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How to keep your married lifestrong?

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How to keep your married lifestrong?

by hina » Sat Apr 27, 2002 12:30 am

What does it really take to keep a relationship going?As I see it women often sacrifies a lot and have much more responsibility than a man.It might be different in each case,but most of the families that I met have the same feeling.After having children and being in a marriage for a while men start looking around never appreciate what the wife does and takes her for granted.The wife does all she could for the family but never gets recognised not even by her own kids at times.Please comment.

How to keep your married lifestrong?

by K » Sat Apr 27, 2002 12:30 am

hina, i think what you have expressed is a lopsided point of view. as i see it, any individual has to take responsibility for herself. why let the man/famil;y take her for granted. why make sacrifices that cross the level of mere adjustments? why let the men take them for granted? why not retain our identity as women? when we start respecting ourselves and learn to RECIEVE, believe me things will be different. think about this.

How to keep your married lifestrong?

by Ak » Sat Apr 27, 2002 12:30 am

Hi !! U really cannot say that women r the only victims after the marriage...I have seen some of my friends who have messed up their happy life after their marriage...They were not allowed to go out with friends, or booze...They put lot of restrictions...Anyway, so my point is that it hapens with either of the genders...And inorder to keep the relationship strong both the partners need to be honest, understanding...ESPECIALLY AVOID ANY EXTRA-MARITAL AFFIARS !!!

How to keep your married lifestrong?

by macho » Sat Apr 27, 2002 12:30 am

I had one neighbour..who was a bald and used to have a bump on his head..it looked very interesting..and i started observing..one day it looked red (fresh)..the other day it looked blue (matured)..so this was happening alternately..so out of curiousity..i asked him oneday what that bump was..he grew emotional..broke out \"MUJHE MERI BIWI SE BACHAO\"...who says only women suffer in marriages??

How to keep your married lifestrong?

by Mr Analyzer » Sat Apr 27, 2002 12:30 am

Hi I am telling you strongly that all the family life depends on the wife only.If she is a working woman life is more risky for the husband because she may have relationship in her working place. In modern setup all depends on the wife only MrAnalyzer
Mr Analyzer

How to keep your married lifestrong?

by hina » Sun Apr 28, 2002 12:30 am

Hi K,What you have said I think is absolutely true.I think a woman should have confidence in herself and a sense of security,which comes with time and experience.She should realise that she is not merely a servant but is the most important part of the family.If she has that confidence in herself I think she will be more respected and as for having an affair both a man and a woman can have that,but its the children who suffer from the consequences.Any responsible person would\'nt do it no matter how exiting it might be!

How to keep your married lifestrong?

by tarun » Sun Apr 28, 2002 12:30 am

hi hina,
all these are facts but not in the current generation, these days , since most of the wives are working women , there is lot of co-operation from husbands also , they help in kitchen ,in bringing up kids, etc etc.it just depends on women how they make their husbands help them in home work.If she is a house-wife the its natural that she has to take care of kids and home.

Re: How to keep your married lifestrong?

by Ron » Sun Aug 31, 2014 11:53 am

Picture this - for organizations the world over, the only way to survive over the years is to keep ,moving up the value chain. With that analogy, consder relationship is as another amalgamation of processes and deliverables, the fact that marriage is pretty much a stagnant form of set of processes, i think for a happy married life even that marital relationship needs to move up or across the value chain. Adultery, as it is commonly called, will soon be viewed as a means to keep a relationship going by discovering newer value areas, by generations not too far ahead in future. Interestingly, all other relationships allows u the space to move across the value chain, if not then even that relationship goes bad. Eg. if a child stays back home beyond say 22-25 years of his life, he even starts quarrelling with his parents, on the other hand if the child has the space and direction to grow out of the relationship with his parets, he keeps coming back to them all life or even move them in with himself. So the trick is discovering newer avenues.

One might then question the very need to marriage then; valid arguement and perhaps true, which is also wht the future gen will question and increasingly opt out of this age old institution. Choosing to live-in or simply stay "in a relationship" than really convert that to a marriage. And for those who'll convert, will look for value chain progression. This will definitely be a vieled act for few more hundered years, but soon the society will have to open up. So marriage will only be an arrangement where u r sure of who u r coming back home to, with no bindings around who u spend yr day with. Or may be just coz yr kids need a "permanent" set of parents and hence u stay in the marriage. The pressures and distractions of modern life will make a lot of acts hetherto regarded as blasphemy, into a need and convenience for livelihood.

A lot of keepers of the social morality might chose to crusify me for this prediction, but the same happeneded to Newton who first proposed it's the earth that goes round the sun and not the other way round. Doe not chnage a thing about what is true and what is bound to happen.
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