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So many disturbed young couples

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So many disturbed young couples

by ravi » Tue Feb 18, 2003 3:30 pm

How can marital breakdowns be avoided? Nowadays so many misunderstandings arise between husbands and wives. Is this thanks to the Net culture erupting? Please give ur views.
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So many disturbed young couples

by vivek of themavericks » Tue Feb 18, 2003 3:49 pm

Thanks to the net?. whats that about buddy?. unless the hubby surfs porn when his wife is asleep ( which by the way happens often!) misunderstanding has nothing to do with net. - Download Attitude for Free!

How will it end?
vivek of themavericks
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So many disturbed young couples

by RP » Tue Feb 18, 2003 8:15 pm

(1) Desire to make as much money as possible in the least possible time frame - that is if both husband and wife work; (2) It is hard for a wife who works the whole day to come home, cook, clean, take care of kinds, and provide intimacy to the husband - especially if there is no help for her at home; (3) A woman who works has a mind of her won too - nothing wrong - and it is the duty of a husband to respect that; (4) Kids today are not what we were when we were kids -again, nothing wrong about that; (5) That television - the junk box - with 100 decibels sound pollution - ever realized that? (6) Old age - people seem to age soon. At 30, we seem to feel like 50 and that means more tension in life; (7) Comparison with neighbors - this used to be a \'woman\' thing, now even men do this \"He has that, I don\'t\"; (8) And THAT STUPID GAME OF CRICKET THAT MEN SEEM TO LOVE and the MOVIES WOMEN SEEM TO WANT TO WATCH.

So many disturbed young couples

by durga » Wed Feb 19, 2003 1:26 am

It had always been there, the discomfort between 2 people, even in old times. The man always GOt what he wanted in the initial stages and then the wife ruled, quiet often. then he wud drift off, she wud be interested in raising her children and then, all the responsibilities and all drifting completed, the couples grew older, together.. there is renewed intimacy/ both emotional and spiritual. The lack of being wanted is drastically lowers, since the children are all by themselves.. and into their own renewed relationships.. the cycle repeating itself\'.
Best is when some of us give and take knowing that the differences are bound to be there.. some of us make it into a big issue and make the life more miserable for everybody around, some of us go for divorces inspite of children (a new found freedom and a hellhole for children out of such broken homes) and some of us never get married and think wow! we were saved only to realise that they are gonna live very lonely lives all the way into their old ages until they die.
isn\'t it best to realise, we have fights, normal ones, even with our siblings when we are growing up.. the same atmosphere, the same parents, we cud be having fights with our cousins too, during that age of growth. why can\'t we expect severe differnces between a husband and wife !!? and respect those differences and co-exist to make it into a beautiful home with your own children? you be the first one to give but do not forget to take too. otherwise u become the giver, always ! its a beautiful relationship, that of a husband and wife\'s.. enjoy it, always.. until death does u apart. I mean it. more so in old age.. the companionship that we get, I understand is wonderful. all the best.
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So many disturbed young couples

by goodface » Wed Feb 19, 2003 9:58 am

Marital breakdown can be voided by having a proper understanding of the situation, giving respect to one another’s views and ideas, respecting one another’s families and their elders. This I do not think should be told as everyone knows it. But then, this is what is lacking in the present day. I do not say that these were not there in the good old days, they seem to have had the same problems but their ways of tackling things were different. The present trend does not seem to follow the same methods and cannot be blamed either. As they are more demanding they tend to find easy and faster solutions. The easy and faster solution would be to breakdown.

Net plays no role in marital breakdown. Main role played in breaking a marriage is the well-developed and strong individuality in the couples. As the woman is also working she needs someone to understand her and help her out with the odd chores she does in the house after she returns home and an ear to listen to her problems in her work place so that she could solve them with ease. Likewise, the woman should also do the same helping the man out his problems. This would lead to harmonious life.

So many disturbed young couples

by ravi » Wed Feb 19, 2003 8:43 pm

dear Vivek, I am sorry. Net culture in the sence highly computerised and mechanical culture running now a days.
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