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Only atheists deny miracles

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Only atheists deny miracles

by dattaswami » Sat Jul 03, 2010 6:30 pm

Only atheists deny miracles

Question: The majority denies miracles because today majority of the people knows science. Therefore, you cannot deny our side by showing the majority as the minority.

Answer: Only atheists deny miracles. Science keeps silent about the miracles because it cannot explain the miracles. Silence does not mean negation. In the books of science you do not find any topic with the name “denying miracles”. It only mentions the topics like light, heat, electricity etc., which are the topics of analysis of known and knowable items of the world. It never touches the unknown and unknowable aspects. In fact the uncertainty principle of Heisenberg establishes that there are certain concepts, which are beyond the accuracy of our senses and even sophisticated instruments like electron microscope etc. Therefore, science is neutral and cannot be added to atheists or theists.

The atheists are definitely in negligible minority compared to theists. Therefore, people denying miracles fall under minority only. The theists also accept the concepts proved by science, which are related to the world. These theists accept miracles also as unimaginable events about which science does not speak at all. Therefore, there is no contradiction between theists and science. The theist never says that the revolution of fan is unimaginable miracle and hence, the theists never oppose science. In fact, atheists oppose science by denying miracles about which science keeps silent.
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Re: Only atheists deny miracles

by Art Knish » Wed Sep 15, 2010 8:57 pm

Majority once believed the earth was flat. Is it? Scientists keep quiet because they have better things to do. They don't feel trolls like you, like I'm doing here now knowing that I'm just feeding a troll out here.

A question to you: Have you ever seen a miracle?
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Re: Only atheists deny miracles

by HH » Wed Sep 15, 2010 9:55 pm

Belief In Oneself, "Believe In Yourself"! All "-isms" are Nonsense. "Miracle" is "disbelief". Propaganda. :wink:
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Re: Only atheists deny miracles

by rusmart » Fri Sep 17, 2010 1:12 am the world will change drastically if miracles really do happen. We have the typical miracles performed by Sri Satya Sai Baba who vomits Shiv LInga in front of his congregation. He makes a man on a wheelchair get up and walk and so on. Do u seriously believe it. Nonsense. This man is fooling the innocent onlookers because all that one wants is to have his "Darshan" and keeps looking at his face whilst he is jiggling with his hands. Then there is the other recent group "Shivyog" which has started fooling "thousands" and is amassing a hugh amount of cash wherever they go. Each session of class costs a lot of money. Then Shree Shree Ravi Shanker too is another example who talks about the "Art of LIving" as though those who do not join the group will never know how to live. Baba Ramdev with his repeated Pranayams boasts to cure "musculardistrophy" which is an incurable illness. These Miracle men are too good for the ignorant population and for those who presume to belong to some "Guru". Believe me there is no such thing as miracle. If there is anything happenning it is just pure coincidence.

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Re: Only atheists deny miracles

by dattaswami » Fri Sep 17, 2010 9:39 am

Athiests do not accept miracles

Duryodhana did not change even though Lord Krishna showed cosmic vision (Vishwavarupam). Therefore, there is no use of arguing with such rigid people. He may say that the science will develop some technique in future so that the human body may withstand such huge power to lift the mountain! This means that the fellow will not accept the genuine miracle at any cost. You should not entertain him any more with any further discussion. Salute him and leave him with folded hands saying that he is stronger than the king of this country.

The king, having extreme powers, also may accept the logic in your discussion, but such fellow will never accept you and hence he is stronger than the king. Such fellow deserves highest regards, being more powerful than the king and hence you should salute him before you leave him.
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Re: Only atheists deny miracles

by Miracles real or hypocricy. » Sat Sep 18, 2010 6:00 pm

Hello Dattaswami
Dont u think that there were too many miracles in the Mahabharata? Too many were there in the Ramayana. Why should there be miracles to proove that the person performing miracles be considered a God. A supreme being can be so even without performing miracles. And whenever we talk about Miracles we have to think about "Gods" on earth. When they talk about Jesus Christ who with one bread distributed it to all his disciples as a miracle, what are we thinking. Why then is there so much suffering and hunger and inundations and earthquakes. Where are the "Miracle " men at these times? Why cant they stop all this?
It is at our convenience to accept a miracle or not. When it benefits us we accept, and when we are not affected we call it gimmick. So be happy man and let the world continue with its hypocrites.
Miracles real or hypocricy.
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Re: Only atheists deny miracles

by Portuguese Man-of-War » Sat Sep 18, 2010 7:18 pm

The thought that there can be miracles leads billions of people to lead lives of hope - and it is hope that is the fuel of life.

