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Love still remains though relationship ended.

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Love still remains though relationship ended.

by A Father & a Husband. » Sun Dec 19, 2010 12:40 pm

I stay abroad, due to various reasons my first marriage ended because I was arrested with my family (Mother, Father, brother & brother-in-law) against a dowry case. The case registered may have 5% truth and 95% was false, anyway the day I was arrested I released and the same evening our marriage ended up. After doing all this there was no chance for me or my family to accept the lady as my wife or daughter-in-law.

Even if I accepted her I would be zero in the eyes of my family but still I don't want to breakup so I gave her a last chance, I told her to accompany me abroad so that we will have a peaceful life, she was bothered about her government job and moreover she don't want to continue. I am not saying that she was 100% wrong, both were partially wrong.

Now, my son is with my wife, he is about 9 years now, while break-up I signed a contract that there will be no relationship and I will not claim my son. Fine, I will not claim because I agreed the contract but can I meet my son???

I wanted to meet him legally but there are 2 things which stops me, to continue her life my wife has only one ray of hope that is my son and I don't want to disturb her and give her mental torture. I always thought that my approach will disturb her mentally, further they have settled in thier own way so my approch will shake them.

Always I miss my son, though I am married and have 3 kids and still I am staying abroad with my family. I love my first son but cannot understand how he feels about me and what her mother told him about me?? I am not that type who scold wife, during my relationship neither I bet her one time not I said a single bad word. We are from Hyderabad and we know families who do so many things and life goes on.

But my end is very different, I never assumed it so. Parents plays a vital role in preserving the marriages, my father in law underestimated me and his over confidence resulted so. I always use to pray for my wife, even today I remember her in my special prayers. She was my first love and I cannot forget her.

Will I be able to meet my son? Will he come back to me or is he willing to meet me? there are 100 of questions coming in my mind.

Please advice, how can I meet my son or shall I just wait till the time comes. I am helpless? How and how and how?
A Father & a Husband.
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Re: Love still remains though relationship ended.

by Rabab » Thu May 19, 2011 8:01 pm

it's very sad to hear these kind of sitautions, I would suggest you to make an effort to meet your son. The worst could happen is they will try to stop him or stop you from meeting with each other. if you are son have any curiosity to know about his father, he will try to meet you if not at least you can tell him one day that you did made an effort to try to contact him. He is your blood and you have all the rights in this world to meet your child! Don't worry about hurting your ex feelings and please forget about her love, you need to realize that you are not being fair with your current wife by having dual feelings. Your Ex has moved on in her life and you should do the same thing!! Good Luck!
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Re: Love still remains though relationship ended.

by A Father & a Husband » Sat May 21, 2011 10:54 am

Thanks for your response, I appreciate your efforts to advise.
A Father & a Husband
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Re: Love still remains though relationship ended.

by Rashmi Karan » Wed Sep 14, 2011 4:57 pm

Whatever happened is really unfortunate, it has been a long time, and since you are married and have three kids, it is always good to stay wholeheartedly with your current family. You have not mentioned if your first wife has remarried, if so, then it will be tough for her to arrange a meeting between you and your son. It’s completely her decision if she allows you to meet the child or not. Things turn better with talks, and if you are having a very soft corner for your child then try to convince your first wife and meet your child for once. Although it is tough on your part to forget your blood and your first wife, still try to do so, and stay happy in your life wherever you are, and think about your current family for whom you are everything!
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Re: Love still remains though relationship ended.

by mmaariiinaa » Thu Nov 10, 2011 2:47 pm

yeah this happens many time, there are many people that broke up or take divorce but love is still in there heart. if you really in to her then go and tell her that you still love her. really bad thing happened but forget all that.

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Re: Love still remains though relationship ended.

by Beautiful Stranger » Thu Nov 24, 2011 7:40 am

I'm really sorry to read about the unforunate circumstances that led to you losing touch with your son. Now, you said that you signed a contract with your ex-wife, was it a legal document or something she wrote up to simply erase you and your existence from their lives? I don't know about the divorce laws in India, but you are his father, so you definitely have the right to meet and be with your son.

I would definitely advise you to consult wih a divorce lawyer and see what options you have. And I'm sure you have plenty.
You have long since remarried and have 3 other children, but a father has a very important and vital role in his childs life. Dont deny yourselves this special and blessed bond.

Good luck always.
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Re: Love still remains though relationship ended.

by ihanna » Sat Jun 02, 2012 3:27 pm

i think time heals what reasons can't. just give it a time and everything the problems will have it's own solution.

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Re: Love still remains though relationship ended.

by amjadkhan0988 » Mon Sep 03, 2012 11:55 am

hmmmm...i think love end with the relationship. 8)
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Re: Love still remains though relationship ended.

by Prasad » Tue Aug 13, 2013 1:53 pm

i am not experienced person to advise you. Just I am 22yr old, and I am trying to learn what is life.
Just I want to give an idea for you to meet your son. "first you may set a person to make friendship with your son and his family, You may meet your son with the help of that person you adjusted."
I think this is simple and it may take some time. But you may better results.
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Re: Love still remains though relationship ended.

by itnasasta » Thu Feb 12, 2015 10:22 am

if you really in to her then go and tell her that you still love her. really bad thing happened but forget all that.

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