. They can do anything to your passport and make your life hell.
Please don’t hate Hyderabad because of those corrupt officers. This is the place where we belong. It is our heritage and our culture. We cannot live without it.
It is the most beautiful place on earth.

I have been to many cities in the world, and the most respect I ever get as a woman is nowhere but Hydreabad.

Hello True Indian, what women’s rights you are talking about sir?

Always a Hyderabadi
Begum Pasha

Harassment at Hyderabad Airport

by Zubair » Thu Nov 29, 2001 12:30 am

Praveen, As a muslim i thank you for being so nice to us and to our religion. Do you know what\'s happening around the world? why people are turning towards restrain or you call it \"terrorism\"?? these people are oppresed, the places you mentioned were muslims are oppresed just like what\'s happening in india. look at palestain,bosnia,kosovo,kashmir,chechnia and now afganistan. when you push at cat in a corner and try to kill it, you should know that it will try its best to save itself and pulls out the nails before dying. This is what happening with most of those countries i mentioned above.

Harassment at Hyderabad Airport

by Proud Indian » Thu Nov 29, 2001 12:30 am

Yes, what Mr.Suba Rao have one at the airport is absolutely right. You Muslims deserve that kind of treatment. Its high time for all the world community to get up and clean this muslim mess from this world. Lets live peacefully afterwards.
Proud Indian

Harassment at Hyderabad Airport

by Kumar » Thu Nov 29, 2001 12:30 am

Dear Begum Pasha,

I respect and agree with your views. I believe you are the only person who have right brains in understanding Hyderabad. Even though people and their behavior represent Hyderabad, guys who are born and brought up here/went abroad for studies, donot know much about Hyderabad at all. Its indeed a great place buddies. Few people at Airport/customs who trouble the passengers should be punished/no second though about it. If such issues are addressed properly (in sense - address a mail to Avaiation Ministry and make a copy to Hyderabad airport director / explain the problems you are facing. If there is no response for your mail. Spend again on a fresh mail (you guys out there I believe can spend few rupees on this). When you throw ten stones atleast one will hit the target you see. Also you can write to Chief Minister\'s office directly. CM is solving problems himself by answering to ones queries through TimesOfIndia - local newspaper.

Bye and all the best to my dear muslim and hindu friends.

Harassment at Hyderabad Airport

by srinath » Fri Nov 30, 2001 12:30 am

in response to all the ruckus goin on in this message board....
i didnt expect this kind of stong hatred between muslim and non muslims from hyderabad...hyderabad is well known for its harmony...indiscrimination...the hyderabadis tread every muslim and non muslimas their very own bhai...
pls try to be a True hyderabadi or else...f*** out of this full hyd website....

Harassment at Hyderabad Airport

by Kumar » Fri Nov 30, 2001 12:30 am

Hi Indian,

I agree with your views. Vandematharam. Jaihind.


Harassment at Hyderabad Airport

by Indian » Fri Nov 30, 2001 12:30 am

For our country\'s good stop this arguments.

Harassment at Hyderabad Airport

by Indian » Fri Nov 30, 2001 12:30 am

Hi all,
I have being following this discussion for quite some time, first of all I feel this topic should be terminated as soon as possible, I think its creating a lots of hatred among different communities..comeon my fellow Indians think BIG and say good bye to this idiotic and dusty topics(I am sorry for my words). Do something for the country and for the fellow humans. Hope this is taken care by the site admins and the topic deleted as soon as possible(As it is being diverted)

Harassment at Hyderabad Airport

by Raghu » Sat Dec 01, 2001 12:30 am

I wouldn\'t call it hatred. I think it has been an enlightening and adult discussion. I did not see people attack each other onpersonal levels. Only issues were discussed. I think the likes of Srinath and India only want to ignore the issues. Inspite of everything I said, I do not hate Muslims at all. In fact I have a lot of Muslim friends and I do discuss these issues with them. Sometimes I am right and sometimes I am wrong. But invariably, I always learn or impart some to my fellow humans. Do you think just by indulging inane feel good discussions promotes harmony. It does not bring out the best in us. So, if you do not have anything useful to contribute, you would be better off staying away than telling people what to do and what not to do.

