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by Aishwarya » Wed Oct 16, 2002 11:24 pm

A fourteen year old lad called Albert, clumsy in appearance, used to regularly fail in physics and math at school and was declared unfit in the realm of science by his teachers. Roughly sixteen years later he sent shock waves along the entire science community by proposing a concept called the “Theory of Relativity”, and he was proclaimed a genius. A short, stout, ill-kept, fifteen-year-old Indian called Ramanujam failed to get his formal education, but with his obsession for Mathematics, recreated in two years, an entire two hundred years of European mathematics. He was called a genius.<br><br>
People, what is this quality that lifts a certain individual like Einstein or Ramanujam skyscrapers high above the rest of us?<br><br>
What is genius?<br><br>
This question has always fascinated mankind. In fact, after Einstein’s death scientists put his brain in a preservative for twenty-five years to find out what made his brain so special. So, is the term genius confined only to great intelligence? Shankuntala Devi, a human computer who can perform great mathematical calculations in a jiffy, is called a prodigy (but not a genius), because she may be an amazing calculator but is not a creator of amazing concepts. If being prodigious was being genius, that would God’s injustice to other men by bestowing gifts to only certain people.<br><br>
Geniuses are skilled, but more than the skill, they have the passion - a passion for the work, for the job, on hand, so intense that no force on earth can stop it. They dare to question, they are courageous. People like Galileo were ready to lay down their lives to stick to their idea. They realized that there’s no particular virtue in doing things the way they have been done before. And it is this realization which is given the term creativity. They were creative; they lay stress on individuality because they felt that individuality was the essence of mankind.<br><br>
It wasn’t said for nothing by Leonardo da Vinci, the greatest genius ever, that “it\'s 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration“. Geniuses inspire millions of people. And what do they inspire?<br><br>
That success cannot be achieved without perspiration, without toil, without sweat. Geniuses love problems, they love failures. They feel that leading a life without any difficulties is like having a chocolate without chewing it. We get the fill but not the taste. Geniuses taste life, friends, unlike us who are merely content with having the fill.<br><br>Geniuses tend to see things with the wandering vision of a child than with the tired eyes of an adult. They can see the particular in the general, which is the foundation of a GENIUS. They can penetrate into reality and present it in a totally new fashion. Newton could find a new uniformity of nature from old observations. Shakespeare could wring new meanings from old ones; Mozart could express new moods from old notes.<br><br>But the key characteristic of a genius is his concentration. Look at this guy who carries the hope of a billion people, a guy who knows he has to perform for his team to win. Suddenly he gets the shock that his father, a most dear one, has passed away. There could be no greater loss, there\'s nothing more untimely than that, and he goes back to his country and attends the funeral. And before even the tears have dried up, he decides to come back and join the team, and not only plays, but hits a swashbuckling century with shots straight from the manual, lifts his bat and dedicates his century to his father. After the match is over he goes back to his hotel room and cries all the night. This also my message to all the anti-Tendulkar guys - if this is not genius, what else is? This guy could marshall of his conscious and unconscious energies for a single purpose, stay focused in spite of all the hype and all the trauma and still deliver the goods.<br><br> Geniuses are not eccentric, they are not people totally different, and they don’t speak a different language. In fact, the best point about geniuses is that they are marvellously human. They speak to us only with their deeds - with their ideas, but also for us. They have a vision and inspire us to have one. Subconsciously, humankind has always benefited from their steps. Let me remind you of the experiment being conducted on Einstein\'s brain. After 25 years scientists concluded that it was no different from anybody else\'s brain and dumped it. Nature can never be so prejudiced, friends, to gift someone with a greater brain. Genius just stands for the glorification of the human qualities of will power, of dedication, of diligence. <br><br>
Genius is us, maybe a little magnified. In genius we see something of our own selves - a thousand percent brighter, wiser and more creative than we are - but us nonetheless.
Perhaps it was God’s way of saying, \"My son, in your pursuit for perfection, you need somebody among you as a role model, a guiding force - get inspired by him, and don\'t give up the pursuit. Then you will not only be glorifying me, you creator, but will soon be at par with that guiding force you call a genius.\"


by Neeraj » Thu Oct 17, 2002 11:23 am

Aiswaria you are indeed a real Genius!!!!!!!!!!


