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Why God has to come in human form?

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Why God has to come in human form?

by dattaswami » Wed May 26, 2010 3:53 pm

If the spiritual knowledge is perfect and complete, the devotion and practice are the spontaneous subsequent steps for which there is no need of any effort. If the practice is perfect and complete, the fruit is spontaneous. Therefore, all the efforts should be put only to gain the perfect and complete spiritual knowledge. Hence, Shankara told that knowledge alone can achieve fruit (Jnanadevatu…). The perfect and complete spiritual knowledge is possible only from God. But God is unimaginable and therefore to give this perfect and complete knowledge, the unimaginable God comes down in human form.

For this purpose, which is most important, God will never enter inert medium. The human form means the soul or awareness associated with the human body. Whenever God enters this world the soul is always an associated medium with Him. You should not say that the soul or awareness alone is the associated medium. If you say like that, the soul exists in birds and animals also and these birds and animals cannot give the spiritual knowledge to humanity. Therefore, the soul should mean the soul existing in human body only.
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Re: Why God has to come in human form?

by Algernon » Wed Jun 23, 2010 12:43 pm

He was God, before during and after His stay on this planet. I really don't see how that would contradict the trinity, just because Christ was in a specific location for a short time. Am I misunderstanding your question?

The Trinity has always been and will always be. During the relatively miniscule period of time that Jesus spent on Earth, He was STILL God, though also fully human, and was therefore still part of the Trinity.

That said, the Trinity itself is something of a mystery, and difficult both to understand and to explain. I kind of like that Christianity recognizes that some things are so deeply mysterious that we probably cannot explain them, personally.

I hope this has been slightly helpful. Did I address you question clearly?

Read more: We believe Christ is God in human form, but what was he before he came down to earth, if not human? Wouldn't that contradict the trinity, because that is eternal and man hasn't always been?
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Re: Why God has to come in human form?

by dattaswami » Sat Jun 26, 2010 6:57 pm

Algernon wrote:He was God, before during and after His stay on this planet. I really don't see how that would contradict the trinity, just because Christ was in a specific location for a short time. Am I misunderstanding your question?

The Trinity has always been and will always be. During the relatively miniscule period of time that Jesus spent on Earth, He was STILL God, though also fully human, and was therefore still part of the Trinity.

That said, the Trinity itself is something of a mystery, and difficult both to understand and to explain. I kind of like that Christianity recognizes that some things are so deeply mysterious that we probably cannot explain them, personally.

I hope this has been slightly helpful. Did I address you question clearly?

Read more: We believe Christ is God in human form, but what was he before he came down to earth, if not human? Wouldn't that contradict the trinity, because that is eternal and man hasn't always been?

I will explain you.

The Hevenly Father is invisible, unimaginable and beyond our logic to analyse. Such God created this universe for His own entertainment and this entire universe is His dream only.

God comes to HIs own dream or universe by entering the most deserving devotee existing on this earth known as 'Son of God'. Jesus was such son of God whom to which God has entered for preaching the divine knoweldge to other people of the world to uplift them.

The combination of Son of GOd and God is known as Human incarnation or Immanuael meaning a GOD who has come to live with us so that we can see Him, talk to Him and co-live with Him and clear all our spiritual doubts. When you see such God in human form you have seen the invisible God in Him. There is no other way to see the invisible God. God comes to this world in human form, by seeing Him we have seen the invisible GOd.

For Human beings on this earth this is the only path to God. When you serve such human form of God you are serving the invisible GOd in Him.

When you give something to Him you have given that thing to GOD directly.

Human incarnation is the correct place of God for us. There is no other way. He is the only way for us.

God is imaprtial and He comes down in human form in every human generation in human form to preach and uplift us. He is identified from His divine knoweldge, which is excellent.

Jesus, Krishna, Bhudha, Mohammd etc were the God in human forms who came to this world.

In Christianity people are confused about Trinity. There is no trinity, there is only two. They are Heavenly Father and Son of God.

For understanding purpose only third term is introduced as Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit is Heavenly Father Himself. Holyspirit is a convenient term for God entering a person.

Infact GOd cannot be defined as this or that, since He is unimaginable and beyond the definition of worldly means.

God is unimagianble, but comes in human form.

Thus the Heavenly Father comes to this world by entering the Son of God who is the then most deserving devotee of God, like current entering in a wire (Holy Spirit).


Heavenly Father = Holy Spirit

Son of God = The most deserving devotee on the earth

Son of God + Heavenly Father = Human Incarnation or Immanueal

If you have any doubts you please further ask me and clarify it.
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