And many times, a belief that God will help in the last mile makes several people reach the last mile by their own effort, even if the task looks impossible - and when they get there, they realize they can do it themselves.

Faith, as they say, can move mountains. I think the world would be a worse place if everyone believed that there was no concept of miracles.

As for facts, everyone knows that in the very last century, Shirdi Sai Baba lived, Ramana Maharshi lived (some 70-80 years each) - and both lived extremely frugal and austere lives. Can atheists say that they can do everything those people did, and that they are smarter than those people?

There is a truth far beyond our level of evolution, which is the raison d'etre for science. Science itself would not have believed that a mobile phone would be possible, 100 years back. Science is just the status of knowledge of the physical world at this time. Choosing to believe only things that can be explained by science today about the physical world can be naive.
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Re: Only atheists deny miracles

by HH » Sat Sep 18, 2010 9:00 pm

"Faith Moves Mountains" ...
Yes, faith in oneself. Faith in others ... Faith elsewhere ... ALL Next to Faith in Oneself!
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Re: Only atheists deny miracles

by dattaswami » Sat Sep 18, 2010 9:05 pm

Miracles real or hypocricy. wrote:Hello Dattaswami
Dont u think that there were too many miracles in the Mahabharata? Too many were there in the Ramayana. Why should there be miracles to proove that the person performing miracles be considered a God. A supreme being can be so even without performing miracles. And whenever we talk about Miracles we have to think about "Gods" on earth. When they talk about Jesus Christ who with one bread distributed it to all his disciples as a miracle, what are we thinking. Why then is there so much suffering and hunger and inundations and earthquakes. Where are the "Miracle " men at these times? Why cant they stop all this?
It is at our convenience to accept a miracle or not. When it benefits us we accept, and when we are not affected we call it gimmick. So be happy man and let the world continue with its hypocrites.

Miracles are done even by demons and black magicians and therefore cannot be the identifying marks of God. Miracles alone are not sufficient to detect the Lord. Krishna is identified by not miracles but by excellent knowledge of Gita. Krishna lifted the mountain but Ravana also lifted the Kailasa Mountain. You should not test God by demanding miracles and this was told by Jesus to Satan, when Satan asked Him to convert the stone into bread. The saint asks Me to kill him and give him life again as proof. In the history of human incarnations no body asked like this and no human incarnation did like this. If such challenge is thrown, a demon will certainly come forward with a miracle. Lord Krishna killed several evil people but never gave life to them. Due to His plan only, Abhimanyu was killed. When Subhadra asked to give life to him, He refused. But He gave life to Parikshit and brought back the dead son of His Guru. He did miracles in the case of exceptionally deserving devotees only, but not on any challenge. Whenever the devotee deserves and the Lord by Himself wishes, any miracle can take place spontaneously. Sukracharaya knows to give life to a killed person but he is not God. Vatapi and Ilala were demons. Ilala kills Vatapi and serves him as food to the guest. Then Ilala calls Vatapi. Vatapi becomes alive and comes out by tearing the stomach of guest. Does this means that they are God?