by popesmokesdope » Thu Oct 17, 2002 11:51 am

i hate to troll on ur stuff about geniuses....but i guess it was thomas alva edison who said .. \"it is 99% persipiration and 1% genius\".


by popesmokesdope » Thu Oct 17, 2002 11:53 am

it was also said by some geek-boy that \"suck-cess is 99% failure\" ..... i have been trying so hard ever since i read that quote...and failed to be a failure!!!


by Ajay » Fri Oct 18, 2002 5:08 am

Its really impressive!!!....


by poiuy » Fri Oct 18, 2002 12:45 pm

i really like ur replies popes... haffun bud..


by vivek of themavericks.remember! » Fri Oct 18, 2002 4:47 pm

Hey, I read a similar one in one of the OUCE\'s mags by someone with the same name...! I\'m quite sure it\'s the same person!
vivek of themavericks.remember!


by vivek of themavericks..remember! » Fri Oct 18, 2002 5:07 pm

I guess you have confused your self with a genius and what others call as \" gifted\". Shakuntala Devi is gifted in some sort, it\'s the way she was born and her abilities are actually a function of her mental framework and NOT as she perceives. Geniuses are simple and humble people, who have an uncanny ability to observe what others ignore. Whatever they observe is what everyone can, but there usually is a \" mental block\" that puts the haze between the event and the observer. I don`t wanna repeat the Newton-apple example but that still remains as the best to differentiate a commoner and a genius. 99% perspiration and 1% inpiration is all right, but it\'s out and out observation, and to develop an ability to see what others miss out. So I guess all of those who outperform others given the same conditions are geniuses. They have OBSERVED the growth opportunities which others have ignored. Some growth opportunities bring you fame, and those geniuses become famous. Some of them are names you have mentioned.
vivek of themavericks..remember!


by Aishwarya » Sat Oct 19, 2002 12:47 pm

Vivek, I did mention the difference between a prodigy and a genius in a very clear way by giving an example... I don\'t think you got what I intended to say...


by vivek of themavericks...remember!! » Sat Oct 19, 2002 1:02 pm

Yes you did, but the fact which I stressed upon was the ability to observe mundane events in a deeper prespective. It\'s the perception towards an event that makes the difference. For instance, a popular toothpaste company was suffering losses because the end users (consumers) did not replenish the stocks before the end of the month(30days), and hence the sales and strategy team leader suggested an increase in the diameter of the toothpaste outlet. Hence, a family of four would exhaust the toothpaste in 23 days. That made the families buy two units of the products. Loyal customers did that and sales grew by 31% in just one quarter. Now, this person is a genius. One need not have an ability to figure out 999X999 through mind power, because some other genius who knew such calculations would be needed made this calculator!! The point is what I made earlier. Hence, I would say Dell is a genius, Jack Welch is, Moor is, Dhirubhai Ambani is, Bill Gates is not.
vivek of themavericks...remember!!


by popesmokesdope » Sat Oct 19, 2002 10:07 pm

thanks bro. \\ / peace to all.


by lucifer-in-disguise » Mon Oct 21, 2002 2:19 pm

vivek, i believe there is definitely a lot of difference between a genius and somebody who is smart, street smart, bla bla... my observation rather is that Dell and Jack Welch in particular were just smart people who made money quickly, {in fact, you can equate Jack Welch to Harshad Mehta in some terms}... now Bill Gates, i call him a visionary, if not a genius... put simply, a genius is one who displays extraordinary capabilities in his profession or field... say sachin, or schumacher. these guys are not just street smart, i call them geniuses.


by Aishwarya » Mon Oct 21, 2002 8:14 pm

You are right LID - in fact I did mention tendulkar in my article, but it got truncated. Geniuses are the people who have the wandering eyes of the child and not the tired eyes of an adult... They see the particular in general and evolve new concepts out of them... people could be very good at improvising concepts existing already, but to come up with something new, something radically different, is called innovation, and geniuses are innovative. now when we look at sachin tendulkar, i can only think of that match... he just lost his father. the tears haven\'t dried yet, but he comes back and hits a swashbuckling centruy, raises his bat and dedicates it to his father, comes back and cries... he could marshall both his conscious and subconscious energies for one goal in spite of all the trauma and hype and still deliver goods. If this is not genius, then what else is?


