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Racism & Nepotism Australia

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Re: Racism & Nepotism Australia

by Manohar » Sat Jan 09, 2010 1:16 pm

Crime squad investigators say the circumstances leading up to a 29-year-old Indian man being set on fire in an alleged attack are "unusual" - but not racially motivated.

The man is recovering in hospital in serious condition with burns to his hands, face and legs after parking his car in Melbourne's northwest.

It's alleged that the man was randomly approached by four men who burned his car and set him on fire.

"I believe there's no reason at this stage to consider this in any way racially motivated," Detective Acting Senior Sergeant Neil Smyth told reporters on Saturday.

"The circumstances of parking a car randomly on a side street and just some people approaching him are a bit strange and it's highly unlikely, therefore, to be a targeted attack on any individual."

Police were told the man and his wife left a dinner party in Essendon between 1.30am and 2am (AEDT) on Saturday and drove to their nearby home in Grice Crescent.

The man told police he dropped his wife off and then drove to a nearby street to park the car.

As the man was getting out of the vehicle, four men allegedly attacked him, pushed him back against the vehicle and poured an unknown fluid on him.

One of the men is alleged to have then ignited the fluid with a lighter before all four men fled.

The man then ran from the car, throwing his burning clothes into the street.

The man suffered burns to 15 per cent of his body.

The attackers have been described in only a "generalised description which is really just unspecific, just four males," Det Act Snr Sgt Smyth said.

"It is an unusual event," he said.
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Re: Racism & Nepotism Australia

by Ravi » Sat Jan 09, 2010 6:03 pm

white people r hedonistic filthy savages....n they have this feeling that other races are below them.
See wat these filthy white pigs do...pathetic race really...they should all be exterminated.
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Re: Racism & Nepotism Australia

by Ravi » Tue Jan 12, 2010 3:18 pm

Another Indian has been attacked in Australia, this time in Sydney.

The victim is a 28-year-old man who was at a beach in Sydney when he was reportedly attacked by a group of Australian-born boys and girls. Other people in the beach allegedly did not help him.

He called the police himself who took 40 minutes to reach him. The attackers reportedly admitted that they had punched and kicked the Indian, who is a permanent resident of Australia and has lived there for 11 years.

The victim is being taken for an internal medical check-up and x-rays. He complains of extreme pain in his back, neck and head.
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Re: Racism & Nepotism Australia

by Srinivas » Thu Jan 14, 2010 4:22 pm

We need Leaders like Putin, Brave, Fit, Fighters, who can actually take action not just talk like Oldies (Ministers) in India, what a pity, Our Minister don't have enough time to amass the country’s wealth, they screw it in every possible way and make India more corrupt and poor, putting it to more disgrace and live in Luxury do you think Krishna is really worried? Why would he, Was it his son who was killed.. How and why would he be worried when they are so busy in another scam and fraud worth crores so that their 100 million generations can live lavishly? What a shame on us that we in the 21 Century elect these people to humiliate and rule us, Just predict the future, We are ruled by these dishonest leader where will we end up the choice is your’s
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Re: Racism & Nepotism Australia

by vinod - Melb, Oz » Tue May 11, 2010 10:24 am

Guys !!

Its a good thread that every one started responding to which shows and tightens the existing Untiy amongst us.

Firstly , its indeed a beautiful Country where we can actually live an easy life. Its never been like this 3 yeras back, i have been living here since 7 years and past 2 years have attracted many people from all over india. This is b coz of the bait "Permanent residency" for diploma courses like Cookery , Multimedia , Printing & Graphics etc.

Many people migrated and all u see is indian students every where , its most obvious that , more the people are , more the interaction with local idiots who are into drugs and stuff... Mostly lebs and Wogs who actually do not tend to work neither with any intentions , while us guys learnt abt them , they have learnt abt us too and knew that we cud be their easy soft targets , as we hols Notebooks , expensive mobiles and so on..

My suggestion to the new comers or those who plan to settle in Oz, its still a good country but think of our own place... India is gonna be the second largest economy in near future.. people like me will be rushing to make life in india then, so decide for u r self what u really need in life and make a wise decision.

Thanks and keep rocking !!!
vinod - Melb, Oz
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Re: Racism & Nepotism Australia

by Raja » Sat Sep 04, 2010 6:43 am

Another Indian from Hyderabad attacked in Melbourne, this time it was late Friday evening when he went for jogging 6 youth came and asked him for money and he gave what ever he had and one amongst them said hey look at me and gave him a blow and then others quickly joined and held his hands and the other started punching and hitting him kicking him, if you though Iraq was a dangerous place think again if you are a Indian the chance of you being beaten in Australia are 9 out of 10 times.
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Re: Racism & Nepotism Australia

by Monica » Sun Sep 05, 2010 9:12 pm

Forget Australia, come to Canada instead ! :D
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Aussie cops joke about Indian death

by Sushma » Sun Oct 10, 2010 7:23 am

Just imagine the fate of Indians, when the Cops themselves are Racist

THE Indian Foreign Office has summoned the Australian high commissioner to India, Peter Varghese, to express India's anger at racist emails circulated by Victorian police officers and to demand more action to ensure the safety of Indians in Australia.

The email scandal has dealt a fresh blow to relations between New Delhi and Canberra, damaged last year by attacks on Indian students.