Harassment at Hyderabad Airport

by dil hai Hyderabadi » Mon Dec 03, 2001 12:30 am

I think the topic here was harrassment at hyderabad airport by the authorities. They can be any associate with any religion. Our hyderabad is made up of so many faith. No religion is bad. Every nation has a dark side, and every person is unique. we had hindus who had memorized holy quran, wrote urdu poetry. Personally I have been to Hindu temple, sikh Gurduwara, Christian church and mosque. The god lives in your heart. Your religion is what you believe. All religion has a god, they may say it different but they all believe in the same way. Akbar Badshah had married a Hindu and did participate inher believes, just to show we are not different. We are Hyderabadi and that\'s is enough to bring us closer. No civillian has a problem with other faith. It is just politition who use religion to win and fight or gain their interest. Those are the one who are terrorist. I am muslim but has so many different religions friends. we all respect each other believes and celebrates festivals. SO MY FELLOW HYDEABADI\'S DO NOT FIGHT HERE AND PICK ON ANY RELIGION. BE PROUD THIS IS WHY HYDERABAD IS UNIQUE. IT IS THE GOVERNMENT WORKER WHO ARE DOING THEIR JOB TO SECURE OUR CITY. NO ONE CAN TELL WHO IS A REAL TERRORIST IS.
dil hai Hyderabadi

Harassment at Hyderabad Airport

by Venkat » Wed Dec 05, 2001 12:30 am

Dont forget we are rulling india now, we can kick you out if we want. I totally support what Sang Pariwar is doing and i urge every hindu to take part in it and protect our holy land and kick these muslims out. We dont need them here, San pariwar is arming all the hindus with trishuls and rampuri knifes so that when the time comes we will show these muslims what we can do. i say just be ready and when you got a chance kill them.

Harassment at Hyderabad Airport

by dil hai Hyderabadi » Thu Dec 06, 2001 12:30 am

vinket read what i have wrote above.
dil hai Hyderabadi

Harassment at Hyderabad Airport

by Conscious » Fri Dec 07, 2001 12:30 am

This is in response to the comments made by Mr. Venkat and the one that calls him/her-self a \"proud Indian\"...I always felt that this country is in the state it is right now because of uneducated religious bigots and fanatics. This is recurring proof to some of us (trying to constructively unify a increasingly discriminatory nation), that there are educated people that believe they can help the country by nurturing religious fundamentalism. What scares me is the extent of influence such people can have on an increasingly net-aware society. I am sure some of you share the same fears as I do. Miles to go before we all sleep!

Harassment at Hyderabad Airport

by fareed » Wed Dec 19, 2001 12:30 am

Kuch bol nahin sakte kya bole vaisa hai samajh mein nahin aata, mein bhi bahut pareshan hua indian airlines se safar kar ke, aur hyderbad airport pe to bat hi aur hai, indian airlines ki flight delay ho gayee vo bhi 12 hrs tak un logon ne phone kar ke ba-ta-na ta nahin samjha, airport pe immigration check par three star wala inspector mere se chai ke paise mang raha tha ye to hal hai airport ka, jab hum india wapas aa rahe the to 40 to 50 kgs allow hai aur wapas ja-te waqt sirf 20 kgs aur to aur telephone booth bhi is qadar purana hai ke pucho much, eight to ten booths to laga sak-te na kya kar rahi hai government, aur to aur immigration officials kit-ne questions kar te bekar ke kub gaye the last time kub se bahar hai, kya kam kar-te ? vo sob kyun bhai us ku ? he has nothing to do with this type of questions. aur to aur flight mein ek bar mere ku fever tha blanket man-ne par bhi airhostess nahin hai available boli. fare to pucho much mut london america kum hai aur hyderabad ki direct flight ka fare ziyada hai ? pura system hi failure hai, standard bahut hi bekar hai.


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