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we are indians, ain't we?

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we are indians, ain't we?

by koustub » Fri Dec 25, 2009 2:42 pm

Kamta Pur, Khalistan, resolution of elangana issue under duress has given a fresh impetuous to Gorkhaland agitation. The script and climax of this drama is a foregone conclusion. I wonder why we permit a Kandhar like situation to develop in the first instance and then capitulate showing our soft underbelly. Same happened with air India and sugar price issue.

You bet soon Gujars will be again up in arms. Is it called creating number of fires to douse one. No army general fights a war. He is not confident of winning unless he is general Mush. I wonder when our government will have political maturity. Why can’t we decide any issue on merit, in an objective and transparent manner and then stick to the decision taken.

Come rain, hell or high tide. The dillydallying and playing defensive strokes will never make us win a match. I have a wonderful idea which I am giving for free in public interest. Why not declare all the districts to be states. In one stroke we will solve this problem. So what if we will have a bloated bureaucracy and our fiscal deficit will go for a toss? Jai andhra, jai telangana, jai rayalaseema, jai north andhra, jai secunderabad, jai hyderabad.

Who can think of long term when we will all be dead. It pays to have a near, no blinkered, vision. Just wonder how many sinecures will be created for retired bureaucrats, judicial officers…Let there be socialism in corruption. Let thousands of Kodas flourish.
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