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Do intelligent women intimidate guys?

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Do intelligent women intimidate guys?

by Lady with the Lamp » Sat May 18, 2002 12:30 am

Was just this true ?.....even if you are the intellectual sort, would you feel threatened if you meet a girl/woman who knows more than you.......I\'d appreciate honest answers.
Lady with the Lamp

Do intelligent women intimidate guys?

by Karthik » Sun May 19, 2002 12:30 am

That\'s partly true...LwL...of course it all depends on the kind of guys we\'re talking abt here...i mean, intellectuals are not neccesarily NOT-chauvinistic...right? Either ways, I think you won\'t be getting a fair answer to such a question.

Do intelligent women intimidate guys?

by Lady with the Lamp » Sun May 19, 2002 12:30 am

I definitely wasn\'t insinuating that intellectual guys are not fact I\'ve met a couple of them who radiate MCPism.....but like you said it probably depends on the guy.
Lady with the Lamp

Do intelligent women intimidate guys?

by Kiran » Mon May 20, 2002 12:30 am

You mean a lady in a equal position....??
If she is in a senior position then not really. but if she is in a equal position or worse below me then yes, definitely feel some MCPism creeping up.

Do intelligent women intimidate guys?

by lucifer in disguise » Mon May 20, 2002 12:30 am

not to court personal opinions, but should I meet a more knowledgable gal, i would welocome her with both my arms wide open...
afterall it is the basic human nature to seek recognition, and if some body acknowledges the peoson then he has nothing ot lose but always stands to gain some thing i believe..
lucifer in disguise

Do intelligent women intimidate guys?

by Lamp of Knoledge!! » Mon May 20, 2002 12:30 am

A Thout like this would not even cross the mind of guys of my calibre. For surely i NOR the wisest men before me found even a single intelligent women on this planet.
If any one of you consider yourself to be intlligent then I WOULD RECOMMEND YOU TO \"\"\"THINK AGAIN CLEARLY\".
Lamp of Knoledge!!

Do intelligent women intimidate guys?

by The One » Mon May 20, 2002 12:30 am

We are doing the thinking all right but maybe you can start by learning to spell correctly........lamp of whatever...PS You haven\'t found anyone intelligent on the planet??? must be from Mars.......
The One

Do intelligent women intimidate guys?

by Kiran, too!! » Mon May 20, 2002 12:30 am

what do you mean by position? pls tell me how it makes a difference to your MCPism?
Kiran, too!!

Do intelligent women intimidate guys?

by whats there in a name » Mon May 20, 2002 12:30 am

you just did not get it correctly \"lamp of knowledge\"...the discussion point was how does a man react in a situation when he encounters a more knowledgable female........

request LWL not to use very high level of english, as we dont know such a good english like ur\'s
whats there in a name

Do intelligent women intimidate guys?

by the wiser of the two..!! » Mon May 20, 2002 12:30 am friend..the lady with the lamp !! do you really feel this or is it because you don,t know how much you know of their intelligence..!! practically i feel these days ..these intelligent men are less bothered( concerned) to worry all that ..which any so called lady with LAMP..seems to be showing..!!
the wiser of the two..!!

Do intelligent women intimidate guys?

by AWE (A wannabe Epicurean) » Mon May 20, 2002 12:30 am

Thanks for the nice topic LWL. Here’s my two cents or paise depending on which side of the Atlantic you are from. Do I feel intimidated when I come across an intelligent person ? Yes. Do I feel more intimidated if the person happens to be a woman? A bigger Yes. Do I feel much more intimidated if the intelligent woman is beautiful? A resounding Yes!!! However it is important to note that in my domain, intimidation and admiration are not mutually exclusive. I’ d definitely look forward to thought provoking discussions with an intelligent woman. Beauty of course would be a welcome perk.
AWE (A wannabe Epicurean)

Do intelligent women intimidate guys?

by Arpan » Tue May 21, 2002 12:30 am

Hello milady... this is with reference to that statement regarding ur not having found anyone who matched up... u know what... the sentiment is mutual... I won\'t say no one as I have met some who have been equal, and at times cos of the fact that they\'ve lived longer, even better than me... But sans experience, never has anyone matched up... so I am not qualified to answer that question of urs... yes.. if i ever found anyone, male or female, good enuff to give me a complex, I\'d nominate him/her for Prez!!!

Do intelligent women intimidate guys?

by AWE (A Wannabe Epicurean » Tue May 21, 2002 12:30 am

Hmm LWL… you opened up another can of worms. The gender issue blurring after sometime??? I doubt it! Interaction between the two genders can never be completely devoid of the sex element, the operative word being completely and not sex. I am not saying I covet every woman I talk to but my feelings when talking to friend of opposite gender are very different from the feelings that are generated when talking to guys. One of the most popular lie that goes around is “We are just friends”. Platonic relationships of course exist but only on paper and in the imaginations of film writers scripting love triangles. Again it does not mean that every man lusts every other woman that he talks to, I am saying that the gender difference is too overwhelming a factor to be ignored. If only I could describe it better Pulitzer wouldn’t be too far away.
AWE (A Wannabe Epicurean

Do intelligent women intimidate guys?

by wiser of the two..!! » Tue May 21, 2002 12:30 am

Hello..the lady with the lamp ..!! you need to be cautious with your could have been any so many other events which occur between any couples..since u believe that both of you are equally intelligent ..its better you see things in positive aspect & get the most of your friendship...(it could have happened the other way as well..) you see ...any coin has both sides..may be you are getting the same side whenever you toss...!!!
wiser of the two..!!