by vivek of themavericks...remember!! » Tue Oct 22, 2002 11:28 am

Dude, it all comes back to one aspect - observation. I shall take one point of yours at a time. Who is a visionary? Someone who fundamentaly starts by observing. Sets a vision, sets his long and short term strategies in place and then works about achieving them. Anyone doing these things is smart. My point goes a bit further - to be a genius, one has to be a visionary, and should also develop an ability to observe what others don\'t (this what i mentioned). For e. g. - Harshad Mehta was in some sense a genius and so was Ketan Parekh. But not Sanjeev Agrawaal (Home Trade Scam). All these guys were big bulls in the equities. How? Harshad and Ketan had indentified the loop holes in trading (arbitrage) - Parekh for instance knew that if he remained bullish in ICE and media stocks, he could turn the market around and even bleed it while he made money even u can\'t think of. He acquited media (Zee Tele) at the cost of hammering others. Why was there no Parekh before? Harshad and Parekh both injured the market enough for people to remember in way that required more than guts - a sense of deep observation and the right path to take. They made the regulatory bodies like SEBI sit up and frame rules!! One person shakes the whole capital markets overnight, giving thousands sleepless nights while he sits on a pile of cash. Who else can this guy be other than a genius? Comparing Jack and Harshad is not fair! Look, being a genius does not really mean that success should strike, it\'s more a function of how you carry out your processes. Innovation does come here. Dell, think this. This guy cuts his cost by 43% and gives you a truck load features in a laptop for a lakh rupees. Compaq and HP after merger are still not able to cut through Dell\'s sales. During recession times, Dell\'s was one of the stable scrips even when IBM and Microsoft fell. Why is there only one Dell? Why are even the imitators like Compaq suffering losses? \'Cos he is a genius man.<br>If you do something and people start to imitate you, then you do still better. You are now a genius, cause only you know what\'s creating the difference. I always believe in this quote \"IF YOU THINK EVERYTHING IS ALRIGHT... MAY BE YOU ARE TOO SLOW!\"<br>Child\'s eyes man\'s tired eyes are nice to hear, but unless there is some pressure from deep within genius would remain elusive.
vivek of themavericks...remember!!


by ram » Wed Oct 23, 2002 1:44 pm

poora phaltu discussion


by lucifer-in-disguise » Wed Oct 23, 2002 2:43 pm

hi vivek, when you talk about companies like dell, microsoft, IBM etc., you are forgetting that these companies are run by groups of successful people, basically a team n some 1000s of other people. if certain things don\'t go well, and even if there are 100s of geniuses in these companies, the company would just go to dogs... hence let\'s not talk about the companies when talking about individuals... and dell a genius? buddy, when different companies are selling a similar product, what differentiates one company from the other is obviously not the presence of a genius in one company, there are a lot of other things to it... and your second point regarding jack welch and harshad mehta, in what way were their genius or extra talent useful for themselves or to the society??? dont you think enron and worldtel drew their inspiration from what jack welch had done earlier??? harshad mehta resorted to bribing the officials, and jack welch acquired a lot of new firms by artificially inflating his stock value, just as what worldtel was doing some time ago... i appreciate ur know-how vivek, but please do observe a difference between a succesful guy and genius is what all i say...


by lucifer-in-disguise » Wed Oct 23, 2002 2:59 pm

n further to my write up, i would like to add that not all the geniuses were/are succesful financially, yet they were/are regarded n will be in the future as geniuses. I need not give you examples on this, u urself know the history n you will agree on this point.


by lucifer-in-disguise » Wed Oct 23, 2002 3:14 pm

kyaa baath bola ram mamu, ou potti pataaneka mazaa aisi discussiono mein kahaan?


by vivek of themavericks..remember!! » Wed Oct 23, 2002 4:50 pm

Thanks man for the compli... I do have some validation to do here. Let me get back home for that... nice to discuss stuff with you... But why do u remain in disguise?
vivek of themavericks..remember!!


