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A gym with a squat rack

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A gym with a squat rack

by Gymboy » Mon Jan 16, 2012 10:28 am

Hi fellow Hyderabadis,

Do you know of any gym with a squat rack or a power rack? I want to do squats, and none of the gyms nearby (Banjara Hills, Madhapur, Kukatpally) that I've visited have a squat rack. I currently have membership at Talwalkars, but they only have a smith machine.

I haven't visited Snap Fitness, do they have one? I don't care if the gym has A/C or if it's in a furnace, I just need this machine. It's one of the basic exercises, and I find it astonishing that I'm unable to find one that has this simple equipment.

Thanks for your help.
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Re: A gym with a squat rack

by prhythmic » Sun Aug 04, 2013 11:20 pm


I'm new to hyderabad. I'm looking fora gym with a squat or power rack too.

I called Talwalkars and the guy who answered told me they have a squat rack!

Have you found any gym in or near Banjara that has a squat rack?


**P.S. I spoke to Gavin Holt the famous trainer and he told me that Vaishnav Gym near Navodaya Colony (Yousufgada) has a squat rack. That's a little distant from my location. It'd be great if you could help me out.
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Re: A gym with a squat rack

by Gymboy » Mon Aug 05, 2013 9:48 am

prhythmic wrote:Hi,

I'm new to hyderabad. I'm looking fora gym with a squat or power rack too.

I called Talwalkars and the guy who answered told me they have a squat rack!

Have you found any gym in or near Banjara that has a squat rack?


**P.S. I spoke to Gavin Holt the famous trainer and he told me that Vaishnav Gym near Navodaya Colony (Yousufgada) has a squat rack. That's a little distant from my location. It'd be great if you could help me out.

No, I didn't find a squat rack anywhere. I think the Talwalkar guys are probably lying or they don't understand what a proper squat rack is, but check them out anyway and let me know if they indeed have one. But the last time I checked, they didn't have one.

I found a gym in Madhapur opposite to Ginger Court (it's called JN Fitness Centre). This gym has a rack that can be used for squats and overhead press. But the gym is a very basic one, and if you're in to hygiene, ventilation, AC and stuff, then you'll be disappointed. Give it a shot anyway, and let me know if you find one.
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