Top Indian diplomats told Mr Varghese that ''such an entrenched bias among sections of law enforcers towards the Indian community is a matter of serious concern''.
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The Indian government was reacting to emails by two Victorian police officers showing video footage of a man being electrocuted and suggesting it could be a way to "fix" Melbourne's Indian student problem. An External Affair Ministry statement said: "Such behaviour and attitudes had no place in any society.''
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Re: Racism & Nepotism Australia

by Laxman » Thu Oct 21, 2010 2:18 pm

MELBOURNE: Indian accountancy graduate Nitin Garg , who was killed in Melbourne earlier this year, was threatened and chased on at least two other occasions before his death, a court has been told.

Twenty-one-year-old Garg was stabbed to death as he walked to work in Yarraville in January.

The prosecutor said that one of Garg's workmates had told police about an incident last year in which the student was threatened and pursued by a stranger, the Age reports.

He said that the stranger had gone to the restaurant in April or May 2009 looking for Garg.

Meanwhile, a 16-year-old boy, who has been arrested for Garg's murder, appeared in a Children's Court on Thursday, and was charged with one count of murder.

Homicide Squad detectives had arrested the 16-year-old boy from Yarraville in June.

A 15-year-old boy has also been arrested and produced at a Children's Court for Garg's murder.

Garg was walking through Cruickshank Park, in Melbourne's west, to his place of work at a Yarraville Hungry Jack's outlet soon after 9.30 p.m. on January 2, when he was stabbed.

He staggered to the fast food outlet, at the corner of Somerville and Geelong roads, and died a short time later.

He was not robbed and his belongings were left scattered in the park where he was murdered.

His murder had triggered angry protests in India over the safety of students in Australia.
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Re: Racism & Nepotism Australia

by Santosh » Thu Oct 28, 2010 3:17 pm

MELBOURNE: In another vicious attack against Indians in Australia, a 12-year-old student was bullied and brutally punched in the face and had to undergo a surgery to reconstruct his eye socket.

The boy, who asked not to be named, told The Age' newspaper that two year 8 boys, whom he did not know, came up behind him at lunchtime on October 18 outside the school co-ordinator's office at Carwatha College in Noble Park here.

"For no reason they came behind me with a scarf and were pulling me. When I told them to stop, one of them punched me in the eye," the victim said.

The boy's father said his family has been so traumatised by the bashing that he is considering returning to Goa. The family now felt "scared and insecure in this area and school", he said.

He said his son had to have a titanium plate inserted under his eye and he feared there would be permanent damage.

"I feel he was attacked because he was black, because of his skin colour," his father said.

However, the Carwatha College principal Bronwyn Hamilton said the incident was being probed thoroughly and she was convinced it was a racist attack.

She said, "There has not been any other incidents involving these two particular students."

However, she said the injuries were serious and the school was very concerned.

"The student concerned was suspended and expulsion proceedings have commenced. We have taken immediate action."

A spokesman for the state education minister Brownyn Pike said bullying was common in Victorian schools.

He said all schools were required to have strong anti-bullying strategies in place and the Education Department worked with anti-bullying experts in developing new bullying guidelines.

Meanwhile, an Indian community leader has asked Victorian government to step up security in local schools after the attack.

Leader of Goan Indian community Glen Eira councillor Oscar Lobo urged the John Brumby government to put security guards in schools where bullying had occurred following the last week's incident at Carwatha College.

Over 100 incidents of attacks on Indians, including racial, have come to light since May last year in Australia. 21-year-old student Nitin Garg, who was stabbed to death here, was the first victim of such assaults this year.
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Re: Racism & Nepotism Australia

by Dinesh » Mon Nov 08, 2010 1:49 pm

Canberra: A city-wide crime survey has found that over 55 per cent of Victorians believe that violence was racially motivated in Australia, adding that a series of attacks on Indian students has created diplomatic tensions.

According to The Age, some universities have labelled the assaults a key factor in falling numbers of international students studying in Victoria.

More than 6,500 Victorians responded to the survey, which failed the John Brumby government on law and order just three weeks from the state election.

The survey also found that one in two Melburnians do not feel safe in their street at night, adding that 89 per cent of Victorians feel unsafe on public transport at night.

Asked to score 'state government initiatives to uphold law and order', just over four in 10 of the survey respondents answered 'disappointing' - the lowest rating on the scale, the paper said.

Among the findings, were

50 per cent of Melbornians do not feel safe in their local street at night

89 per cent do not feel safe using public transport at night

88 per cent do not feel safe in the CBD at night

14 per cent have considered moving because of a crime

36 per cent have experienced a crime at home

55 per cent said violence is racially motivated

42 per cent were disappointed with the government''s initiatives on law and order.

Asked whether his government was on top of law and order issues, Brumby said that Labor was turning around alcohol-fuelled violence with extra police and tougher search powers.

"You can employ more police, you can give them tougher powers you can drive crime down," the paper quoted him, as saying yesterday.

But Opposition Leader Ted Baillieu accused the government of playing with Coalition policies on crime, saying violent assaults had increased in recent years, it added.
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Re: Racism & Nepotism Australia

by A Guy » Sat Feb 18, 2012 10:12 pm

I have experienced the same thing while I was in Australia. The Aussies will take timeo to change. Racism n nepotism is in their veins. Lots of Indians have settled there. Nevertheless they are unable to see eye to eye with the Aussies in many things. Yet the lifestyle is excellent, earnings are excellent so why return back Home? My experience in finding a job in australia has been very bad. I am not therefore ever going back there. However I don't discourage others. It's a free world. It's a free society. Live n let live!!!!!
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Re: Racism & Nepotism Australia

by CliveLloyd » Fri Oct 11, 2019 6:31 pm

It has been proven many many times that how deeply the racism rooted in Australia. We have seen this even in the Gentleman game of Cricket. so no need to prove it again. But for the benefit of our country, for economic benefit we should go to Australia, develop business with them and stay in harmony.
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