by genius » Wed Oct 23, 2002 9:30 pm

Hi Vivek, I think as per you even Harshad Mehta was a genius and u gave reasons such as \"Harshad and Ketan had indentified the loop holes in trading (arbitrage)\". If v go by the same logic then we have to call all IIM/IITians also as geniuses simply bcoz they solve problems that many others find difficult.
And what Harshad Mehta did was the same thing - he solved a problem of \"making money using the existing system\".
The similarity in both cases is that a set of principles/theorems/laws (for IITians) or a system (Harshad) which is known to everyone exists, but only these ppl could use that properly and \"solve\" the problem.
These ppl are, as someone said, smart/clever ppl, but definitely not geniuses... According to me the ones who invent these theorems or create the systems are geniuses... smart ppl like Harshad \"understand\" well (as u said, with good observation) what a genius creates and make best use of it... in a nutshell, a genius \"invents\", but a clever guy \"discovers\".


by vivek of themavericks...remember!! » Thu Oct 24, 2002 7:59 pm

Well Mr Genius!,i guess you need a bit of a correction .Not all IIT and IIM guys are good.A good majority are junk(i have seen it myself)who have managed somehow in.The fact it the top 10% earns the name which these institutes currently enjoy.but Lucifer had a valid point which i wanted to \'validate further\'.All those 1000 people whom you have mentioned Mr lucifer,have been employed to grow the \"idea\" that was from a single person.Where from those 1000s of people originate had it not been for Micheal Dell?.A genius(since we are on it!) here would notonly work towards searching for resources(HR ,Finance et al) to materialise his ideas,but also chartout plans for growth.All those 1000 people you mentioned are working towards growth.I actually wanted to take this discussion a bit further.I feel genious has a decent blend of Idea>Innovation>Resouce requirement>sustainability>guts.Success need to be the end to any genious.I state again- its the approach that matters,this is where guts come.Harshad had this element in abundance,many know his tricks now.But he tought of it first,why?think about it.Enron and Worldtel,are not be mentioned here .Worldtel did accounting scam..! they did not follow the US - Generally applicable accounting practices(GAAP) and put it in glass box and wanted to hide it!hence stock valuation looked a bit inflated because of the window dressing the guys did for the financial statements.Look everyone company does it some dumb guys get caught thats it,thats is different story altogether.If you do something really new out of the very ordinary,something which observers would say to them selves \" S%&* why did\'t it strike me!\",it remains non-replicatable..boy you become one heck of a genious.
vivek of themavericks...remember!!


by neethika » Thu Oct 24, 2002 10:07 pm

Hi Vivek, I have been reading your boards since a long time and also your replies to other boards. Clearly, you have a deeper sense of understanding of things around you and perhaps everything that happens around you has been intriguing and motivating you. What I want to say here is that you must try to simplify a little more while giving your replies. The two boards that you have now are extremly informative, but none of us I am sure is able to find replies good enough or of the level expected there. The reason that I have written this stuff here is that your perception of a genius is, as I said, deeper and may I also say, one-tracked. What I feel is that a genius is all that you mentioned but also the capability to relate to common people, those with a lower IQ. Unless what a genius does becomes comprehendable to common man, how will one know whether he is a genious or not? I am right, I guess. All your stuff about Worldcom, Harshad Mehta sounds amusing, but does the common man know what he did? You know what he did, maybe because you understand, but what about some commoner? Can he? If not, then how can he evaluate whether what Harshad Mehta did was worth being called a mark of a genius - or for that matter Dell? I guess you have to boil down to a more basic level to understand about things like these. Please try, it should not be tough for you! Also, keep going with your TOP 10 LISTINGS, it\'s very interesting.


by hiall » Thu Oct 24, 2002 11:10 pm

Mr. Vivek... may I know how old u r...?


by lucifer-in-disguise » Fri Oct 25, 2002 7:47 am

Vivek, you are clearly confused between a genius and succesful guy is all that I can say. Read Business @ Speed Of Thought, you will clearly understand that the topmost people managing the company at times fail miserably in identifying opportunities, while somebody down at the bottom recognizes and rallies across his cause, and in the end the company succedes... hmmm Dell , MS... are a group dear, not a one man or a genius\'s show...


by vivek of themavericks remember!! » Fri Oct 25, 2002 11:03 am

yup, u are right buddy LID, what you said happened for IBM, someone within IBM from down helped a giant like IBM realise that they are not keeping up in time! See, this can go on for a while. I heard a term called \"corporate complacency\", which meant something on your line. guys who achieve fail to see newer opportunities.
vivek of themavericks remember!!


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