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Where are the good topics ?

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Where are the good topics ?

by Bimbette » Fri Mar 17, 2006 11:58 am

I log in on and off and I've noticed a good number of threads polarised on religions.

Are religious topics the flavour of the season or are we getting to see a segment of fullhydies who consider topics such as these mentally stimulating ?

Human interest incidents are few and far between and the easy banter between members is not-so-common now.

Just my thoughts.

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by Sad HP » Fri Mar 17, 2006 12:06 pm

What you say is true and sad. I've always considered religion to be part of one's personal domain. But then, its better to discuss and remove misconceptions through constructive discussions rather than let them simmer and explode later.

I make an attempt at a very personal level to try and remove these misconceptions that people have about each other's faith. Sadly, what I've been getting in return is nothing but flames. I wish these discussions could be 100% positive in their outlook and people could discuss the issues with an open mind.
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by Mayavi Morpheus » Fri Mar 17, 2006 12:18 pm

I think FH has to go through this phase once in a while till members are banned and forum gets back to its usual routine.... like a snake sheds its skin annually.
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by Bimbette » Fri Mar 17, 2006 12:19 pm

Sad HP wrote:What you say is true and sad. I've always considered religion to be part of one's personal domain. But then, its better to discuss and remove misconceptions through constructive discussions rather than let them simmer and explode later.

I make an attempt at a very personal level to try and remove these misconceptions that people have about each other's faith. Sadly, what I've been getting in return is nothing but flames. I wish these discussions could be 100% positive in their outlook and people could discuss the issues with an open mind.

Frankly HP, I've marvelled at your patience ! You actually take the trouble of clearing the air ! Its a good thing though.

Yeah, religion is a very personal thing. But having said that no one has a right to bad-mouth any religion because of his/her prejudices/bad experiences.

Its not the religion but the people who are to blame.
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by Mayavi Morpheus » Fri Mar 17, 2006 12:19 pm

Oh btw Bimbette, easy banter has shifted its 'adda' to a different location now.

Check your PM
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by CtrlAltDel » Fri Mar 17, 2006 12:21 pm

thats true...every discussion on any religious/cultural topic is turning into a personal clash. i am also somewhat guilty of this but i just cant stand and do nothing when i read some rot. :(

and abt the lack of light banter...well....most of those ppl are no longer around :(
wtf? i no longer care if my posts hurt yr feelings :roll:
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by Mayavi Morpheus » Fri Mar 17, 2006 12:30 pm

It all started off with the "Walled off..." topic that I started. Some people took it as an insult to their religion/community.

Its not the religion but the people who are to blame.

I strongly disagree with the assertion that religion cannot be wrong. Religion is but a creation of man and man is not perfect, so no religion is perfect. All religions were created keeping in mind the needs and necesseties of the people of those times and they may not always suit modern mans needs or confirm the modern outlook. It is upto us to question them and adopt only the best practices while rejecting the worst practices.
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by Bimbette » Fri Mar 17, 2006 12:50 pm

Mayavi Morpheus wrote:It all started off with the "Walled off..." topic that I started. Some people took it as an insult to their religion/community.

Its not the religion but the people who are to blame.

I strongly disagree with the assertion that religion cannot be wrong. Religion is but a creation of man and man is not perfect, so no religion is perfect. All religions were created keeping in mind the needs and necesseties of the people of those times and they may not always suit modern mans needs or confirm the modern outlook. It is upto us to question them and adopt only the best practices while rejecting the worst practices.

Oh my god ! There we go again! Me and my big mouth !

Mayavi, what you say has a point and when I made that statement, I meant it from a general perspective.

"Adopt only the best practices ". That is subjective. One man's meat is another man's poison. Who decides what is 'best' ?

I remember going to a temple and not standing when the aarti was going on. I didn't mean any disrespect. A lady came up to me and asked me to stand. I was so cheesed off, I just walked out from there. No one tells me how I need to pray to God.

I confess I haven't read any scriptures so I don't know whether it explicitly states somewhere that you need to 'stand' during a certain ritual. The lady who asked me to probably had certain rigid 'dos and donts' in her mind and asked me to conform. That is what I am against. My interpretation about religion may not be the same as yours. Hence its the people who create problems.

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by Mayavi Morpheus » Fri Mar 17, 2006 1:32 pm

I am sorry Bimbette, I did not intend to take this thread off topic, but since we started, here it goes...

Bimbette wrote:"Adopt only the best practices ". That is subjective. One man's meat is another man's poison. Who decides what is 'best' ?