Do intelligent women intimidate guys?

by Kiran.... » Tue May 21, 2002 12:30 am

well, so u have met someone who has lived longer than you and tuned out to be smarter. and talking about complex, dont u think that having a complex is more a projection of our own insecurities rather than real differences in intelligence. and honestly, isnt it a question of u being a better person today rather than being better than someone else, male or female? if we really could think above gender/age and factors like that, and looked at life as a competition with yourself, where the race is between, you yesterday, you today, and you tomorrow....then you r a truly mature person!!!

Do intelligent women intimidate guys?

by lucifer in disguise » Tue May 21, 2002 12:30 am

Hey Lady with you have enuff paranoia in your self? complacent are you with the success u have attained so far???....what makes you even think that you have not met the so called knowledgable .....n finally which certifying agency raked/graded your intelligence???.....ooof ....i hope this typical Indian attitude to feel soooo special about themselves will hopefully change......for the sake of better!!!!
lucifer in disguise

Do intelligent women intimidate guys?

by Lady with the Lamp » Tue May 21, 2002 12:30 am

Its heartening to note that people like you the risk of sounding like miss-goody-two-shoes, I think there\'s something positive to be learnt from everyone around us......I think the gender issue blurs after a certain point.....
Lady with the Lamp

Do intelligent women intimidate guys?

by Lady with the Lamp » Tue May 21, 2002 12:30 am

Hello...wiser of the two....let me reiterate for the nth time that the aim of my topic is not to make a dig at the intelligence of the male gender......I would like to believe that I am an intelligent person who would like to interact with people on the same mental wavelength...unfortunately I haven\'t met too many guys who match up, but I\'m sure they\'s to my optimism....!!!
Lady with the Lamp

Do intelligent women intimidate guys?

by Lady with the Lamp » Wed May 22, 2002 12:30 am get complacent only when you are the best and you can be assured that I\'m not (atleast not yet!!!!).....and why on earth are you picking on my poor intelligence???........I get the feeling that you think I\'m blowing my own trumpet.......well I\'m not.....please banish such misconceptions ...and maybe u didn\'t see my reply to AWE on May 21....
Lady with the Lamp

Do intelligent women intimidate guys?

by Dementor » Wed May 22, 2002 12:30 am

Yeah, definetely. i\'ve never seen a man who appreciates the work of an intelligent girl. what i\'ve noticed is that ppl. tend to find some flaw in the girl who thay think is more intelligent than them.
As far as your question goes, yes they do.

Do intelligent women intimidate guys?

by Lady with the Lamp » Wed May 22, 2002 12:30 am

AWE....That\'s news to me......I really hadn\'t thought on those lines.....anyways lets hope the Jury for the Pulitzer is telepathic.......!!!!!!!!!!
Lady with the Lamp

Do intelligent women intimidate guys?

by lucifer in disguise » Wed May 22, 2002 12:30 am

Hey Lwl, i was never saying that you were carrying your own basket, who am i to pass such rude comments???....but i have one q to you, how do you think a more knowledgable/interi.. girl behave should she comes accross a less knowledgable person( male)?
lucifer in disguise

Do intelligent women intimidate guys?

by AWE (A Wannabe Epicurean) » Wed May 22, 2002 12:30 am

LWL... Are you telling me that you feel EXACTLY alike when interacting with both the genders? If yes, then you are not digging deeper into yourself. If no, then you might find taking a Polygraph test a trifle embarrassing. Of course I am excluding a third possibility, as I believe Nuns do not frequent discussion boards of this nature. So please light up your lamp and chase the darkness away. The lambs may be silenced and what you will find may not be frightening after all. As a fringe benefit you might stumble onto some intelligent guys. Thanks for your wishes. I am practical enough not to forget that the odds of getting kidnapped by Martians is higher than bagging a Pulitzer.
AWE (A Wannabe Epicurean)

Do intelligent women intimidate guys?

by Arpan » Wed May 22, 2002 12:30 am

I bow to thy wisdom... thou art absolutely correct and I aspire to be have all the qualities u talk about some day!

Do intelligent women intimidate guys?

by the true lady....!! » Wed May 22, 2002 12:30 am

I feel by now.., you (lwl) must have realised that an intelligent girl/woman like you should invest that talent in knowing abt those intelligent men better, as rightly pointed out by the wiser of the two..afterall you could have also misjudged that person...!!
the true lady....!!


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