The saint told that Krishna only created, maintained and dissolved the Universe, which is an exceptional miracle. But Krishna did not dissolve all this Universe and created it again keeping you separately as a spectator. He only showed the cosmic form as a vision to Arjuna. In the vision He created the Universe, maintained it and finally dissolved it. During this vision the universe is not affected. Even Durroyadhana saw it and discarded it as hypnotic illusion. Arjuna believed the vision for some time. Udanka appreciated the vision forever. Of course, this vision proves that Krishna is God. Since Veda and Brahma sutra also gives this as the super most miracle of identification which is not possible for any body except God. On one Guru Purnima day I was giving a divine discourse and suddenly I stood for five minutes silently in highly excited state. Then I sat again in the chair. I asked two devotees in the crowd to tell what they saw simultaneously. Both of them told that they had the vision of cosmic form (Viswaroopam). Of course, God in Me gave that vision and I have nothing to do with it. If God is not in Me how that vision was given? How I identified only those two devotees? How I said that both of them had the same vision and they should explain it to other devotees? If one person gets the vision it may be illusion. How the same illusion is created to both the devotees simultaneously. The analysis made me also believe that God (Parabrahman) is present in Me. When God is given to the devotees through human body He is called as Datta. Veda also says that the special divine knowledge comes form God only (Satyam Jananam, Prajnanam..). Gita also says the same (Jnanitvatmaiva…..). I gave importance to these aspects in analyzing that God is in Me to give this special knowledge and that special vision. Of course, Duroyodhana discarded even that as hypnotiam. Brahma sutras also tell these two aspects as the identifying marks (Janmadyasya…, Sastrayonitvat).
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Re: Only atheists deny miracles

by dattaswami » Sat Sep 18, 2010 9:08 pm

Portuguese Man-of-War wrote:The thought that there can be miracles leads billions of people to lead lives of hope - and it is hope that is the fuel of life.

And many times, a belief that God will help in the last mile makes several people reach the last mile by their own effort, even if the task looks impossible - and when they get there, they realize they can do it themselves.

Faith, as they say, can move mountains. I think the world would be a worse place if everyone believed that there was no concept of miracles.

As for facts, everyone knows that in the very last century, Shirdi Sai Baba lived, Ramana Maharshi lived (some 70-80 years each) - and both lived extremely frugal and austere lives. Can atheists say that they can do everything those people did, and that they are smarter than those people?

There is a truth far beyond our level of evolution, which is the raison d'etre for science. Science itself would not have believed that a mobile phone would be possible, 100 years back. Science is just the status of knowledge of the physical world at this time. Choosing to believe only things that can be explained by science today about the physical world can be naive.

If every miracle is only unknown, it may serve the purpose of establishing unimaginable God for the time being, but in future, when it is proved that it is knowable unknown only, people will conclude that there is no unimaginable event at all and hence there is no unimaginable God. In this context, another danger also appears which is that even the real unimaginable miracle will be treated as unknown event that can be known after some time in the future.

By this, the human being will not accept any genuine miracle throughout its life thinking that the unimaginable event will be solved in some time after its death also. A genuine miracle, which is really unimaginable event, must be also projected, which can never be analyzed in the future. You may argue that the genuine miracle has the probability of its analysis in the future and that it cannot be completely confirmed as unimaginable today. But, your probability is only fifty percent and there is equal probability of it being unimaginable forever. At least, based on this equal probability of being unimaginable forever, the devotee will have faith in the unimaginable God and in His unimaginable power.

In the case of a genuine miracle, the analysis rejects your equal probability of being unknown today becoming known in the future. Let us take a case of a tender boy called as Krishna lifting the huge mountain. You may argue that in future there may be a way developed by science to introduce in to the boy the huge power to lift the huge mountain. But, such way is impossible because if such huge power is introduced in to the body of a human being, the body will be burnt to ash. Hence, such probability is ruled out today itself.
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Re: Only atheists deny miracles

by Julie W » Tue Oct 26, 2010 7:29 am

Hi !
I've just visited this forum. Happy to get acquainted with you. Thanks.
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Re: Only atheists deny miracles

by dattaswami » Tue Oct 26, 2010 7:57 am

Julie W wrote:Hi !
I've just visited this forum. Happy to get acquainted with you. Thanks.


The main aim of life

You are admitted in the college and your main aim is to get the degree. If you fail in the exams your main aim is upset, therefore, you should not get tension. Similarly you should have tension if the main aim of the human life i.e., to achieve the grace of God, fails. Except that, all this family life and relationships are only extra curricular activities. In your college life, a game is conducted as an extra curricular activity. Suppose you are defeated in it. You should take it sportively and not seriously, because that is not the main aim. Therefore take everything in life sportively, because, this life is not the ultimate aim. If family life only is the goal, even animals and birds have their family lives. The speciality of human life is to think and achieve the grace of God.
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