It is for the person to decide what is best and what is not best for him and for the soceity as a whole. As long as my actions do not harm the people around me I get to decide what is best and what is worst.
In the olden days people were closely knit and they had to respect the social customs, we do not need that in todays world. Atleast not at the same level.

I remember going to a temple and not standing when the aarti was going on. I didn't mean any disrespect. A lady came up to me and asked me to stand. I was so cheesed off, I just walked out from there. No one tells me how I need to pray to God.

I like your attitude. I once spent 20 hrs standing in line to get into Tirupathi temple and I did not pray after reaching the sanctum sanctorum. to me it was more spiritual to just stand there and watch the idol than to close eyes and pray.

I completely agree with you, each person should have his/her own interpretation of the religion and should not follow literal translations. Unfortunately many people in this world follow literal translations of sacred texts and it is this group that I have a beef with.

Just for the record, I do not believe in the existence of God, but I do believe in Religion.
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by Bimbette » Fri Mar 17, 2006 2:04 pm

CAD, I think the reason some of us keep coming back is because we want to be heard and in turn know about people's points of view. Its natural that you reply to something that is unsettling. I do the same.

Thanks Mayavi. I too totally endorse the stance too, it being, as long as you are not harming anyone, you are free to interpret a school of thought/beliefs as you like.

I grew up in a catholic school and there just like any other school we had friends from all religions. Unfortunately our Princi there believed in shoving her ideals down our throats. There'd be christian retreats that were organised in school and she made it mandatory for us to attend them. Disobeyance resulted in loss of attendance. That experience again left a sour taste. Why should you force your religion on others when there are people from all faiths who are co-existing ?

I enjoy the festivities that accompany christmas and stop by at a church when I feel like it even now. Similarly I have some really nice Muslim friends and there's a feeling of genuine warmth when I meet with them.

The minute someone starts proclaiming that there is only one God you should pray to/so-and-so religion is superior to every other one, thats when the liberalist in me takes an aggressive stand. This gen is a little more tolerant than the previous one but our goodness shouldn't be mistaken for our weakness.
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by smack » Fri Mar 17, 2006 4:50 pm


I guess u need to rename the topic and change it to "a zillionth discussion on religion."

U said all u see here is discussions on religion and now u are continuing one.

Yaar, is religion the only thing to discuss?? A frnd active on this DB told me this forum is good fun but all I see is guys fighting over religion.

May be FHDB should be renamed Onlyreligionhere.com
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by Bimbette » Fri Mar 17, 2006 5:15 pm

smack wrote:bimbette,

I guess u need to rename the topic and change it to "a zillionth discussion on religion."

U said all u see here is discussions on religion and now u are continuing one.

Yaar, is religion the only thing to discuss?? A frnd active on this DB told me this forum is good fun but all I see is guys fighting over religion.

May be FHDB should be renamed Onlyreligionhere.com

lol! I was guessing someone would mention this sooner or later but then since I started the thread, I kept mum! :D

Smack, you start a discussion and we'll definitely contribute our two pence.

I posted my thoughts initially, after some observation. A member raised a point based on my opinion and it was only fair to put my side of the argument on the table.

My next thread's going to be 'Discussing why we shouldn't discuss religion...!' :)
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by labelle » Fri Mar 17, 2006 7:54 pm

Hi bimbette

well said. there is an air of tension that one feels reading the posts that are posted these days. ya religion has come to the forefront. people putting accross their views and answering the queries. there are lot of things to talk about what i feels is that lighter topics should be brought accross. i do agree that the forum should be the site for social awareness but i feel too much of anything is bad for the readers. i just wish we all can do something about this.
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People Flock To Religion For Rituals & (Dis)Miss Spiritu

by HH » Fri Mar 17, 2006 8:26 pm

People Flock To Religion For Rituals ... & (Dis)Miss Spiritualism! ...
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Re: Where are the good topics ?

by SRK » Tue Jun 30, 2009 10:57 pm

hey bimbette,

nice thread - or question you'hve raised here.
what i feel with these seriously religious boards is that most of the time they are meant to distract or mislead people - most of the time i see islam bashing bigtime.

my personl view is that these borads should be more lighter and entertaining. something like dekhni mehfil, local problems and so on.

these should also lead us to know each other in a way that may be sophisticated and kosher or as a just friend kind of thing.

issues like telangana and changing name of hyd are really childish.

maybe our fyllhyd team can throw some light on these issues.
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Re: Where are the good topics ?

by Comment under Topic » Wed Nov 27, 2013 8:04 pm

You should log in at topic and then commnet under IP topic.
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Re: Where are the good topics ?

by liza » Mon Aug 18, 2014 1:00 pm

Post some general chit-chat topics.
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