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a small observation on my part....

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a small observation on my part....

by The Crackednut » Fri Feb 08, 2002 12:30 am

WHY THE HELL IS THIS WEBSITE SO GODDAMN SLOW???? good portal.good atmosphere.nice boards.pretty neat dating system....but then why do i waste 30 min in writing one insignificant reply.30 min!! and i\'ve been online for the past 2 hours.2 HOURS,MAN!!! u can bo through so many of those frikking porn sites by now!!!! AAAaaaarrgghhh.... talk about frustration.
The Crackednut

a small observation on my part....

by The NutCracker » Fri Feb 08, 2002 12:30 am

thats excatly what i was thinkin! these guys seem to think we have reserved our life just to wait for their website to load itself! All good things come to people who wait...(ha!). What u can\'t cure you gotta endure buddy! Hope somebody at wakes up and does something about it. Else the portal is pretty cool
The NutCracker

a small observation on my part....

by The Crackednut » Fri Feb 08, 2002 12:30 am

Oh! someone\'s actually replied!! and his name happens to b \"The NutCracker\"..Hmmmm! lots of ppl with \"ORIGINAL\" ideas around... well,atleast he replied. :~?
The Crackednut

a small observation on my part....

by Just_looking_in » Fri Feb 08, 2002 12:30 am

hi!!! it was not meant to be orginal but ironical buddy! I hoped to extract a laugh from you thats all.... oh look what you have done! U made me change my name.. but what did shakespear say?? something like Rose by any other name etc...

a small observation on my part....

by Observer » Sat Feb 09, 2002 12:30 am

Hello Buddy,
Its not the Websites thats slow its the traffic at the time you acces it causes u to wait for a longtime,they can still reduce ur time a bit by removing the banners but that doesnt make a lot of differnece ,a good Idea would be to provide a text only version of the site.

a small observation on my part....

by The Crackednut » Sat Feb 09, 2002 12:30 am

whoa!! no offence meant there, the way,this name suits u just fine !! yeah...fits ya good !!
The Crackednut

a small observation on my part....

by The Crackednut » Sat Feb 09, 2002 12:30 am

Good!Now the concerned authorities have actually seen this thread.instead of making the whole place a text-only site,why not trying to convert only these discussion boards into one.whatever ...just do something,man!!! try some computer mumbo-jumbo and get this speed FASTER....AAaaaaahhhhhhhhhh
The Crackednut

a small observation on my part....

by Just_looking_in » Mon Feb 11, 2002 12:30 am

hi! try surfing before peak hours... it really helps(10-7).

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